NSString basics clarification [duplicate] - iphone

This question already has answers here:
Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
NSString retain Count
I am the beginner for iPhone programming. I am dealing with NSString. I got a doubt explained below.
#implementation Sample;
NSString *str;
str = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:#"Hello"];
// Why retain count is some random value? (Eg.2147234)
NSLog(#"retain count of string %d",[str retainCount]);
[str release];
// Why the value for "str" getting printed here,
// though its released in viewDidLoad?
NSLog(#"string is %#",str);

Don't look at retainCount. It'll confuse you, and it doesn't help.
Constant strings are built right into the code -- they're never allocated or released. It's fine for you to retain and release them as you would any other object, but don't expect a constant string to be deallocated at any point.

In objective-c, an init method doesn't necessarily return the same object created using alloc. It may release self and then return another object.
In the case of initWithString there's a good chance it returns the #"Hello" constant string object, instead of initialising a new string, since it's faster and has no negative side effects (both strings are immutable).
As #Caleb said, normal memory management rules don't apply to constant strings. You can't release it, it will always be there.
But all of this is undocumented behaviour and subject to change. You can't depend on it, and the code you've posted is buggy, after releasing something you shouldn't ever try to access it.
Instead you should follow standard practices, which says you should always release an object and set any pointers to it to nil when you're done with it. If you had set str to nil after releasing it, you would be seeing the expected behaviour.
Or even better, just turn ARC on, and forget about all these things.


ARC forbids autorelease?

New to ios and trying to return an NSString from an function. As I understand, I need to [NSString... alloc] init] in order to create the string for return. Also, since I called alloc, I guess I have to autorelease the object myself however I'm getting the message "ARC forbids explicit message send of 'autorelease'" so.. how do I tell ios when I'm done with that allocated NSString?
- (NSString *) generateUID
char foo[32];
// create buffer of all capital psuedo-random letters
for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(foo); i++)
foo[i] = (random() % 25) + 65; // 0-25 + CAPITAL_A
NSString *uid = [[NSString alloc] initWithBytes:foo length:sizeof(foo) encoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding];
NSLog (#"uid: %#", uid);
return (uid);
ARC = automatic reference counting = the compiler adds the necessary releases and autorelases based on its analysis of your code. You don't see this of course because it happens behind the scenes. As mentioned by sosbom in his comment, you really should read the applicable documentation on the Apple website.
You don't.
autorelease is just there for compatibilities sake, prior to iOS 5, you'd have to do:
Thing *myThing = [[Thing alloc] init]; // Retain count: 1
[myArray addObject:myThing]; // Retain count: 2
[myThing release]; // Retain count: 1
With the above code, the responsability of holding the object is given to the array, when the array gets deleted, it will release its objects.
Or in the case of autorelease.
- (MyThing*)myMethod
return [[[MyThing alloc] init] autorelease];
Then it would release the object once it gets to a NSAutoReleasePool and get removed once drained.
ARC takes care of that now, it pretty much inserts the missing pieces for you, so you don't have to worry about it, and the beauty of it, is that you get the advantages of reference counting (vs garbage collector), at the cost of an increased compile-time checking to do the ARC step, but your end users don't care about compile-time.
Add to that, that you now have strong and weak (vs their non-ARC siblings retain and assign, the later one still useful for non-retained things), and you get a nice programming experience without tracing the code with your eyes and counting the retain count on your left hand.
Short answer is you don't! ARC will handle the memory management for you.
When ARC is turned on, the compiler will insert the appropriate memory management statements such as retain and release messages.
It is best to use ARC as the compiler has a better idea of an object's life cycle and is less prone to human error.
One other important thing to note about ARC. ARC is not the same as traditional garbage collection. There is no separate process or thread running in the background, like java's GC, which deletes objects when there is no longer a reference to them. One could view ARC as compile time garbage collection :).
The only other thing to be aware of is reference cycles and bridging pointers/objects between Objective-C and Obj-C++/C. You might want to look-up http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weak_reference
Hope this helps
In general, you should define a constructor method in your class and put the alloc logic in that method. Then, it is much harder to make a type casting error as the alloc/init approach always return (id) and it is not very type safe. This what built-in classes like NSString do, like [NSString stringWithString:#"foo"], for example. Here is a nice little block you can use to write code that works both with older non-arc compilation and with arc enabled.
+ (AVOfflineComposition*) aVOfflineComposition
AVOfflineComposition *obj = [[AVOfflineComposition alloc] init];
#if __has_feature(objc_arc)
return obj;
return [obj autorelease];
#endif // objc_arc
You then declare the method and create an instance of the object like so:
AVOfflineComposition *obj = [AVOfflineComposition aVOfflineComposition];
Using the above approach is best, as it is type safe and the same code with with arc vs non-arc. The compiler will complain if you attempt to assign the returned object to a variable of another type.

Difference between these two NSString methods

So I just got asked this at an interview today and after some googling am still unable to figure out the answer (in fact I couldn't even find any code at all which used the [NSString string] method).
What is the difference between
NSString *someString = [NSString string];
NSString *someString = [[NSString alloc] init];
Now my initial thoughts were that [NSString string] would return an object which would be autoreleased whereas using alloc and init would return an object which has been retained. However it seems that this answer was incorrect.
I've looked at the NSString class reference in the apple docs but all it says is
Returns an empty string.
+ (id)string
Return Value
An empty string.
Could somebody explain to me exactly what the difference between these two are?
Was that your response, and did you ask why your answer was incorrect? I ask because your assumption is mostly correct (at a higher level).
It's not exactly 'retained' when returned from alloc+init, it is an object you hold one reference to, and should balance with a release or autorelease. For the convenience constructor (+[NSString string]), you are returned an object which you hold zero references to, but one which you can expect to live until the current autorelease pool is popped unless you send it an explicit retain (assuming MRC or ARC, since it is tagged iOS).
At the lower level, you could make some guesses, but I wouldn't expect that question in many objc interviews (unless you told them you were mid or senior level). Basically, it is implementation defined, but both forms could return the same static, constant NSString (that may have been what the interviewer was looking for). To illustrate:
#implementation NSString
static NSString * const EmptyNSString = #"";
- (id)init
self = [super init];
[self release];
return EmptyNSString;
+ (id)string
return EmptyNSString;
Again, that's implementation defined, but an obvious optimization. As well, that optimization makes physically subclassing concrete immutable types (NSString) difficult for mutable variants (NSMutableString) in some cases.
Now my initial thoughts were that [NSString string] would return an object which would be autoreleased
Technically, it’s a placeholder string that is constant, i.e., it lives throughout the entire program execution, never being released. It’s not an autoreleased string. Conceptually, and this is what I’d focus as an interviewer, it’s a string (an empty string) that is not owned by the caller, hence the caller shouldn’t release it.
whereas using alloc and init would return an object which has been retained
Technically, it’s a placeholder string that is constant, i.e., it lives throughout the entire program execution. In fact, it’s the same object as the one above, and it is not retained. Conceptually, and this is what I’d focus as an interviewer, it’s a string (an empty string) that is owned by the caller, hence the caller is responsible for releasing it when it’s not needed any longer.
The correct answer is that
NSString *someString = [NSString string];
gives you an empty string that you do not own and that you must not release (according to the memory management rules)
NSString *someString = [[NSString alloc] init];
gives you an empty string you do own and that you must release (according to the memory management rules).
Without poking into the implementation, you can't say anything else about those two strings. You can't say that they are autoreleased, because they might not be and you can't say what the retain count will be.
In actual fact, you'll probably get (in both cases) the same pointer to a constant object of some NSString subclass, probably with a retain count of UINT_MAX which is used by the run time as a flag to disable normal retain release behaviour for constant strings. I haven't actually tried the above because nobody except the maintainers of the Objective-C SDK needs to care.
You don't often see
NSString *someString = [NSString string];
because it's the same as
NSString *someString = #"";
which is shorter. It's usually used to create an empty NSMutableString
NSMutableString* s = [NSMutableString string];
The only thing I can imagine is that:
Won't allocate memory since it is not made with alloc. It is a constant (an empty string) made by the system and doesn't need to be released.
You allocate the memory for the NSString yourself which means you have to keep track if the NSString still 'lives' or not when you are done with it, and thus need to release it.

ObjctiveC yet another retain-copy-release error [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Objective C alloc/release error
When I try the code below it crashes with BAD_ACCESS if I release newString. What am I missing here?
As far as I know, when I use "copy" as an accessor I got the ownership of the object, so even should I release the other referencing pointer, retain count should still stay 1+, so that object should still be in memory?
P.S. This is a singleton class if it makes a difference.
.h file
NSString *originalString;
#property (nonatomic,copy) NSString *originalString;
.m file
#synthesize originalString;
NSString *newString = [[NSString alloc] init...];
self.originalString = newString;
[newString release]; //this lines makes it crash
I've also tried
self.originalString = [newString copy];
with no luck..
Have you tried using retain instead of copy?
I'm not really sure whether or not this would actually work if copying doesn't, but using retain instead of copy should cause the reference count to the string to increment by 1 when assigned to the property, bringing it up to 2 from the 1 it was when the string was alloced, so when you use [newString release]; on the line after the property assignment, the string should end up with reference count 1 and thus continue to exist.
[newString relase]; //this lines makes it crash
relase probably isn't the name of a method. Did you mean release?
Assuming the above was just a typographical error in your question, and not an error in your code, then your code is correct, and you'll need to provide more information about the error. Pasting the actual code of the method in question would be helpful in that case.
this code looks correct, are you sure the crash isn't somewhere else?
EDIT: as noted in the comments, NSString being immutable won't cause the copy to allocate a new object. I've edited the answer for the mutable case, just in case someone stumbles into this later and doesn't read the whole thing.
Now back with our regular programming.
Don't know if this might be the problem, but note that, if you were using a mutable object like NSMutableString, with copy you would not increment the retain count, you would effectively create a new object, so what would happen:
NSMutableString* newString = [[NSMutableString alloc] init..]; // allocate a new mutable string
self.originalString=newString; // this will create yet another string object
// so at this point you have 2 string objects.
[newString relase]; //this will in fact dealloc the first object
// so now you have a new object stored in originalString, but the object pointed
// to by newString is no longer in memory.
// if you try to use newString here instead of self.originalString,
// it can indeed crash.
// after you release something, it's a good idea to set it to nil to
// avoid that kind of thing
newString = nil;
Have you tried just adding autorelease to your *newString init? Then just take out the manual release all together.
NSString *newString = [[NSString alloc] init...] autorelease];
You may consider to migrate your codes to Xcode 4.1 with ARC, then you would not need to worry about retain and release of objects.

A Simple Objective C xcode Memory Management Question

In the code below, will tapsLable.text be deallocated when tapsMessage is released or does the assignment operator somehow increment the retain count so that tapsLabel.text continues to be available?
NSString *tapsMessage = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:#"%d taps detected", numTaps];
tapsLabel.text = tapsMessage; // tapsLabel is a UILabel object
[tapsMessage release];
Here's a tip
You can write the retainCounter for the object then you see what it is before and after the assignment.
e.g. NSLog( #"%d", [tapsMessage retainCount] );
That way you can answer such questions in the future by just writing out the retainCount as it always depends on how the property is declared.
tabsLabel.text is a property on tapsLabel. I think it's a string property that does [target copy] on assignment. Nevermind the details, yes, the assignment operator either increments the retain count or copies the value, so you can release tapsMessage and it is still available in tapsLabel.text.
Read more about properties here.
EDIT: looked up UILabel in the header, yes, it does a copy for the text property.
#property(nonatomic,copy) NSString *text; // default is nil
EDIT: to expand on the important question in the comment
How does anyone know when to release and when not to if you have to look at the implementation details of every object you assign something to?
You just follow the memory management rules. The point of the refcounted environment is exactly that there is some "loose coupling" going on between the objects in terms of memory management. As long as you retain and release properly, it is not your concern whether someone else also retains and releases these same objects, as long as all involved parties have their retains/releases matched.
In the first line, you have allocated and initialised an NSString. You own this object according to the memory management rules, which means you are responsible for releasing it.
In the second line, you are assigning the tapsMessage string the text property. This property (assuming tapsLabel is a UILabel) is declared with the copy attribute. For immutable strings (NSStrings), asking for a copy simply increments the retain count, since there is no need to make an actual duplicate of the data (the data can never change). Since UILabel has made a copy of the string, it has claimed ownership as well (objects can have more than one owner).
In the third line, you relinquish your ownership but the string still has one owner (the label), so the object is not deallocated.
It will not be deallocated.

Why should a self-implemented getter retain and autorelease the returned object?

- (NSString*) title {
return [[title retain] autorelease];
The setter actually retained it already, right? and actually nobody should bypass the Setter... so I wonder why the getter not just returns the object? It's actually retained already. Or would this just be needed in case that in the mean time another objects gets passed to the setter?
From here http://www.macosxguru.net/article.php?story=20030713184140267
- (id)getMyInstance
return myInstanceVar ;
- (id)getMyInstance
return [[myInstanceVar retain] autorelease] ;
What's the difference ?
The second one allows the caller to get an instance variable of a container object, dispose of the container and continue to play with the instance variable until the next release of the current autoreleased pool, without being hurt by the release of the instance variable indirectly generated by the release of its container:
aLocalVar = [aContainer getAnInstanceVar] ;
[aContainer release];
If the "get" is implemented in the first form, you should write:
aLocalVar = [[aContainer getAnInstanceVar] retain];
[aContainer release];
[aLovalVar release];
The first form is a little bit more efficent in term of code execution speed.
However, if you are writing frameworks to be used by others, maybe the second version should be recommanded: it makes life a little bit easier to people using your framework: they don't have to think too much about what they are doing…;)
If you choose the first style version, state it clearly in your documentation… Whatever way you will be choosing, remember that changing from version 1 to version 2 is save for client code, when going back from version 2 to version 1 will break existing client code…
It's not just for cases where someone releases the container, since in that case it's more obvious that they should retain the object themselves. Consider this code:
NSString* newValue = #"new";
NSString* oldValue = [foo someStringValue];
[foo setSomeStringValue:newValue];
// Go on to do something with oldValue
This looks reasonable, but if neither the setter nor the getter uses autorelease the "Go on to do something" part will likely crash, because oldValue has now been deallocated (assuming nobody else had retained it). You usually want to use Technique 1 or Technique 2 from Apple's accessor method examples so code like the above will work as most people will expect.
Compare this code
return [[title retain] release]; // releases immediately
with this
return [[title retain] autorelease]; // releases at end of current run loop (or if autorelease pool is drained earlier)
The second one guarantees that a client will have a non-dealloced object to work with.
This can be useful in a situation like this (client code):
NSString *thing = [obj title];
[obj setTitle:nil]; // here you could hit retainCount 0!
NSLog(#"Length %d", [thing length]); // here thing might be dealloced already!
The retain (and use of autorelease instead of release) in your title method prevents this code from blowing up. The autoreleased object will not have its release method called until AFTER the current call stack is done executing (end of the current run loop). This gives all client code in the call stack a chance to use this object without worrying about it getting dealloc'ed.
The Important Thing To Remember: This ain't Java, Ruby or PHP. Just because you have a reference to an object in yer [sic] variable does NOT ensure that you won't get it dealloc'ed from under you. You have to retain it, but then you'd have to remember to release it. Autorelease lets you avoid this. You should always use autorelease unless you're dealing with properties or loops with many iterations (and probably not even then unless a problem occurs).
I haven't seen this pattern before, but it seems fairly pointless to me. I guess the intent is to keep the returned value safe if the client code calls "release" on the parent object. It doesn't really hurt anything, but I doubt that situation comes up all that often in well-designed libraries.
Ah, ok. from the documentation smorgan linked to, it seems this is now one of the methods that Apple is currently recommending that people use. I think I still prefer the old-school version:
- (NSString *) value
return myValue;
- (void) setValue: (NSString *) newValue
if (newValue != myValue)
[myValue autorelease]; // actually, I nearly always use 'release' here
myValue = [newValue retain];