Puzzle -- exposing a public sub-member of private member with custom type - scala

I would like to do something like this (example is simplified, but contains all the crucial pieces):
class Master
type DataType = Int
var counter : DataType = 0
class Slave(private val master : Master)
val counter = master.counter // (*)
And here (*) I get error:
private value master escapes its defining scope as part of type
val counter = master.counter
I understand the error, but I don't understand the reason - the type is part of the class Master, not the object master, so it is important if the class is private, not an object. Well, at least in theory.
It is easy to make a quick workaround:
val counter : Master#DataType = master.counter
But I believe this is an explicit version of the exactly same code as before, it "only" takes more typing. Is this a feature then?
Can a type (here DataType) be dependent of the object, and not the class (i.e. type definition per instance of the class) in Scala?

You are wrong when you think
this is an explicit version of the exactly same code as before
Master#DataType and master.DataType are two different types.
master.DataType is the type of those DataType instances which have master as outer object. In other words, precisely what you ask, but obviously then master is part of the type, and the type can't be exposed if master isn't.
Master#DataType is the type of any DataType instance for any outer object (equivalent to Master.DataType in Java).
Type members can be overridden in a subclass (including an anonymous subclass containing only one object), but only by a compatible type. And in your example DataType is already concrete in Master, so the only compatible class with it is itself. So something like
val a = new Master {
override type DataType = String
won't typecheck, which makes sense: you'd get var counter: String = 0, which is nonsense. But
val a = new Master {
override type DataType = Int
will work (but isn't too useful).
So it only ever makes sense to override abstract type members. But they are type-checked in the same way as inner classes, so a.DataType is not generally considered the same as b.DataType -- even if they can't actually be different!


Scala, why do I not need to import deduced types

I feel like I should preface this with the fact that I'm building my projects with sbt.
My problem is that, if at compile time a method returns something of an unimported type, in the file where I call the method, as long as I use type inference, everything compiles. Once I try to assign the unimported type to the var/val which I created with the return value of my function, I get a compiler error.
Lets say I have two classes in two package. Class App in package main and class Imported in package libraries. Lets further more say that we have a class ImportedFactory in the package main and that this class has a method for creating objects of the type Imported.
This code compiles just fine:
class App() {
// method return object of type Imported
val imp = ImportedFactory.createImportedObject()
This doesn't:
class App() {
// method return object of type Imported
val imp : Imported = ImportedFactory.createImportedObject()
This yet again does:
import libraries.Imported
class App() {
// method return object of type Imported
val imp : Imported = ImportedFactory.createImportedObject()
This seems like rather strange behavior. Is this normal for languages with type inference at compile time and I've yet to notice it until now in go/C++ due to my ignorance ?
Does one of the two valid approaches (import&explicit type vs infered) have advantages/drawback over the other ? (expect for, of course, one being more explicit and verbose and the other one being shorter)
Is this black magic or does the Scala compiler accomplish these deductions in a rather straight forward way ?
The only thing importing does is making a not fully qualified name available in the current scope. You could just as well write this:
class App() {
val imp: libraries.Imported = ImportedFactory.createImportedObject()
The reason you import libraries.Imported is for making the shorter name Imported available for you to write. If you let the compiler infer the type, you don't mention the type in your code, so you don't have to import its shorter name.
And by the way: this has nothing to do with dynamic casting in C++. The only mechanism at work in your code is type inference.
note: You'll get better search results with the term type inference
With val imp = ImportedFactory.createImportedObject() you are letting the compiler figure out what type imp should be based on type inference. Whatever type createImportObject returns, that's what type imp is.
With val imp : Imported = ImportedFactory.createImportedObject() you are explicitly stating that imp is an Imported. But the compiler doesn't know what you mean by that unless you... import... it.
Both approaches have merit:
inferred types
Inferred types are great for when you're throwing together code where the type should be obvious:
val i = 1 // obviously `i` is an int
val j = i + 10 // obviously still an int
It's also great for local vars/vals where the type would be too much of a pain to write
val myFoo: FancyAbstractThing[TypeParam, AnotherTypeParam[OhNoMoreTypeParams]] = ...
// vs
val myFoo = FancyThingFactory.makeANewOne()
The downside is that if you have allowed a public def/val to have an inferred type, it can be more difficult to determine how to use that method. For this reason, omitting type annotations is typically only used for simple constants, and in local vals/vars that "client code" doesn't have to look at.
explicit types
When you do want to write library-ish code (i.e. public vals/defs), the convention is to explicitly-type them.
Probably the simplest reason for this is because this:
def myLibraryMethod = {
// super complicated implementation
is harder to understand than
def myLibraryMethod: String = {
// super complicated implementation
Another benefit to explicitly-typing your code is when you want to expose a less-specific type than what the value actually is:
val invalidNumbers: Set[Int] = TreeSet(4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42)
In this example, you don't want client code to need to care that your invalidNumbers is actually a TreeSet. That's an implementation detail. In this case you're hiding some information that, while true, would be distracting.

Scala inheritance with a abstract class

I am new to scala, just doing some practice;
I tried a very simple program, briefed as following:
abstract class Device(val cds: Array[Char]) {
var codes = Array[Char](cds: _*)
def encrpt(code: Char): Char
var nextDevice: Device
def setNext(next: Device):Unit = {
nextDevice = next
//compiler error shows here
class Input(codes: Array[Char]) extends Device(codes) {
override def encrpt(code: Char) = code
you could see there is a compiler error at line 21, following is the message:
class Input needs to be abstract, since variable nextDevice in class Device of type com.me.acm.problem1009.Device is not
defined (Note that variables need to be initialized to be defined)
I am pretty confusing that error, my understanding, define some variable and an setter method in the parent class, so the child classes can use it without define it again. it is straight forward.
I guess I missed something. Could someone explain it to me and tell what is the correct way? thanks.
In Scala, variables do not have assumed default values as they do in Java (or many other languages). Thus, when you declare a variable, you must always specify its initial value.
In your code, you declare a variable nextDevice, but you do not give it a value. Since Scala always needs a value, it interprets what you've written as nextDevice being an abstract field, so the compiler is telling you that it must be overridden.
If you change that line to the following, for example, to specify an initial value, then the error will disappear:
var nextDevice: Device = new Input(Array())
As the error message is telling you, the variable nextDevice needs to be initialized in the constructor on Input.
class Input(codes: Array[Char]) extends Device(codes) {
override def encrpt(code: Char) = code
nextDevice = null
Note that using null is frowned upon in Scala. You should probably change the type of your variable to Option[Device]

Scala class members and constructor parameters name clash

Consider the following class written in Java:
class NonNegativeDouble {
private final double value;
public NonNegativeDouble(double value) {
this.value = Math.abs(value);
public double getValue() { return value; }
It defines a final field called value that is initialized in the constructor, by taking its parameter called alike and applying a function to it.
I want to write something similar to it in Scala. At first, I tried:
class NonNegativeDouble(value: Double) {
def value = Math.abs(value)
But the compiler complains: error: overloaded method value needs result type
Obviously the compiler thinks that the expression value inside the expression Math.abs(value) refers to the method being defined. Therefore, the method being defined is recursive, so I need to state its return type. So, the code I wrote does not do what I expected it to do: I wanted value inside Math.abs(value) to refer to the constructor parameter value, and not to the method being defined. It is as if the compiler implicitly added a this. to Math.abs(this.value).
Adding val or var (or private ... variants) to the constructor parameter doesn't seem to help.
So, my question is: can I define a property with the same name as a constructor parameter, but maybe a different value? If so, how? If not, why?
No, you can't. In Scala, constructor parameters are properties, so it makes no sense to redefine them.
The solution, naturally, is to use another name:
class NonNegativeDouble(initValue: Double) {
val value = Math.abs(initValue)
Used like this, initValue won't be part of the instances created. However, if you use it in a def or a pattern matching declaration, then it becomes a part of every instance of the class.
#Daniel C. Sobral
class NonNegativeDouble(initValue: Double) {
val value = Math.abs(initValue)
your code is right, but "constructor parameters are properties",this is not true.
A post from the official site said,
A parameter such as class Foo(x : Int) is turned into a field if it is
referenced in one or more methods
And Martin's reply confirms its truth:
That's all true, but it should be treated as an implementation
technique. That's why the spec is silent about it.
So normally, we can still treat primary constructor parameters as normal method parameter, but when the parameters is referenced by any of the methods, the compiler will cleverly turn it into a private field.
If any formal parameter preceded by the val, the compiler generates an getter definition automatically.if var, generates a setter additionally. see the language speification section 5.3.
That's all about primary constructor parameters.
You can consider parametric field
class NonNegativeDouble(val value: Double, private val name: String ){
if (value < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("value cannot be negative")
override def toString =
"NonNegativeDouble(value = %s, name = %s)" format (value, name)
val tom = "Tom"
val k = -2.3
val a = new NonNegativeDouble(k.abs, tom)
a: NonNegativeDouble = NonNegativeDouble(value = 2.3, name = Tom)
res13: Double = 2.3
<console>:12: error: value name in class NonNegativeDouble cannot be accessed in NonNegativeDouble
val b = new NonNegativeDouble(k, tom)
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: value cannot be negative
It's defines fields and parameters with the same names "value", "name".
You can add modifiers such as private ...
In the case of case classes it should be:
case class NonNegativeDouble(private val initValue: Double) {
val value = Math.abs(initValue)
def copy(value: Double = this.value) = NonNegativeDouble(value)
The implementation of copy is required to prevent the sintesized version of the compiler that will bind the initValue argument.
I expect that the compiler is smart enough to not retain the «extra space» for the initValue. I haven't verified this behaviour.

Scala type alias including companion object [beginner]

I'd like to write a type alias to shorten, nice and encapsulated Scala code.
Suppose I got some collection which has the property of being a list of maps, the value of which are tuples.
My type would write something like List[Map[Int, (String, String)]], or anything more generic as my application allows it. I could imagine having a supertype asking for a Seq[MapLike[Int, Any]] or whatever floats my boat, with concrete subclasses being more specific.
I'd then want to write an alias for this long type.
class ConcreteClass {
type DataType = List[Map[Int, (String, String)]]
I would then happily use ConcreteClass#DataType everywhere I can take one, and use it.
Now suppose I add a function
def foo(a : DataType) { ... }
And I want to call it from outside with an empty list.
I can call foo(List()), but when I want to change my underlying type to be another type of Seq, I'll have to come back and change this code too. Besides, it's not very explicit this empty list is intended as a DataType. And the companion object does not have the associated List methods, so I can't call DataType(), or DataType.empty. It's gonna be even more annoying when I need non-empty lists since I'll have to write out a significant part of this long type.
Is there any way I can ask Scala to understand my type as the same thing, including companion object with its creator methods, in the interest of shortening code and blackboxing it ?
Or, any reason why I should not be doing this in the first place ?
The answer was actually quite simple:
class ConcreteClass {
type DataType = List[String]
object ConcreteClass {
val DataType = List
val d = ConcreteClass.DataType.empty
This enables my code to call ConcreteClass.DataType to construct lists with all the methods in List and little effort.
Thanks a lot to Oleg for the insight. His answer is also best in case you want not to delegate to List any call to ConcreteClass.DataType, but control precisely what you want to allow callers to do.
What about this?
class ConcreteClass {
type DataType = List[String]
object DataType {
def apply(): ConcreteClass#DataType = Nil
val a = DataType()

Is there a way to control which implicit conversion will be the default used?

Suppose I have this:
class String2(val x:String) {
def *(times:Int) : String = {
val builder = new StringBuilder()
for( i <- 0 until times) {
now if I add this implicit:
implicit def gimmeString2(y:String) = new String2(y)
I will get a compilation error because stringWrapper also adds this implicit. Is there a way of saying to the compiler "ignore other implicits, use this", so that I don't have to instantiate a String2 object and work on that?
I admit the example code may not be the most appropriate ( for this question ), but I think it will do.
Scala 2.8 added a prioritization system for implicits. It's explained in this SIP on the new Java arrays:
When comparing two different applicable alternatives of an overloaded method or of an implicit, each method gets one point for having more specific arguments, and another point for being defined in a proper subclass. An alternative “wins” over another if it gets a greater number of points in these two comparisons
concluding that if alternatives have identical argument types, the one which is defined in a subclass
wins. Hence I believe that you could declare implicits as follows:
trait LowPriorityImplicits {
//lower priority conversions
object HighPriorityImplicits extends LowPriorityImplicits {
//higher-order ones here