Plug-in types key value (UUID) - plugins

what is plugin-in types key value in plist file of plugin. it is another UUID or related to UUID used in plug-in factory interfaces key or item 0 value? or its default value?

The documentation says:
Used for static registration. Its value should be a dictionary whose keys are type UUIDs and whose values are arrays of factory UUIDs.
So yes, each value in the types dictionary should be an array of UUIDs that are keys in the factory interfaces dictionary.


Can I store documents and key-value pairs in the same DynamoDB instance?

This is probably an obvious question, but I'm not seeing it in Amazon's documentation.
Can I store documents and key-value pairs in the same DynamoDB instance? Or can an instance only have one type?
I also don't see how to specify the object type when writing an item.
The wording is confusing. The primary keys do need to be one Data type.
DynamoDB supports many different data types for attributes within a
table. They can be categorized as follows:
Scalar Types – A scalar type can represent exactly one value. The scalar types are number, string, binary, Boolean, and null.
Document Types – A document type can represent a complex structure with nested attributes—such as you would find in a JSON document. The
document types are list and map.
Set Types – A set type can represent multiple scalar values. The set types are string set, number set, and binary set.
When you create a table or a secondary index, you must specify the
names and data types of each primary key attribute (partition key and
sort key). Furthermore, each primary key attribute must be defined as
type string, number, or binary.
DynamoDB is a NoSQL database and is schemaless. This means that, other
than the primary key attributes, you don't have to define any
attributes or data types when you create tables. By comparison,
relational databases require you to define the names and data types of
each column when you create a table.

composite primary key with realm 1.0.1 on swift

Lastest Realm Swift 1.0.1
I do follow this
composite primary key realm/swift
It's shows error following
How to i can write with Swift?
You will need to drop the lazy specifier from the variable declaration as how the error messages states such properties are not supported. You don't want to ignore the property as you want to use it as a primary key.
Beside that I would recommend to separate your integer components within your compound key. (e.g. "\(id)|\(tourId)") Otherwise you can end up having different objects with the same conflicting primary key. e.g. You could have objects with compoundKey="123" for the combination id=1 tourId=23, but also for id=12 tourId=3.

are not-Long primary keys possible?

Is it possible to define not-Long primary key?
Motivation: I have a set of XML files to convert to rdb. String attributes are used as unique keys.
Not possible.
From docs:
What should you do when you need to specify the id yourself?
Nothing. You shouldn’t do that. The id property is supposed to be generated and managed by db only. If you need to specify some external unique identifier, like, for instance, Amazon’s ASIN, just add an appropriate field to your entity and specify it as unique on SORM instantiation.

iOS Add object in key on NSMutableDictionary (not so simple as that)

How do I add more then one object for the same key? is that possible?
For example, I need to have a dictionary like this:
object:textField.text for key #"Permanent key"
I need to always add objects to that permanent key depending on how many times the user types something on the textfield.
So my dictionary would have lots of entries for the key "permanent key".
This is not possible, keys have to be unique for each value in the dictionary.
If what you need is several objects like this, why not just make an NSMutableArray or NSMutableSet of them? Or have your object be itself an NSMutableArray and you assign it to that key and simply add to this NSMutableArray the new values that are required.
You can Use an NSMutableArray as object, in which you put the objects you want to assign to that unique key.
If you were able to add (say) object A and object B for the same key; Which object would you get when you retrieve with that key? A or B?
Keys must be unique by definition; They are like the numerical indices of an array, but instead of consecutive numbers, they can be arbitrary strings.
As others pointed out, you want to store an array of objects for that key, instead of a single object.

How should i add Object in NSDictionary for the same key at runtime?

I am trying to add value as array in NSDctionary for the same key, i don't how should i add like that, what i mean in PHP, we have add multi dimension array at runtime like fetching the value form DB like for the same key, we need to add into NSDictonary?
If you have multiple objects associated with a single dictionary key, then you can store those objects in an NSArray, then add an NSArray instance for each key: