How to sign all the msi file which are under folder? - powershell

I am using signtool to sign my msi.
How to recursively search all the msi in a folder and subfolder then sign them all?

The previous 2 answers show a PowerShell solution.
You can accomplish this easily enough from a CMD.EXE Command Prompt as well.
for /r "yourRootFolder" %F in (*.msi) do signtool sign /a "%F"
Obviously you need to modify your signtool options to suit your needs. The important bit is %F will iteretively hold the name of each .MSI file.
If you want to run the command from within a batch file, then the % must be doubled, so %F becomes %%F in both places.

Here's an example using a code signing certificate (I have only one certificate in $cert):
$cert = Get-ChildItem -Path Cert: -CodeSigningCert -Recurse
Get-ChildItem -Path C:\MsiFolder -Filter *.msi -Recurse | Set-AuthenticodeSignature -Certificate $cert

Assuming you know what command line parameters you need for the MSI signing tool are you can get all MSIs under a given folder like this:
Get-ChildItem -recurse -path C:\MsiFolder -Include *.msi | ForEach-Object {
$msiPath = $_.FullName
$output = & the_msi_sign_tool.exe -msifile $msiPath -parameterB -parameterC 2>&1
if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
Write-Error $output

Only one password prompt!
$signExe = 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.1\bin\x64\signtool.exe'
$files = gci 'C:\Temp\*' -Include *.msi | %{('"{0}"' -f $_.FullName)}
$fingerprint = '00000000000000000000000000000000000000000'
$timestampUrl = ''
$filesInputArg = $files -join " "
.$signExe sign /tr $timestampUrl /td SHA256 /sha1 $fingerprint $filesInputArg


GPG - Can't Find File Specified Error Even Though File is There

I have a PowerShell script where I'm assigning two files to a variable, using that variable in the Get-ChildItem cmdlet with the -Include parameters. I assign the result of Get-ChildItem to a variable and then write the contents of the variable to the logs. The files are clearly in the list, but when I use GPG to encrypt, it's saying the file cannot be found.
File filter variable:
$FileFilter = 'status_*.csv','financial_transactions_*.csv'
Writing getting the files and writing the result out:
$allfiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $Source -Include $FileFilter -Recurse
Write-Host $allfiles
Result in the logs:
Full code to encrypt the file:
Get-ChildItem -Path $Source -Include $FileFilter -Recurse | ForEach-Object -Verbose {
$FileFullPath = $_.FullName
Write-Host "Encrypting" $FileFullPath
$NewEncryptFile = $_.FullName + '.PGP'
Write-Host "New file name is "$NewEncryptFile"."
Write-Host "In test. Using GnuPG."
Write-Host $NewEncryptFile
Write-Host $FileFullPath
Start-Process -filepath $GPGExePath -RedirectStandardError "E:\Scripts\error.txt" -Wait -ArgumentList "--batch --yes --output $NewEncryptFile --encrypt --recipient $GPGUser $FileFullPath"
I write out the path to the CSV file and the path where the encrypted file needs to go, which is the same location. I have physically gone to the location of the CSV files and it is there., I get the error "Error: This command cannot be run due to the error: The system cannot find the file specified."
When I assign one file to the $FileFilter variable, the GPG code works.

Use Invoke-Item calling .exe with variable folder path and passing /qn argument

I struggling to find whats wrong with my code.
Im trying to uninstall an app on several Windows 10 clients, where the path to the .exe is different on any machine. I use Get-ChildItem to get that specific folder. Now im trying to execute that path with the .exe at the end and add a /qn trigger to silently deinstall.
However, i always get back errors regarding the Invoke-Item function.
Here is my script:
First im trying to find the variable foldername inside the app folder:
$path_to_exe = Get-ChildItem -Path "C:\Program Files\ApplicationName" -Include "installer.exe" -Recurse |
Where-Object { $_.FullName -match '\{(.*)\}' }
Which gives me the path as a Get-ChildItem response.
Now i convert the path given from Get-ChildItem to a "Normal" Path
$path_to_exe = Convert-Path $Path_to_exe.PSPath
Now i try to call the path i found with the /qn trigger to silently deinstall.
"`"$path_to_exe`"" + " /qn" | Invoke-Item
Im 100% sure that my approach is a beginner tier one.
If anyone has a better idea, please educate me.
Thanks :)
The manufacturer states i should use the following:
Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{1D9F5D88-12AA-427F-8A33-DED71D60E4D9} - MsiExec.exe /X{1D9F5D88-12AA-427F-8A33-DED71D60E4D9}
Does anybody have an idea how i can extract that guid from the Get-ChildItem registry query?
get-package "*applicationname*" | uninstall-package
I finally figured it out! As i knew, i had the wrong approach. I was making it way to complicated trying to parse the EXE file to a seperate powershell instance and adding arguments.
I rewrote my whole code using the msiexec function.
So first i needed to find out the GUID of the app using the Get-ChildItem function.
$Path_to_GUID = Get-ChildItem -Path HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall, HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall |
Get-ItemProperty |
Where-Object {$_.DisplayName -match "Application Name" } |
Select-Object -Property DisplayName, UninstallString
Now i had the desired path of that Get-ChildItem object, with the .UninstallString property.
Since i only want the GUID itself, i used the Split-Path function to separate the path by the folder name/GUID which in the beginning somewhat looked like this:
So using the Split-Path function i first only cut the -Parent part.
$Path_to_GUID = Split-Path -Path $Path_to_GUID.UninstallString -Parent
Which gave me the path like this, without the installer.exe at the end:
So now i only want the part of the path with the curly braces using the -Leaf argument:
$Path_to_GUID = Split-Path $Path_to_GUID -Leaf
Which gave me the desired string:
Now i just had to uninstall using msiexec and adding the silent parameter:
msiexec /x $Path_to_GUID /qn
Here's the full code (Powershell):
$Path_to_GUID = Get-ChildItem -Path HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall, HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall |
Get-ItemProperty |
Where-Object {$_.DisplayName -match "Application Name" } |
Select-Object -Property DisplayName, UninstallString
$Path_to_GUID = Split-Path -Path $Path_to_GUID.UninstallString -Parent
$Path_to_GUID = Split-Path $Path_to_GUID -Leaf
msiexec /x $Path_to_GUID /qn

Windows PowerShell is in NonInteractive mode. Read and Prompt functionality is not available

I am new to the power shell scripting. I am trying to delete all files except one folder and one file. I run this script by using jenkins it showing error called " Windows PowerShell is in NonInteractive mode. Read and Prompt functionality is not available." And i am trying to run this script in powershell window but it asking Confirmation [Y/N]. I need to run this script by using jenkins please help me.
$Path = "C:\TeamCity\buildAgent2\work"
$exclude = #("*.old", "*")
Get-ChildItem $Path -Exclude $exclude | Remove-Item -Force -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop| echo Y
You need to add the Recurse parameter to the remove command.
Like that:
Remove-Item -Recurse -Force
guiwhatsthat is correct your code should like this;
$Path = "C:\TeamCity\buildAgent2\work"
$exclude = #("*.old", "*")
Get-ChildItem $Path -Exclude $exclude | Remove-Item -Recurse -Force -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop

How can I loop through specific file names with the Compress-Archive command in Windows PowerShell?

I am not too familiar with Windows PowerShell (and Windows console commands in general), but I wish to write a batch file which can create sperated .zip archives from specific files in a folder, then delete all but the .zip files. So, I have a folder as "C:\myfolder\" and some files in it like:
... and so on.
I want a create a .zip for every myfileXXXX.a + myfileXXXX.b + myfileXXXX.c package and name the .zips as the file names (for example would contain myfile0001.a + myfile0001.b + myfile0001.c).
I know that I can use this code to create each .zip archive one-by-one:
powershell -Command "& {Compress-Archive -Path C:\myfolder\myfile0001.* -CompressionLevel Optimal -DestinationPath C:\myfolder\}"
And this code working fine to delete all but the .zip archives
powershell -Command "& {Remove-Item C:\myfolder\*.* -Exclude *.zip}"
What I cannot solve is to create a for cycle which can loop through all myfileXXXX.* and create a using the XXXX as the increasing value.
In PowerShell, you could do:
Get-ChildItem -Path 'C:\myfolder' -File | Where-Object { $_.BaseName -match 'myfile\d{4}' } | Group-Object BaseName | ForEach-Object {
$target = Join-Path -Path ($_.Group[0].DirectoryName) -ChildPath ('{0}.zip' -f $_.Group[0].BaseName)
$_.Group | Compress-Archive -CompressionLevel Optimal -DestinationPath $target
$_.Group | Remove-Item -Force
Writing it as commandline gets a little ugly, but here you go:
powershell -Command "& {Get-ChildItem -Path 'C:\myfolder' -File | Where-Object { $_.BaseName -match 'myfile\d{4}' } | Group-Object BaseName | ForEach-Object { $target = Join-Path -Path ($_.Group[0].DirectoryName) -ChildPath ('{0}.zip' -f $_.Group[0].BaseName); $_.Group | Compress-Archive -CompressionLevel Optimal -DestinationPath $target; $_.Group | Remove-Item -Force}}"
I cannot still test this as I am not on a windows host now, but something like this. It needs to be saved as a .cmd or .bat file:
#echo off
for %%i in (C:\myfolder\*) do (
powershell -Command "& {Compress-Archive -Path C:\myfolder\%%~ni.* -CompressionLevel Optimal -DestinationPath C:\myfolder\}"
How's this? (Just use powershell) Zip files based on the basename. .zip automatically gets added to the archive filename.
powershell "ls | foreach { compress-archive $_ $_.basename -update -verbose }"
VERBOSE: The archive file path 'C:\users\js\foo\file1' supplied to the DestinationPath patameter does not include .zip extension. Hence .zip is
appended to the supplied DestinationPath path and the archive file would be created at 'C:\users\js\foo\'.
VERBOSE: Preparing to compress...
VERBOSE: Performing the operation "Compress-Archive" on target "C:\users\js\foo\file1.1".
VERBOSE: Adding 'C:\users\js\foo\file1.1'.
VERBOSE: The archive file path 'C:\users\js\foo\file1' supplied to the DestinationPath patameter does not include .zip extension. Hence .zip is
appended to the supplied DestinationPath path and the archive file would be created at 'C:\users\js\foo\'.
VERBOSE: Preparing to compress...
VERBOSE: Performing the operation "Compress-Archive" on target "C:\users\js\foo\file1.2".
VERBOSE: Adding 'C:\users\js\foo\file1.2'.
VERBOSE: The archive file path 'C:\users\js\foo\file1' supplied to the DestinationPath patameter does not include .zip extension. Hence .zip is
appended to the supplied DestinationPath path and the archive file would be created at 'C:\users\js\foo\'.
VERBOSE: Preparing to compress...
VERBOSE: Performing the operation "Compress-Archive" on target "C:\users\js\foo\file1.3".
VERBOSE: Adding 'C:\users\js\foo\file1.3'.

powershell script to archive files in many subfolders

i am trying to write down a script which can help me to archive multiple files in multiple subdirs. Also i need to exclude specific files.
So far i got that few lines script
$files = Get-ChildItem -Recurse -path "D:\path\to\folder" -Exclude *i.jpeg |
Where-Object { $_.FullName -notmatch '\\excludedir($|\\)' }
foreach ($file in $files)
C:\Program Files\7-zip\7z.exe" a -t7z -mx=9 -ms=on $file
Basically its searches recursively all subfolders for .jpeg files and gives me the list of them excluding the ones that ends with 'i'.jpeg lets say 'photoi.jpeg'.
This is working, but i cannot make it to the next step as i need to run 7zip for all listed files.
Can someone help me out here.
Thanks in advance :)
Not sure if you are trying save one big zip lots of individual ones, however I do something like this:
Set-Alias sz "C:\Program Files\7-zip\7z.exe"
$files = Get-ChildItem -Recurse -path "D:\path\to\folder" -Exclude *i.jpeg |
Where-Object { $_.FullName -notmatch '\\excludedir($|\\)' }
foreach ($file in $files)
$output = sz a -t7z -mx=9 -ms=on "$File" 2>&1
You might have to modify the zipping line has I have tested it using your command line options. Another nice touch is that I have captured the output of the command for reporting purposes.
You need to pass filenames, not objects, to 7z command.
#listfile syntax can help:
Get-ChildItem ...| Where-Object ...| select -expand fullname| out-file alist.txt -encoding utf8
'C:\Program Files\7-zip\7z.exe' a archive.7z -mx=9 -ms=on `#alist.txt
Remove-item .\alist.txt
note the backtick before #