How to specify a List<MyCustomType> as a "Return Type" for a UML Interface Property - visio

In my Visio 2007 UML document I am unable to figure out how I can add an operation to an Interface that returns a generic List<MyCustomType> type.
For example:
Say I have a class named "MyClass" and an Interface named "IFace". IFace has a signature of a method that returns a Generic List of MyClass.
For clarity, here's an example of the C# code:
namespace StackO
public interface IFace
List<MyClass> SomeMethod(string data);
public class MyClass
Here's a screenshot of where I'm stuck:
It seems as though the only way to specify a List<MyClass> as my Return Type is to create another user-defined datatype that is explicitly written as List<MyClass>. If this is the case, so be it. However, I'm posting this in hopes that there is a better/proper way to do this.
How can I define the Return Type of an Operation of a Visio Interface to be a Generic List of a User-Defined Datatype?

In the Class diagram properties > Go to operations > select the return type you are interested in changing and click properties.
In the next dialog you will have option for setting prefix List< and suffix >.
This way you can specify the return type as List<>.
I see this option in Visio 2010. But I am not sure if this option is available in Visio 2007.

There is no such a thing as T1<T2> in UML class diagrams.
If you want to specify that the method returns several values, the correct notation is:
SomeMethod(data: String) : MyClass [*]
This notation is much more powerful than the one used by C#. List<MyClass> SomeMethod(string data) gives no information about the contract of the method. With UML, you know that in:
SomeMethod(data: String) : MyClass [*]
SomethingElse() : String [1..*]
LastExample(number: UnlimitedNatural) : Integer [0..1]
SomeMethod returns a sequence containing zero or more elements. SomethingElse returns a sequence of one or several elements: this sequence is never empty. Finally, LastExample returns an optional value. This could be expressed in C# as int? LastExample(uint number) — see, no IEnumerable here.
Also note that:
SomeMethod(data: String) : MyClass [0..*]
shouldn't be used, since [*] means the same thing and is shorter. As for:
SomeMethod(data: String) : MyClass [0..n]
is incorrect, despite being used a lot on the internet.


Can powershell call subclasses from external C# dll

I have some simple code from:
which generates a dll to do some simple math. I wanted to add a subclass
namespace MathFunctions
public class Add : MultiClass
public static int MultiplyAndAdd(int a, int b, int c)
return (a * b) + c;
Then call it from powershell.
Running powershell against the master classes returns data back without an issue
[MathFunctions.MultiClass]::Multiply(10, 2)
returns 20 as expected, but I can't figure the format to access the subclass. I've tried variations on:
[MathFunctions.MultiClass.Add]::MultiplyAndAdd(10, 2, 3)
[MathFunctions.MultiClass+Add]::MultiplyAndAdd(10, 2, 3)
[MathFunctions.MultiClass]:Add:MultiplyAndAdd(10, 2, 3)
[MathFunctions.MultiClass]::Add.MultiplyAndAdd(10, 2, 3)
but I always get variations on
Unable to find type [MathFunctions.MultiClass.Add]
I've also looked for the method in powershell via:
[MathFunctions.MultiClass] | get-member -MemberType method
but my subclass isn't listed.
I know I'm accessing it incorrectly. I can't figure out how to access the subclass from powershell.
I'm fairly sure subclasses can be accessed, as the closest example is:
PowerShell IComparable with subclasses
but I don't see how he aliased it.
Thank you bluuf who pointed me in the right direction.
I ended up using dotPeek to take the dll apart (now it was public [blush]).
Code is as above and the powershell method is just the subclass name:
which gave an answer - not an error
To explain the confusion in more detail:
You mistakenly thought that class-inheritance relationships must be reflected in a given class' full (namespace-qualified) type name, so you thought that because class Add derives from class MultiClass, MultiClass too must be reflected in the full type name.
In reality, a class' derivation is irrelevant with respect to its full name; all that matter is the namespace in which it is placed.
In other words: to form the full type name for any type (class), use <EnclosingNamespace>.<TypeName>[1], which in your case means:
Using that as a PowerShell type literal - [MathFunctions.Add] - allows you to access the static MultiplyAndAdd() method via ::, the static-member access operator, as shown in your own answer.
Also, remember that tab-completion can be helpful here, because it works with type names too; in your case, typing [Add<tab> will expand to [MathFunctions.Add, yielding the full type name.
(If multiple available (public) type names start with Add, you may to have to press the tab key repeatedly to cycle through the matches.)
[1] A variation is required to access a nested class, i.e., a class embedded in another class:
<EnclosingNamespace>.<EnclosingTypeName>+<NestedTypeName>, e.g., if your Add class had a nested class named Inner: MathFunctions.Add+Inner

Establishing inheritance and overriding in OCaml class types

I'm trying to write class types and having an issue expressing what I want.
I have
class type event_emitter = object
method on : string -> unit
and then I want to do this:
class type socket = object
inherit event_emitter
method on : int -> unit
But I get a compiler error about a type signature mismatch between the two. I've also tried using the virtual keyword, doing class type virtual event_emitter = method virtual on : string -> unit but this also doesn't work as I guess these are class type definitions, not implementations anyway.
I really want this method override to work and this seemed straightforward, not sure why its not allowed.
What you are trying to do is overloading, not overriding. You are trying to create a new method in socket with the same name as in event_emitter, but with a different type. Overriding would be creating a new method with the same name and type. This description would hold for other languages like Java and C++, as well. The difference is that I don't believe OCaml allows this kind of overloading – the same as for regular functions.
Note that if you entered the analogous declarations for Java, it would work, but socket would have two on methods, not one. OCaml doesn't allow this.
This doesn't contradict antron's answer, but you can do this:
class type ['a] event_emitter = object
method on : 'a -> unit
class type socket = object
inherit [int] event_emitter

Is IEnumerable<object> the proper container for generic data sets?

Using Entity Framework, is IEnumerable the correct container to use to send back a generic data set? I.e. when I do not want to send back a list of the object, but just a generic a result set.
public IEnumerable<object> SelectPlayerFirstAndLastNameList()
return (from p in rlpEntities.Players select new { p.PlayerFirstName, p.PlayerLastName });
Here is the reference article, which talks about IList(inherits ICollection( and IEnumerable(Base Generic Interface for IQueryable,ICollection,List).
Here are the links which states generics & it's differences & it's usages,
Difference among IEnumerable , IQueryable, ICollection,IList, List
IEnumerable vs. ICollection vs. IQueryable vs. IList
Looking at your linq, it's about specific object & can be extended further in future. IQueryable is right fit for such scenario, as it gives client to iterate/add/remove items.
Check this link out Why use ICollection and not IEnumerable or List<T> on many-many/one-many relationships?.
It really depends on your scenario, but IEnumerable<> would be used when you need to iterate, and List<> when you need to iterate and modify or sort the data.
IEnunerable<> -
List<> -
You can also use generics, to pass on whatever types you are querying against, like for instance
public IEnumerable<T> SelectPlayerFirstAndLastNameList<T>()
return (IEnumerable<T>)(from p in rlpEntities.Players);
So you can pass either object, or a known defined type. To call this you would do
var x = SelectPlayerFirstAndLastNameList<YourClassHere>();
I think what you have is correct but decide for yourself whether you should use it.
From MSDN: Anonymous Types in the Remarks section:
Anonymous types are class types that derive directly from object, and
that cannot be cast to any type except object.
To pass an anonymous type, or a collection that contains anonymous
types, as an argument to a method, you can declare the parameter as
type object. However, doing this defeats the purpose of strong typing.
If you must store query results or pass them outside the method
boundary, consider using an ordinary named struct or class instead of
an anonymous type.

C# allowing dynamic list of Generic Types

Is there a way to allow a user class with generics to be specified dynamically? That is, say I have a class hierarchy like this:
public interface IMyObject { }
Then I have a class like this:
public class MyObject<?> : IMyObject { }
I want to be able to use the object something like this:
MyObject<object> firstOrder;
MyObject<object, object> secondOrder;
MyObject<object, object, object> thirdOrder;
//And so on...
//MyObject<object, object, object> , ..., object> nthOrder;
I know for things like Func<>, Action<> or other delegates, I don't know that I've ever pushed the capacity of what these can do or whether their argument lists can so expansive.
Is there a way to do this in C#?
No, in C# you have to define each permutation separately. If you look at the examples you cited, Action<T> and Func<T>, you'll notice that the .NET framework provides a large number of explicit overloads (Action<T1, T2>, Action<T1, T2, T3>, etc.). But there's no way to make this open-ended; you have to define each one yourself.
No, you cannot have variadic type arguments. It might be cool, but it's not possible with the language as it stands. As for Func and Action, there are manual declarations for each number of type arguments. It's not something special that .NET just for those delegates.

Generic Wrapper Class possible?

On C# 3.0 and .NET 3.5, imagine there's an interface:
public interface INameable
string Name {get;}
and many immutable classes that implement the interface.
I would like to have a single extension method
public static T Rename<T>(this T obj) where T : INameable
that returns a wrapped instance of the original object with just the name changed and all other property reads and method calls routed to the original object.
How to get a generic wrapper class for this, without implementing it for all INameable implementing types? Do you think that's possible?
No, this isn't possible, unless T is constrained to be an interface or to be a class with all members virtual, and this constraint isn't possible to specify at compile time (though you could write a runtime check if you're happy with that approach).
The reason you cannot do it for arbitrary types is that if you take an object of type T then you must return an object that is assignable to T. If I pass an object that looks as follows...
public sealed class SomeClass : INameable
public string Name { get; }
public string Abc { get; }
...then there is no way you can create another type that is assignable to SomeClass. Not using Reflection.Emit or any other method, because the type is sealed.
However, if you're happy with the restrictions that I've mentioned then you could use something like the Castle DynamicProxy framework to create a type that proxies the passed in object and intercepts the calls to either forward or re-implement as appropriate.
Well, yes, it's possible, but it involves generating code in memory.
You can look at Reflection.Emit and here.
Note that it will involve a lot of code.
That is, if I assume I understand you correctly.
Here's what I think you're asking for:
SomeNameableObject a1 = new SomeNameableObject("ThisIsTheFirstName");
SomeNameableObject a2 = a1.Rename("ThisIsTheSecondName");
// a1 works, still has the name ThisIsTheFirstName
// a2 works, but everything is routed to a1,
// except for the name, which is ThisIsTheSecondName
Is that correct?