I have downloaded eclipse.exe.When I click the icon eclipse icon disappears.
the eclipse.ini file
By running the following command on command prompt
eclipse -vm C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_27\jre\bin\javaw.exe
I am getting a error.
java was started but returned exit code=1
I cannot determine what's wrong from the information given, but here are some things to check/try:
If you're running a 64-bit Windows, chances are you have installed a 64bit JDK and try to use it with 32bit Eclipse. If this is the case, you either need to get a 64bit version of Eclipse or install a 32bit JDK and point Eclipse to that (in 64-bit Windows 7, the 32-bit stuff is under "C:\Program Files (x86)").
To get more information what is causing the failure to start, locate the eclipse log -file, it should contain more information about what goes wrong in the start up. I don't remember the precise location, but it could have been something like Eclipse root/configuration/ OR workspace root/.metadata/. You can also start eclipse from command prompt with parameter -consoleLog, in which case the error message should be printed straight out to your command prompt.
You could also try starting Eclipse with parameter -clean, this flushes some configuration stuff and can sometimes help, if Eclipse seems to crash constantly (but usually you get to the workspace before it does).
I am using java 1.6. I have 64 bit W7OS. When I start Eclipse, I receive the exit code=13 error message.
I have seen some solutions for this and I went into the eclipse.ini file and added in the path to java 1.6. This is the .ini file now. I added in the '-vm' and the following line of C:...
C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin\javaw.exe
I understand that the Internet thinks that this has to do with my OS being 64-bit and Eclipse trying to run 32 bit version or something, but I do not understand the solutions given for that. What should I do?
Thank you in advance.
You don't have to reinstall java.
Go to C:\Program Data\Oracle\java and check the path the shortcuts java, javaw and javaws are pointing to.
If the shortcuts are not pointing to the correct 64-bit java path, delete the shortcuts and create new ones with the same name and change the target location of the program to the 64bit java (jdk\bin{java or javaws or javaw}) location.
I had this problem and was generated by the symlinks in C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath the javaw symlink was pointing to the 32bit version.
I removed and created a new javaw symlink whith this command on the command prompt running as admin: mklink \javaw "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_60\bin"
The last arg og the command is where 64bit javaw is placed.
Hope this helps!
I am new to Eclipse using Eclipse Luna on GNU/Linux with
in my 'version.ini' and
in eclipse.ini.
Whenever I want to rename a class and often when I rename a variable, Eclipse crashes/exits instantly and I can find no information in workspace/.metadata/.log as only runs of Eclipse which is closed down properly seem to be logged (The last time stamp appearing in the log will always be older than the start of the crashing run).
Are there other log files I can look for information on what is happening?
In another post with Eclipse crashing under different circumstances, it was suggested to add -clean when starting up Eclipse. This hasn't changed anything for me.
I have
# Problematic frame:
# C [libcairo.so.2+0x68c21] cairo_surface_set_user_data+0x11
in the hs_err_pid file.
I managed to solve this and other Eclipse issues like Bug 401717 simply following this procedure:
Try this, first do:
export SWT_GTK3=0
and then start eclispe.
If it works, a permanent option:
you can add the following lines to eclipse.ini to make it permanent
This will force eclipse to use GTK 2 always
Add those lines before --launcher.appendVmargs.
EDIT: I'm using Crunchbang too.
I just uninstalled all of EGit plugins that I had before. The uninstall went through smoothly and asked me to restart Eclipse at the end but then Eclipse wouldn't start giving me the following error message:
I get that when I try to launch Eclipse from my shortcut on the Start Menu (using Win 7). But when I go to the Eclipse install directory itself and hit eclipse.exe there, I get the following error message:
I did go to see whether there is jvm.dll in the above directory and indeed it is there.
Any idea how to fix it?
UPDATE 1: I reinstalled both Eclipse AND JRE but the problem remains.
UPDATE 2: Here are the contents of my eclipse.ini
JRE & Eclipse should both be the same bit version (32 or 64). Your screenshot suggests you're running the 32-bit version of JRE, but I don't know if that was before or after you re-installed. java -version should help with JRE. Your eclipse.ini file will tell you the Eclipse bit version you're running. For example:
plugins/org.eclipse.enter code hereequinox.launcher.win32.win32.x86_1.0.
You should confirm this and try manually pointing Eclipse to your JRE binary. Here's a Windows example
-vm c:\java\jdk\1.6\bin\javaw.exe
If that works, you just need to update your eclipse.ini with the correct path.
Good luck.
Turned out the Java I had (and the only version I had access to due to the corporate network restrictions) was 1.6 32-bit even though my laptop is 64-bit (why does this work?). When I tried to reinstall Eclipse, I was using the 64-bit version. It worked when I installed the 32-bit version. BTW, the Eclipse version is
Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers epp.package.jee null
I am trying to update my eclipse to work with a jdk and not a jre.
I followed the instruction in this forum , also search google for answers but for some reason it still don't work.
I try'ed going to preferences ->java->install jre's , removing the old jre from there and using the path for the jdk.
also try'ed going to project properties -> java build path -> jre system libraries -> edit-> workspace default jre.it also says there i'm using jdk.
I even try'ed adding to the ini file the next path C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_31\bin\javaw.exe
but when i try'ed deploying my program to app engine i get the next message :
Unable to update app: Cannot get the System Java Compiler. Please use a JDK, not a JRE.
my eclipse version is juno 4.2 and my jdk version is 1.6.0_31
I don't know what else i need to change. I even uninstall my older jre from my computer but eclipse still don't work with the jdk ( although it recognize it )
I'm out of idea's ... anyone could help me please ??
this is my ini file :
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_31\bin
thanks for the help
If you want to change JVM Eclipse itself should run on, the right place for that is eclipse.ini. Here are instructions on how to specify that: eclipse.ini.
Common mistakes are specifying -vm parameter name and the value in one line, or missing '-vm', or misplacing it. Also, pay attention to -vm format on different OSes.
EDIT (after .ini file published): your -vm option comes after -vmargs, which is wrong (both lines are treated as VM args). The correct parameter placement in your .ini file would look like this:
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_31\bin
Below you can find my eclipse ini where I set a dedicated JDK via
-vm C:/Program Files (x86)/Java/jdk1.7.0_10/bin/javaw.exe
Have a look at the section "Specifiying the Java Virtual Machine" in the eclipse help.
Tip: It's generally a good idea to explicitly specify which Java VM to use when running Eclipse. This is achieved with the "-vm" command line argument as illustrated above. If you don't use "-vm", Eclipse will look on the O/S path. When you install other Java-based products, they may change your path and could result in a different Java VM being used when you next launch Eclipse.
C:/Program Files (x86)/Java/jdk1.7.0_10/bin/javaw.exe
None of the other answers worked for me. I eventually just removed the "jre7" directory and, presto-chango, Eclipse started using the JDK that was installed next to it.
I downloaded fresh Eclipse CDT, added a C++ project, and after a few minutes eclipse crashed. It said "javaw.exe returned -1", and Eclipse crashes silently.
The .metadata/.log file sometimes contains nothing, and sometimes contains a few Java exception in the C/C++ indexer which certainly doesn't explain a silent crash.
How can I further debug this phenomena? I've no clue what to look for next.
I'm running the latest stable Eclipse CDT (7.0.1), with Windows 7 64bit, with the latest stable JDK (6u24).
On my machine, Windows 7, I have Eclipse in C:\Users\james\eclipse. In that folder, after crashes, I see error files like "hs_err_pid4308.log" that have lots of useful information.
For my crashes, it lead me to https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=333227 where I found a suggestion to add -XX:-UseCompressedOops to the end of my eclipse.ini file. The ini file for my 64 bit Windows 7 non-crashing Eclipse Helios Service Release 2 Build id: 20110301-1815 with CDT now looks like: