iOS Core Animation Police Light Flashing Light Effect - iphone

EDIT: Per the provided comments, I have specified my question to a more direct implementation and desired solution.
Hello there,
I want a blue light, a red light, and potentially a neutral colored light, all appearing to be spinning in circles (similar to if a police car was nearby, you would see the lights flashing/rotating colors).
Here's a screenshot of the red and blue image views that I'm currently using to try to make the effect.
The following code currently varies each view layer's opacity:
[UIView animateWithDuration:4.5
delay: 1.0
options: UIViewAnimationOptionAllowUserInteraction | UIViewAnimationOptionCurveLinear
[self startRedAnimation];
[self startBlueAnimation];
completion:^(BOOL finished){}];
My animation method looks like the following:
- (void)startRedAnimation
CABasicAnimation *animation = [CABasicAnimation animationWithKeyPath:#"opacity"];
[animation setFromValue:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:0.75]];
[animation setToValue:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:0.1]];
[animation setDuration:0.5f];
[animation setTimingFunction:[CAMediaTimingFunction
[animation setAutoreverses:YES];
[animation setRepeatCount:16];
[[_redLightView layer] addAnimation:animation forKey:#"opacity"];
You can imagine that the blueLightView animation method looks similar.
What I'm looking for is to have the views appear to rotate, IE they are not just flashing their opacity from 0 to 1, but rather altering color and/or rotating around in a circle on the view.
I'd like to use QuartzCore and CoreAnimation frameworks to make this happen, instead of just UIView animations over an array of images.
I'm relatively new to CoreAnimation and have performed similar effects like rotating/pulsing view layers, but I'm just not certain what I could use from the framework that would give me the effect I'm looking for.
Any insight would be greatly appreciated! Thanks Stack Overflow peers!

Try to move the images instead of changing the colors. I could imagine that you could achieve the desired effect by rotating the images around the bottom of the screen back and forth.


Paper 'Unfold' Animation on a UIView

I want to create an 'unfold' animation to a UIView that appears on the screen.
An example of the animation can be viewed in this YouTube video that reviews the SuperList app (Another example of the animation can be viewed in the app's App Store page in the screenshots section).
I have quite good understanding of Core Animation and Objective C, so as with Cocoa and Cocoa Touch. The app will support versions 5.x and 4.x of iOS so, if it is possible, I would prefer a solution that suits both cases.
Moreover, I have googled this question about a thousand times and failed to get any answers, so help will be much appreciated. Thanks ahead, iLyrical.
Apparently, the 'UnCurl' effect is built-in with the framework and is your to use!
All you have to do, is use the animateWithDuration: animation: method of the UIView class and include the animation as follows:
[UIView animateWithDuration:1.0
CATransition *transition = [CATransition animation];
[transition setDelegate:self];
[transition setDuration:0.7];
[transition setTimingFunction:[CAMediaTimingFunction functionWithName:kCAMediaTimingFunctionEaseIn]];
[transition setType:#"pageUnCurl"];
[self.view.layer addAnimation:transition forKey:#"pageUnCurl"];
[self.view addSubview:someView.view];
The note image (white page) in this case has transparent section (all side) and thus when uncurl happens it looks like only the white part is uncurling.

How to show iris(some says shutter) in Camera while capturing image in iPhone?

I have implemented camera in iPhone and taking images and save it in PhotoAlbum.
Now what i want is when i save one image and make button enable for taking second image i want iris to be shown in between.So that it feels excatly like Camera functionality of iPhone.
How i do that please give some suggestion.
Apps like Stachematic and Zombiematic actually got away with using this private API ...
CATransition *animation = [CATransition animation];
[animation setDelegate:self];
[animation setDuration:0.3];
animation.timingFunction = UIViewAnimationCurveEaseInOut;
[animation setType:#"cameraIris"];
[cameraView.layer addAnimation:animation forKey:nil];

Start CATransition at specific location

I have a CATransition (code below) that moves a view down. How can I specify a location for the animation to start, for example 60, 30.
Here's the code I'm currently using:
CATransition *animation = [CATransition animation];
[animation setDuration:0.5];
[animation setType:kCATransitionPush];
[animation setSubtype:kCATransitionFromBottom];
[animation setTimingFunction:[CAMediaTimingFunction functionWithName:kCAMediaTimingFunctionEaseInEaseOut]];
Write your own timing function that does what you want?
EDIT: I was originally suggesting that you subclass CAMediaTimingFunction, but it looks like that might not do the right thing. Instead, try experimenting with setting CATransition.startProgress, though it's a value in [0,1], not a number of pixels (if you're using a linear animation then it should be easy to convert).
I'm still not entirely sure what you mean by "a location for the animation to start", though — transitions apply to the entire view bounds. Normal UIView animations may be more likely to do what you want. If you give more details, it's easier to figure out what the problem you're trying to solve is.

Iphone 3d Animation

I recently posted my problem but neither did I get an answer here or elsewhere, nor can I find my post again...
Anyway, I want to try to state my point clearer, hoping you can help me this time maybe.
The part of code, this is about, looks like this:
CABasicAnimation *animation = nil;
CATransform3D transform;
animation = [CABasicAnimation animationWithKeyPath:#"transform"];
transform = CATransform3DMakeRotation(1.57f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
value = [NSValue valueWithCATransform3D:transform];
[animation setToValue:value];
[animation setAutoreverses:YES];
[animation setDuration:0.5f];
[[shieldView layer] addAnimation:animation forKey:#"180"];
What happens, is that I have a UIImageView with an image in it. I take this View and rotate it around the z-Axis for half a turn (1.57 measured in arc).
Now there is another View overlapping with the one being transformed in 3d. This leads to my problem: As soon as the transformation is executed, the transformed layer is sort of clipped against the overlapping view, but wrong, so that u see a 'flickering' effect to both Views.
Now I don't know, why this happens. I would expect the view to be animated appropriately, without this 'bug', and the Views to be just displayed correctly.... since I do not do anything special.
I have tried to overlay 2D transformations, using the 'beginAnimations' and 'commitAnimations' context, which works fine. This means, the problem is sort of hidden in the 3D rotation of my View.
You guys have any clues on this? I hope I explained that well enough.
If these are two sibling views (subviews of the same superview), their layers can overlap, potentially creating the visual artifacts you see. You should be able to either reposition the views relative to one another in the view hierarchy (make one view a level above or below the other) or directly set the Z position of the view's layer. If you do something like
shieldView.layer.zPosition = 1.0f;
your shieldView's layer should be slightly above the other view's layer (unless I'm remembering the coordinate space wrong and it needs to be -1.0f) and you should be able to avoid the clipping you see now.

iPhone. CATransition fades but I want sliding

CATransition *animation = [CATransition animation];
[animation setDuration:0.5];
[animation setType:kCATransitionPush];
[animation setSubtype:kCATransitionFromBottom];
[animation setTimingFunction:[CAMediaTimingFunction functionWithName:kCAMediaTimingFunctionEaseInEaseOut]];
[animation setDelegate:self];
[[self layer] addAnimation:animation forKey:#"popUpAni"];
The above code (contained within an object of UIView class) fades the view in. I want it to slide in, not fade.
No matter what I try:
[animation setType:kCATransitionMoveIn];
[animation setSubtype:kCATransitionFromTop];
The result remains the same. Am I doing something wrong?
EDIT: Sorry, I had that backwards, I meant to say the curlup animation shows as a fade animation on the simulator...
I know for sure the slide animation, just as you've written it, works on the simulator and of course the device. The code in my project is practically verbatim to yours.
Try changing the key you specify in the addAnimation method from "popUpAni" to something else. If that key is used somewhere else in your project, it may be causing this issue.
Also, have you confirmed you are using the correct version of the CoreAnimation Framework? You should be referencing and the QuartzCore.framework reference should be looking within the iPhoneOS frameworks folder.