How can I resolve this case of 'Useless use of a variable in a void context'? - perl

How can I resolve this case of 'Useless use of a variable in a void context'? (line 17)
sub next {
my $page = shift;
my $next_stage = $page->{tree}->{nextstage};
my $prev_stage = $page->{stage};
print "Moving from: $prev_stage to $next_stage.\n" if ($DEBUG);
if ($next_stage eq "end") {
serialize_grabber_conf_answers($page, $config_file_tmp);
$grabber_initialized = 1;
return FALSE;
unless (defined ($page->{next_page})) {
serialize_grabber_conf_answers($page, $config_file_tmp);
my $next_page = ($page, $config_file_tmp, $next_stage);
$next_page->{stage} = $next_stage;
$page->{next_page} = $next_page;
$next_page->{prev_page} = $page;
return FALSE;

The problematic line is
my $next_page = ($page, $config_file_tmp, $next_stage);
You are assigning to a scalar, so only the last member of the list will be used. The previous members are thrown away - useless use of a variable.


Error in moxiemanager with PHP7

After updating the version from PHP5 to PHP7, an error appears when trying to insert images from the moxiemanager plugin of the tinymce that I have integrated into the project.
just tell me:
Array to string conversion
After a few hours, I could find the error
Specifically in: /home/user/website/admin/js/vendor/tinymce/plugins/moxiemanager/classes/Util/EventDispatcher.php:118
In the method:
public function dispatch($sender, $name, $args) {
$name = strtolower($name);
if (isset($this->observers[$name])) {
$observers = $this->observers[$name];
for ($i = 0, $l = count($observers); $i < $l; $i++) {
$value = $observers[$i][1]->$observers[$i][0]($args);
// Is stopped then break the loop
if ($value === false || $args->isStopped()) {
return $args;
return $args;
you must replace the following line:
$value = $observers[$i][1]->$observers[$i][0]($args);
For this:
$value = $observers[$i][1]->{$observers[$i][0]}($args);
PHP7 uses an abstract syntactic tree when analyzing the source files. Indirect access to variables, properties and methods will now be strictly evaluated from left to right.

PHP preg_replace_callback replace wrong open and end tags

I'm having a problem with my BB-Code function. I've tested followig input to replace:
Testtext! <b>text<u>testtext</u>test</b><b>test</b>
and get this (mixed) output:
Testtext! [b]text[u]testtext[/u]test</b>test<b>test[/b]
my PHP-Code:
function html_to_bbcode($input) {
$regex[] = '#\<b>((?:[^[]|\<(?!/?b>)|(?R))+)\</b>#im';
$regex[] = '#\<i>((?:[^[]|\<(?!/?i>)|(?R))+)\</i>#im';
$regex[] = '#\<u>((?:[^[]|\<(?!/?u>)|(?R))+)\</u>#im';
if (is_array($input)) {
$tag = explode('>', $input[0]);
$tag = str_replace('<', '', $tag[0]);
if ($tag == 'b') {
$input = '[b]'.$input[1].'[/b]';
} else if ($tag == 'i') {
$input = '[i]'.$input[1].'[/i]';
} else if ($tag == 'u') {
$input = '[u]'.$input[1].'[/u]';
return preg_replace_callback($regex, 'html_to_bbcode', $input);
(and some more Tags)
I can't find that bug :( Have anyone an solution for this?

Perl using Win32::PerfLib

I'm trying to understand Win32::PerfLib better, and I mustn't use Win32::PerfMon.
Two example I have questions about:
First example, is the classic from CPAN:
use Win32::PerfLib;
my $server = "";`enter code here`
Win32::PerfLib::GetCounterNames($server, \%counter);
%r_counter = map { $counter{$_} => $_ } keys %counter;
# retrieve the id for process object
$process_obj = $r_counter{Process};
# retrieve the id for the process ID counter
$process_id = $r_counter{'ID Process'};
# create connection to $server
$perflib = new Win32::PerfLib($server);
$proc_ref = {};
# get the performance data for the process object
$perflib->GetObjectList($process_obj, $proc_ref);
$instance_ref = $proc_ref->{Objects}->{$process_obj}->{Instances};
foreach $p (sort keys %{$instance_ref})
$counter_ref = $instance_ref->{$p}->{Counters};
foreach $i (keys %{$counter_ref})
if($counter_ref->{$i}->{CounterNameTitleIndex} == $process_id)
printf( "% 6d %s\n", $counter_ref->{$i}->{Counter},
Could someone explain in depth the 4th line?
I didn't understand why we use $_ for and
what it represents, although I read about it
but in this case I don't know. In addition
what's the $counter{$_} => $_ meaning?
Second question is from this code, which gets the cpu %
from perfmon:
use Win32::PerfLib;
($server) = #ARGV;
# only needed for PrintHash subroutine
#Win32::PerfLib::GetCounterNames($server, \%counter);
$processor = 238;
$proctime = 6;
$perflib = new Win32::PerfLib($server);
$proc_ref0 = {};
$proc_ref1 = {};
$perflib->GetObjectList($processor, $proc_ref0);
sleep 5;
$perflib->GetObjectList($processor, $proc_ref1);
$instance_ref0 = $proc_ref0->{Objects}->{$processor}->{Instances};
$instance_ref1 = $proc_ref1->{Objects}->{$processor}->{Instances};
foreach $p (keys %{$instance_ref0})
$counter_ref0 = $instance_ref0->{$p}->{Counters};
$counter_ref1 = $instance_ref1->{$p}->{Counters};
foreach $i (keys %{$counter_ref0})
next if $instance_ref0->{$p}->{Name} eq "_Total";
if($counter_ref0->{$i}->{CounterNameTitleIndex} == $proctime)
$Numerator0 = $counter_ref0->{$i}->{Counter};
$Denominator0 = $proc_ref0->{PerfTime100nSec};
$Numerator1 = $counter_ref1->{$i}->{Counter};
$Denominator1 = $proc_ref1->{PerfTime100nSec};
$proc_time{$p} = (1- (($Numerator1 - $Numerator0) /
($Denominator1 - $Denominator0 ))) * 100;
printf "Instance $p: %.2f\%\n", $proc_time{$p};
Why does the programmer had to use the method "GetObjectList"
Two times and put the sleep method between them?
And why we can't just take the cpu percent like perfmon shows
and we have to make all those calculations?
Thanks in advance,
Fam Pam.
In this code:
Win32::PerfLib::GetCounterNames($server, \%counter);
%r_counter = map { $counter{$_} => $_ } keys %counter;
You are stroing the perfdata in %counter hash. The map in this case creates a reverse hash where the earlier values becomes keys.
from apple => 'fruit' to fruit => 'apple

How to cluster based on ssdeep?

Hi I am trying to find the groups out of files based on ssdeep.
I have generated ssdeep of files and kept it in csv file.
I am parsing the file in perl script as follows:
foreach( #all_lines )
my $line = $_;
my #split_array = split(/,/, $line);
my $md5 = $split_array[1];
my $ssdeep = $split_array[4];
my $blk_size = (split(/:/, $ssdeep))[0];
if( $blk_size ne "")
my $cluster_id = check_In_Cluster($ssdeep);
print WFp "$cluster_id,$md5,$ssdeep\n";
This also checks whether the ssdeep is present in previously clustered group and if not creates new group.
Code for chec_In_Cluster
my $ssdeep = shift;
my $cmp_result;
if( $cluster_cnt > 0 ) {
$cmp_result = ssdeep_compare( $MRU_ssdeep, $ssdeep );
if( $cmp_result > 85 ) {
return $MRU_cnt;
my $d = int($cluster_cnt/4);
my $thr1 = threads->create(\&check, 0, $d, $ssdeep);
my $thr2 = threads->create(\&check, $d, 2*$d, $ssdeep);
my $thr3 = threads->create(\&check, 2*$d, 3*$d, $ssdeep);
my $thr4 = threads->create(\&check, 3*$d, $cluster_cnt, $ssdeep);
my ($ret1, $ret2, $ret3, $ret4);
$ret1 = $thr1->join();
$ret2 = $thr2->join();
$ret3 = $thr3->join();
$ret4 = $thr4->join();
if($ret1 != -1) {
$MRU_ssdeep = $ssdeep;
$MRU_cnt = $ret1;
return $MRU_cnt;
} elsif($ret2 != -1) {
$MRU_ssdeep = $ssdeep;
$MRU_cnt = $ret2;
return $MRU_cnt;
} elsif($ret3 != -1) {
$MRU_ssdeep = $ssdeep;
$MRU_cnt = $ret3;
return $MRU_cnt;
} elsif($ret4 != -1) {
$MRU_ssdeep = $ssdeep;
$MRU_cnt = $ret4;
return $MRU_cnt;
} else {
$cluster_base[$cluster_cnt] = $ssdeep;
$MRU_ssdeep = $ssdeep;
$MRU_cnt = $cluster_cnt;
return $MRU_cnt;
and the code for chech:
sub check($$$) {
my $from = shift;
my $to = shift;
my $ssdeep = shift;
for( my $icnt = $from; $icnt < $to; $icnt++ ) {
my $cmp_result = ssdeep_compare( $cluster_base[$icnt], $ssdeep );
if( $cmp_result > 85 ) {
return $icnt;
return -1;
But this process takes very much time( for 20-30MB csv file it takes 8-9Hours).
I have also tried using multithreading while checking in Cluster but not much help i got from this.
Since their is no need of csv parser like Text::CSV (because of less operation on csv) i didn't used it.
can anybody please solve my issue? Is it possible to use hadoop or some other frameworks for grouping based on ssdeep?
There is a hint from Optimizing ssDeep for use at scale (2015-11-27).
Depends on your purpose, loop and match SSDEEP in different chunk size will create a N x (N-1) hash comparison. Unless you need to find partial contents, otherwise, avoid it.
It is possible to breakdown of the hash index in step 1 as suggested in the article. This is a better way for partial contents match with different chunk size.
It is possible to reduce SSDEEP hash by grouping similar hash by generate a "distance cousin" hash.

How to get all returned lines with each oracle errror message into one variable using perl

How do i get all of the lines of "$dblink is down" into one $l_msg string?
Ideally I would like to get the error returned by oracle on failure and I cannot see a way to solve this.
my $dblinks = $l_dbh->selectcol_arrayref("select dbname from db_link");
for my $dblink (#$dblinks) {
my $l_results = eval {
my ($l_erg) = $l_dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT dummy||'OK' "
. $l_dbh->quote_identifier($dblink, undef, "dual") );
while (#l_row = $l_results->fetchrow_array) {
if ($l_results !~ /XOK/) {
l_msg="$dblink is down with #l_errstr"
# dblink45667 is down with ORA-12154"
} else {
say "$dblink is is up";
How about concatenating them to a variable outside of the loop:
my $dblinks = $l_dbh->selectcol_arrayref("select dbname from db_link");
my $l_msg = '';
for my $dblink (#$dblinks) {
my $l_results = eval {
my ($l_erg) = $l_dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT dummy||'OK' "
. $l_dbh->quote_identifier($dblink, undef, "dual") );
while (#l_row = $l_results->fetchrow_array) {
if ($l_results !~ /XOK/) {
l_msg .= "$dblink is down with #l_errstr"
# dblink45667 is down with ORA-12154"
} else {
say "$dblink is is up";