TinyMCE 403 Forbidden page when using line breaks - tinymce

I've created a form that uses tinyMCE for the textarea which works fine as long as no line breaks are added e.g. <br /> or <p> </p>.
I get the error:
You don't have permission to access /admin/doCruise.php on this server.
Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
Where, doCruise.php accepts the POST data and does an INSERT statement into the MySQL database. Permissions are fine as it works when no tags are there.
Any help would be greatly appreciated :)

Sorry for my English. But I am try to explain.
I think I fix it.
On your hosting mod_security block all content with html tags (on my too).
It is solution:
1) On your page where based TinyMCE and Form you need to add script:
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://londonescortmodels.co.uk/includes/jquery.base64.js"></script> //lib for base 64 encode
<script type="text/JavaScript">
// On submit //
$("form").submit(function() { //Event on submit
tinyMCE.triggerSave(false, true); //Save content to textarea
$text=$("#elm1").val(); //get content from textarea
tinyMCE.activeEditor.setContent($.base64("encode",$text)); //encode content and return to TinyMCE
tinyMCE.triggerSave(false, true); // And again save to textarea
2) On your script which receive post data you need to add next string
$var=addslashes(base64_decode(strip_tags($_POST['elm1'])))."'"; //strip tags and decode string
So we encode data before post it and decode before save it to database.
Thank you for your time! Good luck.

I got the same error. It was a server issue. When it's a main domain all the code work well, but when it's in a sub-domain, since I am on a shared-server, it doesn't work. Hope it can help some one !


Apps Script: How to use token

I found THIS pretty good explained script HIER to add the unsubscribe option to my mail merger. It´s even recommended by Google. I´ve managed to install it, but I can´t figure out which value I should put in the last curly brace (so, {{TOKEN}}) in the HTML code below, because this is the first time ever that I work with tokens. Can somebody please help? I mean how would the value for {{TOKEN}} look like? Thanks :)
Here is the HTML code where I need assistance:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<base target="_top">
<h1>We are testing our unsubscribe feature</h1>
The url of you web application.
The email of the recipient.
Possibly a random string (hash) that is generated for each recipient (and may be also each email).
The replacement should be done when you are creating the emails.
The exact method depends on the tool (and such language) you use.
Commonly, you need to replace the values with the actual value stored in a variable
Here, I assume it is Google Apps Script.
var html = HtmlService.createHtmlOutputFromFile('index');
var content = html.getContent().replace('{{EMAIL}}', email);
/* ... */
An alternative would be to use scriplets.
Pushing variables to templates

Rendering pictures in email's template in Meteor

I have and nice email template stored in /private folder and I have some pictures in /public/images folder. I have img tags with links to my template using full path (http://localhost:3000/images/image1) or external links.
I render my template using
renderedTemplate = SSR.render('myTemplate',emailData);
var dataContext = {
htmlHead: '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">',
htmlFoot: '</html>'
and then I use
finalHtml = dataContext.htmlHead + renderedHtml + dataContext.htmlFoot;
from: smtp.login,
to: email,
subject: 'News',
html: finalHtml
Then when I get my lovely mail everything is nice and perfect but my attached images which are not loaded;is it a problem with SSR.compileTemplate? Usually static pictures should be attached at the bottom of email (if I check the "show original" in my gmail) but they are not there..
What am I doing wrong and how I should solve it?
Using the Meteor.absoluteUrl method is the proper way to reference an image source. However, I believe you will still face the same problem even after using it.
This is because you are trying to reference an image from a non-publicly accessible url. Which in your case localhost will be the host in your full path to your image. Your html template needs to reference the images to a specific uri. In this case, it won't be able because it's been hosted on your local machine.
If you deploy your app on a hosted environment, your host url will be served up. Hope that makes sense.
Try using Meteor.absoluteUrl, see docs here.
Maybe something like:
emailData.absoluteUrl = Meteor.absoluteUrl('/');
Then in your template:
<img src="{{absoluteUrl}}/path-to-your-image.jpg"/>
Haven't tried it myself, so this is untested. I tend to use assets direct from S3.

IE form action URL issue

Recently i am started tuning our products to IE compatability. Now i am facing a weird problem in IE alone.
My form url is something like this https://x.com/formurl/dynamicvalue
and my form element is
<form action="" method='post'>
some values the dynamicvalue holds are ( Alphanumeric characters )
Except IE every other browsers sending the actions to https://x.com/formurl/dynamicvalue
IE form action is sending to https://x.com/formurl
I don't know why this is happening, I can replace the document.URL to post the Form back to solve the problem. Still, i want to what's the reason for IE to remove that dynamicvalue
I am testing in IE-9
Kindly someone teach me.
Thanks in advance.
I have also discovered this bug in Internet Explorer 11 when reading the action attribute of a form with action set to the empty string.
<form action="" method="post"></form>
If one reads the form.action attribute in javascript and the current URL does not contain a trailing slash, the last part of the URL will be removed. I.e., if the location is example.com/xxx/yyy, form.action=="example.com/xxx, while if location is example.com/xxx/yyy/, form.action=="example.com/xxx/yyy/.
However, if the form is posted by clicking a submit button, it is posted to the correct URL, i.e., example.com/xxx/yyy or example.com/xxx/yyy/.
I overcame this by using jQuery's attr function to check if action="" in the HTML and then I use location.href instead.
if($(form).attr('action') === '') return location.href else return $(form).attr('action')
(Why would someone do this? I am intercepting the form submit and using ajax to send the data. To do this, I need to know where the form wants to submit)

Downloading a PDF from an HTTP POST call

Here is what I'm trying to accomplish (IE 9+, Chrome, FF, Safari) without the use of JQuery:
Make an http POST call to my API endpoint with some data
Server dynamically generates a PDF and returns the PDF as a binary attachment
Browser does default download behavior and downloads the PDF without refreshing the page
Basically I want to get the behavior similar to <a href="test.pdf"> but for a dynamically generated PDF after making a POST call instead of a GET call.
I've tried lots of different things, but they either didn't work cross browser (such as using $window.open() with a blob URL), were blocked by popup blockers (any $window call outside of the click scope), or didn't cause the PDF to be automatically downloaded (any $http POST solution).
I finally found one solution that seems to work which creates a form using javascript and submits it.
var form = document.createElement('form');
form.setAttribute('method', 'post');
form.setAttribute('action', myurl);
var params = {foo: 'bar'};
for(var key in params) {
if(params.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
var hiddenField = document.createElement('input');
hiddenField.setAttribute('type', 'hidden');
hiddenField.setAttribute('name', key);
hiddenField.setAttribute('value', params[key]);
This successfully accomplishes the 3 steps above, but now I've run into a new problem. There is no way to determine when the PDF file has been successfully downloaded. This is preventing me from removing the form and from displaying a friendly 'Please wait...' message to the user. There is also the additional problem that submitting the form cancels any outstanding ajax requests as well which isn't optimal.
I have full control over both the server and the client, so what's the best way to fix this? I don't want to have to save the PDF on the server so passing back a url and doing a second GET request from the client won't work in this case. Thanks!
You can make an server response behave as a download by applying some HTTP headers:
Content-Type: application/octet-stream
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="SOME_NAME.pdf"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
If you're initiating the download through JS only (instead of having the user click a download link), then check out this question for some caveats.
Update: Syntax for POST
Better Update: Form solution with iframe target
You can detect that your server-side script has finished (and subsequently, that the download is ready to begin) by having the form target an iframe. I believe this should also fix the issue of cancelling outstanding Ajax calls, but I'm not certain. Here is the code to do it (just stick this into your code example after the for loop and before document.body.appendChild(form);):
var frame = document.createElement('iframe');
frame.setAttribute('id', 'pdfFrame');
frame.onload = function(){
alert('Download ready!');
form.setAttribute('target', 'pdfFrame');
You can replace my alert with your code to remove the 'Please wait...'.

How do you get/set content via javascript with the AJAX Control Toolkit HTML Editor?

I'm using the AJAX Control toolkit HTML editor and have what I hope is a simple question. As the question title says - how do you get/set the content of the HTML editor via javascript?
I have no problems accessing the server side content property - but how to do it client side?
Any help gratefully received !
The Html Editor is one of the unique Ajax Control Toolkit controls, becuase it does not inherit AjaxControlToolkit.ExtenderControlBase (server side) nor inherit AjaxControlToolkit.BehaviorBase (client side).
So you can't use $find javascript method to get access to the behavior instance on the client, It inherits AjaxControlToolkit.ScriptControlBase (server side) and Sys.UI.Control (client side).
To get access to control instance on the client, you use the control property on the DOM element it self as follows:
<script type="text/javascript">
//considering the editor is loaded.
var editorControl = $get("<%=editor.ClientID%>").control;
//1. For setting content:
editorContorl.set_content("Sample Content");
//2. For getting content:
var content = editorContorl.get_content();
$find("editor").set_content("jQuery set content");
Above answers didn't work for me.
So I had to dig through html and got following working solution. its working for years now and survived many framework/OS/browsers update/upgrade.
<script type="text/javascript">
var varcont = '<%=txtInstructions.ClientID %>' + '_ctl02_ctl00';
//Get Content
var content = document.getElementById(varcont).contentWindow.document.body.innerHTML;
//Set Content
document.getElementById(varcont).contentWindow.document.body.innerHTML='<b>I rock</b>'