Transferring the Github Organization ownership - github

There is a way to transfer the ownership of the repositories in github, but is there is a way to transfer the ownership of a organization completely?
What Github presntly has is a way to add multiple people to the organization's Owners team. And also any owner can be removed from the team by the user who created the organization in the first place. Is there a way to remove that user, and transfer complete control to someone who is there in the team?

To transfer ownership of anything (including a repository, actually) to a different user, you need to contact support.


Github Enterprise - give read permissions only for a specific file in a repo

I am using Github Enterprise and would like to give other teams access to my repository.
However I don't want those teams to see the repository content, I want them to be able to see ONLY a specific file or a subdirectory (and its content).
Is that possible ?
You'll find documentation on access permissions here. The access permission model is different for repositories owned by user accounts versus those owned by organization accounts. However, in neither of those models is there a provision for providing read access to only a part of a repository. Read permission grants read access to the entire repository.
There are probably a number of creative ways to achieve the effect you're after. One would be to set up an automated process that clones your first repository, copies the files or subdirectory of interest to a second local repository, and then pushes any changes in that second repository back to GitHub Enterprise. You'd provide your other teams read access to that second repository, but not the first.

Allow admins (not owners) to create repos in Github

Is it possible to limit who can create repositories in a Github organization. From this article: it seems like the options are basically owners or everyone. Is there a middle ground?
Making someone a Github owner is a serious permission so we really don't want to give that out just so that someone can make a repo. On the other hand allowing everyone in the organization the ability (contractors, non-technical, read-only roles) the permission to make repos seems too broad.
Has anyone come up with a better solution for this?
One workaround would be to setup a webhook.
That means having a listener for a repository event, which does include the owner: If said owner is not part of an admin list, the listener could:
send back an email to the owner of the newly created repostory, explaining that creation has been denied
delete the repository (through the GitHub API)

github: transfer ownership and fork

I've transfered ownership of one of my github repositories (rdmuller/docToolchain) to an organisation (docToolchain/docToolchain).
So far, so good. All old URLs are redirected to the new location. Perfect.
But how do I now fork this repository? I fear that, if I fork it, a fork with the name of the old repository (rdmueller/docToolchain) will be created and the redirect will be broken this way...
how can I avoid this?
So, I guess I found a workaround.
suppose you have a repository
You now want to transfer ownership to org1 and create a fork of it in your account user1.
The problem is that, if you create this fork directly, there will be again a repo called user1/repo1 and github is not able to redirect URLs to the old repository to org1/repo1
transfer ownership from user1/repo1 to org1/repo1
create a temporary organisation org2
fork org1/repo1 to org2/repo1
rename org2/repo1 to something like org2/repo1-fork
transfer ownership from org2/repo1-fork to user1/repo1-fork
this seems to do the trick.
Since May 2020, Ben Balter (Senior Product Manager working on Community and Safety at #GitHub) mentions in his tweet:
We're beta testing a new GitHub feature that allows you to invite someone to manage your open source projects in the event that you are unable able to do so yourself.
If you'd like early access, reply or DM with your GitHub handle and I can add you.
See "Maintaining ownership continuity of your user account's repositories"
You can invite someone to manage your user owned repositories if you are not able to.
We recommend inviting another GitHub user to be your successor, to manage your user owned repositories if you cannot. As a successor, they will have permission to:
Archive your public repositories.
Transfer your public repositories to their own user owned account.
Transfer your public repositories to an organization where they can create repositories.

How to merge several Github users?

I am newbie github users and mistakenly created two github user accounts. I'm wondering how can we merge two github users account into one, including their corresponding repositories? any idea?
A quick something search will give you this:
Transfer any repositories from the account you want to delete to the account you want to keep. Issues, pull requests, and wikis are transferred as well. Verify the repositories exist on the account you want to keep.
Update the remote URLs in any local clones of the repositories that were moved.
Delete the account you no longer want to use.

How to know who is the maintainer of a GitHub repository?

Is there a way to know which people have merge privileges on a public GitHub repository. If the owner is a user and not an organization, then at least I know one maintainer, but it's possible that there are other users with merge rights. Also, if the owner is an organization it is possible, that not all members of the organization have merge rights. So is there a way to find the exact maintainers?
Team privileges are not public in general. Even an organization-membership is not public since the publicity must be chosen by the given member, as the Documentation states:
,,By default, your organization membership visibility is set to private. You can choose to publicize individual organization memberships on your profile."
This partly applies for their implementation of CODEOWNERS, too. If it is up to date the given source file is annotated with a link to its responsible GitHub user.
However there's normally no need to know the individual maintainers of a repository (since every interaction with repos you're able to access is covered by the GitHub UI, which also assures that somebody takes care about your request). If your attention is about a public repository you might search the commits for accepted pull-request. But in that case you would preferably fork the repo and just generate pull-requests on your own.
You are even not able to contact an organization via GitHub - try to find their official website, contact them and ask for their maintainers if you need that information.
GitHub (since July 2017) now officially supports "code owners" for projects. Code owners are individuals or teams that are responsible for code in a repository.
Project maintainers can add a CODEOWNERS file to their repository to make it easier for others to identify code owners and have code owners be notified to review Issues and Pull Requests.
See the announcement post and help article for more info.
Just go to the team members tab within your repo, on the right it will describe what type of member they are. Ex: member or owner.