Common Lisp: Best method to temporarily import a few functions from a package - macros

Is there a way to temporarily import a few functions from a package into the current package, using standard common-lisp functions/macros?
I couldn't find one and had to roll my own. I'd rather not have to code anything up, or introduce another language construct, if the standard already provides such functionality.
(defmacro with-functions (functions the-package &body body)
"Allows functions in the-package to be visible only for body.
Does this by creating local lexical function bindings that redirect calls
to functions defined in the-package"
,(mapcar (lambda (x) `(,x (&rest args)
(apply (find-symbol ,(format nil "~:#(~a~)" x)
Example usage:
(defclass-default test-class ()
((a 5 "doc" )
(b 4 "doc")))
(with-functions (class-direct-slots slot-definition-name) 'sb-mop
(with-functions (slot-definition-initform) 'sb-mop
(car (class-direct-slots (find-class 'test-class))))))
EDIT: Incorporated some of Rainer's suggestions to the macro.
I decided to keep the run-time lookup capability, at the time cost of the run-time lookup to find the function in the package.
I tried to write a with-import macro that used shadowing-import and unintern, but I couldn't get it to work. I had issues with the reader saying that the imported functions didn't exist yet (at read time) before the code that imported the functions was evaluated.
I think getting it to work with shadowing-import and unintern is a better way to go, as this would be much cleaner, faster (no run-time lookup capability though) and work with functions and symbols in packages.
I would be very interested to see if someone can code up a with-import macro using unintern and shadowing-import.

It makes runtime function calls much more costly: it conses an arg list, looks up a symbol in a package, calls a function through the symbol's function cell.
It only works through symbols, not lexical functions. That makes it less useful in cases, where code is generated via macros.
Its naming is confusing. 'import' is a package operation and packages deal only with symbols, not functions. You can't import a function in a package, only a symbol.
(labels ((foo () 'bar))
The lexical function name FOO is only in the source code a symbol. There is no way to access the function through its source symbol later (for example by using (symbol-function 'foo)). If a compiler will compile above code, it does not need to keep the symbol - it is not needed other than for debugging purposes. Your call to APPLY will fail to find any function created by LABELS or FLET.
Your macro does not import a symbol, it creates a local lexical function binding.
For slightly similar macros see CL:WITH-SLOTS and CL:WITH-ACCESSORS. Those don't support runtime lookup, but allow efficient compilation.
Your macro does not nest like this (here using "CLOS" as a package, just like your "SB-MOP"):
(defpackage "P1" (:use "CL"))
(defpackage "P2" (:use "CL"))
(with-import (p1::class-direct-slots) 'CLOS
(with-import (p2::class-direct-slots) 'P1
(p2::class-direct-slots (find-class 'test-class))))
The generated code is:

You can use import with a list of qualified symbols (i.e. package:symbol or package::symbol) you want to import and then unintern them.


undefined operator after quickload lisp

The function find-data-from-command works fine when I run it without first doing the 'quickload' of the package. If I load the package it gives the error that split-sequence is undefined.
I have tried to reload split-sequence after loading the custom package. Doesn't work
(ql:quickload :<a-custom-package>)
(defun find-data-from-command (x desired-command)
(setq desired-data ())
(loop for line = (read-line x nil)
while (and line (not desired-data)) do
(setq commands (first (split-sequence ":" line)))
(setq data (split-sequence "," (first (rest (split-sequence ":" line)))))
(print (cons "command:" commands))
((equal commands desired-command) (return-from find-data-from-command data))))))
SIGMA 24 >
(setq obj-type (find-data-from-command (open "log.txt") "types"))
Error: Undefined operator SPLIT-SEQUENCE in form (SPLIT-SEQUENCE ":" LINE).
The problem is nothing to do with Quicklisp, it's to do with a package you've defined somewhere called SIGMA. In particular somewhere in your code is a form which looks like:
(defpackage "SIGMA" ;or :sigma or :SIGMA or #:sigma or ...
(:use ...)
And then later
(in-package "SIGMA")
And the problem with this is that your package definition has an explicit (:use ...) clause.
defpackage, and the underlying function make-package has slightly interesting behaviour for the :use clause (or keyword argument in the case of make-package):
if none is given then there is an implementation-defined default;
if one is given then it overrides the default.
The idea, I think, is that implementations may want to provide a bunch of additional functionality which is available by default, and this functionality can't be in the CL package since the contents of that package is defined in the standard. So if you just say
(defpackage "FOO")
Then the implementation is allowed (and, perhaps, encouraged), to make the use-list of FOO have some useful packages in it. These packages might be the same ones that are in the default use-list of CL-USER, but I'm not sure that's required: the whole thing is somewhat under-specified.
The end result of this is that if you want to define packages which both make use of implementation-defined functionality and have explicit use-lists you have to resort to some slight trickery. How you do this is slightly up to you, but since you are by definition writing implementation-dependent code where you are defining packages like this, you probably want to make it clear that what you are doing is implementation-dependent, by some form like
(defpackage :foo
(:use ...)
(:use :lispworks :harlequin-common-lisp :cl)
Or, if you just want some particular set of symbols
(defpackage :foo
(:use ...)
(:import-from :lispworks #:split-sequence))
Note that this is not quite the same thing as using a package containing the symbol.
In all these cases if your code has pretensions to be portable then there should be appropriate clauses for other implementations and a way of knowing when you're trying to run on an implemention you haven't yet seen: how to do this is outwith the scope of this answer I think.
Solved it.
The quickloading of the custom package was taking me into the package. I did not realize that. So I had to specify split-sequence is from outside. So, I replaced all occurrences of split-sequence in the function definition with
Then it worked.
If any one has a better solution, please do let me know. Thanks

Scheme can't find function inside macro while compile

I have sample code like this:
#!/usr/bin/guile -s
(define (process body)
(list 'list (map (lambda (lst)
(list 'quote (car lst)))
(defmacro macro (body)
(list 'quote (process body)))
(display (macro ((foo bar) (bar baz))))
it run but I've got error from compiler
ERROR: Unbound variable: process
functions inside macros should be allowed, why I got this error?
Functions inside macros are allowed in Guile and in most other Scheme dialects.
However, the crucial question is: Which functions are available for a macro to call out during the expansion process?
Think of it this way: When the compiler is processing your code, it is first focused on turning your source code into something that can be run at some point in the future. But the compiler might not necessarily be able to execute those same functions right now while it is compiling them, at the same time that your macro is running and expanding the source code in general.
Why wouldn't such a function be available? Well, one example would be: What if the function's body used the macro you are in the midst of defining? Then you would have a little chicken/egg problem. The function would need to run the macro to be compiled (since the macro use in the body needs to be expanded, at compile-time) ... But the macro would need the compiled function available in order to even run!
(Furthermore, there might be some functions that you only want to be available at compile-time, as a helper for your macros, but that you do not want to be available at run-time, so that it will not be included in your program executable when you deploy it, as that would waste space in the deployed binary.)
One of my favorite papers describing this problem, and the particular solution adopted by MzScheme (now known as Racket), is the "You Want It When" paper by Matthew Flatt.
So, this is a problem that any Scheme dialect with a procedural macro system has to deal with in some way, and Guile is no exception.
In Guile's case, one fix that is directly documented in the Guile manual is to use the eval-when special form, which allows you to specify at what phases a particular definition is meant to be available.
(The "You Want It When" paper referenced above describes some problems with eval-when, but since it is what the Guile manual documents, I'm going to stick with it for now. I do recommend that after you understand eval-when, that you then look into Racket's solution, and see if Guile offers anything similar.)
So in your case, since you want the process function to be available at compile-time (for use in the macro definition), you could write:
#!/usr/bin/guile -s
(eval-when (expand)
(define (process body)
(list 'list (map (lambda (lst)
(list 'quote (car lst)))
(defmacro macro (body)
(list 'quote (process body)))
(display (macro ((foo bar) (bar baz))))

How to call other macros from a Chicken Scheme macro?

I'm trying to move from Common Lisp to Chicken Scheme, and having plenty of problems.
My current problem is this: How can I write a macro (presumably using define-syntax?) that calls other macros?
For example, in Common Lisp I could do something like this:
(defmacro append-to (var value)
`(setf ,var (append ,var ,value)))
(defmacro something-else ()
(let ((values (list))
(append-to values '(1)))))
Whereas in Scheme, the equivalent code doesn't work:
(define-syntax append-to
(syntax-rules ()
((_ var value)
(set! var (append var value)))))
(define-syntax something-else
(syntax-rules ()
(let ((values (list)))
(append-to values '(1))))))
The append-to macro cannot be called from the something-else macro. I get an error saying the append-to "variable" is undefined.
According to all the information I've managed to glean from Google and other sources, macros are evaluated in a closed environment without access to other code. Essentially, nothing else exists - except built-in Scheme functions and macros - when the macro is evaluated. I have tried using er-macro-transformer, syntax-case (which is now deprecated in Chicken anyway) and even the procedural-macros module.
Surely the entire purpose of macros is that they are built upon other macros, to avoid repeating code. If macros must be written in isolation, they're pretty much useless, to my mind.
I have investigated other Scheme implementations, and had no more luck. Seems it simply cannot be done.
Can someone help me with this, please?
It looks like you're confusing expansion-time with run-time. The syntax-rules example you give will expand to the let+set, which means the append will happen at runtime.
syntax-rules simply rewrites input to given output, expanding macros until there's nothing more to expand. If you want to actually perform some computation at expansion time, the only way to do that is with a procedural macro (this is also what happens in your defmacro CL example).
In Scheme, evaluation levels are strictly separated (this makes separate compilation possible), so a procedure can use macros, but the macros themselves can't use the procedures (or macros) defined in the same piece of code. You can load procedures and macros from a module for use in procedural macros by using use-for-syntax. There's limited support for defining things to run at syntax expansion time by wrapping them in begin-for-syntax.
See for example this SO question or this discussion on the ikarus-users mailing list. Matthew Flatt's paper composable and compilable macros explains the theory behind this in more detail.
The "phase separation" thinking is relatively new in the Scheme world (note that the Flatt paper is from 2002), so you'll find quite a few people in the Scheme community who are still a bit confused about it. The reason it's "new" (even though Scheme has had macros for a long long time) is that procedural macros have only become part of the standard since R6RS (and reverted in R7RS because syntax-case is rather controversial), so the need to rigidly specify them hasn't been an issue until now. For more "traditional" Lispy implementations of Scheme, where compile-time and run-time are all mashed together, this was never an issue; you can just run code whenever.
To get back to your example, it works fine if you separate the phases correctly:
(define-syntax append-to
(lambda (e i c)
(let ((var (cadr e))
(val (caddr e)))
`(set! ,var (append ,var ,val)))))) )
(define-syntax something-else
(lambda (e i c)
(let ((vals (list 'print)))
(append-to vals '(1))
(something-else) ; Expands to (print 1)
If you put the definition of append-to in a module of its own, and you use-for-syntax it, that should work as well. This will also allow you to use the same module both in the macros you define in a body of code as well as in the procedures, by simply requiring it both in a use and a use-for-syntax expression.

Evaluate the arguments of a macro form

What is the best practice for selectively passing evaluated arguments to a macro form?
To elaborate: The usefulness of macros lies in its ability to receives unevaluated parameter, unlike the default evaluation rule for function forms. However, there is a legitimate use cases for evaluating macro arguments.
Consider a contrived example:
(defparameter *func-body* '((print i) (+ i 1)))
Suppose it would be nice that *func-body* could serve as the body of a macro our-defun that is defined as:
(defmacro our-defun (fun args &body body)
`(defun ,fun ,args ,#body))
So after (our-defun foo (i) (+ 1 i)), we could say (foo 1) to get 2. However, if we use (our-defun foo (i) *func-body*), the result of (foo 1) will be ((PRINT I) (+ I 1)) (i.e., the value of *func-body*). It would be nice if we can force the evaluation of *func-body* as an argument to the macro our-defun.
Currently, I can think of a technique of using compile and funcall to do this, as in
(funcall (compile nil `(lambda () (our-defun foo (i) ,#*func-body*))))
after which (our-defun 1) will print out 1 and return 2, as intended. I can think of case of making this work with eval, but I would rather stay away from eval due to its peculiarity in scoping.
This leads to my question at the begining, is there a more straightforward or native way to do this?
A not-so-contrived example is in the function (UPDATE-HOOK), which uses two library macros (ADD-HOOK) and (REMOVE-HOOK) and needs to evaluate its parameters. The (funcall (compile nil `(lambda () ...))) technique above is used here.
(defun update-hook (hook hook-name &optional code)
(funcall (compile nil `(lambda () (remove-hook ,hook ',hook-name))))
(unless (null code)
(compile hook-name `(lambda () ,#code))
(funcall (compile nil `(lambda () (add-hook ,hook ',hook-name))))))
That's slightly confused. A macro does not receive unevaluated parameters.
A macro gets source code and creates source code from that. Remember also that source code in Lisp is actually provided as data. The macro creates code, which evaluates some forms and some not.
Macros need to work in a compiling system. Before runtime. During compile time. All the macro sees is source code and then it creates source code from that. Think of macros as code transformations, not about evaluating arguments or not.
It would be nice if we can force the evaluation of *func-body* as an argument to the macro our-defun
That is not very clean. In a compiled system, you would need to make sure that *func-body* actually has a useful binding and that it can be resolved at COMPILE TIME.
If you have a macro like DEFUN, it makes sense to have the source code static. If you want to insert some source code into a form, then it could make sense to do that at read time:
(defun foo (i) #.`(,#*foo*))
But that's code I usually would want to avoid.
two library macros (ADD-HOOK) and (REMOVE-HOOK) and needs to evaluate its parameters.
Why should ADD-HOOK and REMOVE-HOOK be macros? If you don't have a real reason, they simply should be functions. Already since they make reuse difficult.
If you want to make ADD-HOOK and REMOVE-HOOK macros for some reason, then UPDATE-HOOK usually should be a macro, too.
The list you are giving to your macro has the form
(Quote (...))
So the list you actually want is the CADR of the list you get.

Beginner at Common Lisp: Macro Question For Defining Packages on the Fly

Still struggling to understand what best practices are with respect to macros. I'm attempting to write a macro which defines packages on the fly.
(defmacro def-dynamic-package (name)
`(defpackage ,(intern (string-upcase name) "KEYWORD")
(:use :common-lisp)))
This works fine only for expressions such as:
(def-dynamic-package "helloworld")
But fails miserably for something like this:
(defun make-package-from-path (path)
(def-dynamic-package (pathname-name path)))
(defun make-package-from-path (path)
(let ((filename (pathname-path)))
(def-dynamic-package filename)))
I understand how most basic macros work but how to implement this one escapes me.
defpackage is a macro. As such, it's expanded at compile-time, not run-time. What you want is something that is called at run-time in order to make a new package. Therefore, defpackage can't do anything for you.
Fortunately, there's also make-package, which provides defpackage's features as a function. Use it instead of defpackage.
Failure is to be expected here, because a macro is used when its argument should not be evaluated.
In your first make-package-from-path, the def-dynamic-package will receive as argument a list that is EQUAL to the value of the following expression:
(list 'pathname-name 'path)
In your case, you only want a function:
(defun def-dynamic-package (name)
(defpackage (string-upcase name)
(:use :common-lisp)))
BTW, if you check the CLHS, you'll see that the first argument of defpackage needn't be a symbol, but any string designator.