Cannot deserialize Int32 with XmlSerializer? - xml-serialization

I am attempting to deserialize an Int32 value returned from a web service call. Using Fiddler, the response looks like:
<int xmlns="">4502</int>
When I try to deserialize the data using:
public T DeserializeResponse<T>(Stream stream)
using (var reader = XmlReader.Create(stream))
var xmlSerializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(T));
var value = xmlSerializer.Deserialize(reader);
return value;
I get an exception that the namespace is unexpected.
The above code is in a shared class that is used to deserialize the response stream from any service call. What am I missing that will allow the code to deserialize the simple Int32 value contained in the response stream shown at the top?


Deserialize request body to specific class instead of JsonObject

Say we have this:
Router router = Router.router(vertx);
and this:
private void handleAddProduct(RoutingContext ctx) {
String productID = ctx.request().getParam("productID");
HttpServerResponse response = ctx.response();
JsonObject product = ctx.getBodyAsJson();
products.put(productID, product);
my question is - how can we deserialize ctx.getBodyAsJson() to a specific Java class instead of the generic JsonObject class?
you can use JsonObject.mapTo(Class), e.g.:
JsonObject product = ctx.getBodyAsJson();
Product instance = product.mapTo(Product.class);
you can customize the (de)serialization behavior by manipulating the ObjectMapper instance(s) associated with the Json class. here are some examples:
// only serialize non-null values
// ignore values that don't map to a known field on the target type
Json.mapper.configure(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES, false);
keep in mind Json holds a reference to two different ObjectMappers:
mapper, and

Array Multipart[] file upload using Feign client

I am trying to upload Array of Multipart file object using feign client.
This is the service am trying to call using Feign client.
public ResponseEntity<Object> manageFileUpload(#RequestParam("files") MultipartFile[] files)
I tried using,Feign client Annotation,
#FeignClient(value = "UPLOADUTILITIES", configuration = Upload.MultipartSupportConfig.class, fallback = UploadFallback.class)
My Method,
#RequestMapping(name = "upload", value = "/object", method = RequestMethod.POST)
#Headers("Content-Type: multipart/form-data")
ResponseEntity<Object> manageFileUpload(#Param("files") MultipartFile[] files);
I was rewarded by the error,
"message": "Type definition error: [simple type, class]; nested exception is com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.exc.InvalidDefinitionException: No serializer found for class and no properties discovered to create BeanSerializer (to avoid exception, disable SerializationFeature.FAIL_ON_EMPTY_BEANS) (through reference chain:$StandardMultipartFile[0]->$StandardMultipartFile[\"inputStream\"]->[\"fd\"])",
Then by referring this link.I tried in my client side, the blow code.
public class MultipartSupportConfig {
private ObjectFactory<HttpMessageConverters> messageConverters;
public Encoder feignFormEncoder() {
return new SpringFormEncoder(new SpringEncoder(messageConverters));
Then by the code example, i changed my MultiPart File object into File Object.Now my request got fired, but i got Not a multipart request.
I tried this,
I created a class and used the encoder class, and changed my encoder as FeignSpringFormEncoder,
Still I am getting No serializer found error.
Could anyone share a simple client, server example with Array of Multipart file request, using feign cleint. Thanks!

AndroidAnnotations, REST and custom response

I'm using AndroidAnnotations in my project. This works fine so far...
But now I try to access a given Webservice with a custom response like this:
success: true,
total: 100,
items: [],
This response format is the same for every GET request. The items property holds the response objects I'm interested in and the items contains different object type(like user, product etc)
I'm using "MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter"...
How can I access them?
You have to create the response class, which can be deserialized from the JSON response:
public class CustomResponse {
boolean success;
int total;
List<Integer> items;
This is just an example, because it is ambigous from your JSON snippet, what exact types you are using.
Then you can use this response class in your REST client:
public CustomResponse getSomething();
It is not necessary to use MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter, you could use any converter which can convert your JSON response (like a GSON converter).

Error Generating XML Document from object

I am wishing to serialize a complex object for returning from a web service request. Here are my assumptions. I need to have the serialized (deflated) object in an XML document (as opposed to a string) before returning to the calling client. I "believe" I am deserializing just fine it is just a matter of getting it loaded into the XMLDocument. However I could be wrong and the deserialization may be wrong therefore the XmlDocument blows up. Here is the code:
My Complex Object:
namespace ABCTest
public class UserDetails
public String AccountName { get; set; }
My serialization code:
FYi: UsrDtls == List<UserDetails>
XmlSerializer Obj2XML = new XmlSerializer(UsrDtls.GetType());
Stream strWriter = Stream.Null;
XmlWriter XWriter = new XmlTextWriter(strWriter, Encoding.Unicode);
XmlDocument XDoc = new XmlDocument();
Obj2XML.Serialize(XWriter, lst_Exercises);
string abc = Obj2XML.ToString(); //debugging line to attempt to browse the obj2xml object
return XDoc;
I have no idea where you learned about web services in .NET. Just return the object. The web service infrastructure will take care of it.
You don't say whether you're using WCF services or the legacy ASMX services. The ASMX services should not be used for new development.
If you still have trouble when you "just return it", then please post the details of any exceptions you receive.

Return raw string from REST service method

I have a REST service method written in C#, defined as below:
[WebGet(UriTemplate = "/{par1}/{par2}/{par3}")]
public string ProcessGet(string par1, string par2, string par3)
return Execute(...);
It should return result as XML or JSON, based on one parameter (I generate the json and XML serialization)
How can I make this method to return the RAW string, just as I created it, without HTMLEncoding it?
Thank you
Return it as a Stream - that causes the "raw" mode to be used and WCF will not touch your response. You can find more information at