How should I open a PostgreSQL dump file and add actual data to it? - postgresql

I have a pretty basic database. I need to drop a good size users list into the db. I have the dump file, need to convert it to a .pg file and then somehow load this data into it.
The data I need to add are in CSV format.

I assume you already have a .pg file, which I assume is a database dump in the "custom" format.
PostgreSQL can load data in CSV format using the COPY statement. So the absolute simplest thing to do is just add your data to the database this way.
If you really must edit your dump, and the file is in the "custom" format, there is unfortunately no way to edit the file manually. However, you can use pg_restore to create a plain SQL backup from the custom format and edit that instead. pg_restore with no -d argument will generate an SQL script for insertion.

As suggested by Daniel, the simplest solution is to keep your data in CSV format and just import into into Postgres as is.
If you're trying to to merge this CSV data into a 3rd party Postgres dump file, then you'll need to first convert the data into SQL insert statements.
One possible unix solution:
awk -F, '{printf "INSERT INTO TABLE my_tab (\"%s\",\"%s\",\"%s\");\n",$1,$2,$3}' data.csv


Is possible omit specifics tables from existing dump file when use pgsql for import data?

I have a dump file and I want import it, but it contains a log table with millions of records whereby I need exclude it when execute pgsql < dump_file. Note: I cannot use pg_restore
Since the best option is to edit the file manually, any suggestions to remove 650K lines from a 690K line file on windows?
The correct way to is to fix whatever problem is preventing you from using pg_restore (I guess that you have already taken the dump in the wrong format?).
The quick and dirty way is to use a program to exclude what you don't want. I'd use perl, because that is what I would use. sed or awk have similar features, and I'm sure there are ways to do it in every other language you would care to look at.
perl -ne 'print unless /^COPY public.pgbench_accounts/../^\\\.$/' dump.file | psql
This excludes every line between the one that starts with COPY public.pgbench_accounts until the next following \.
Of course you would replace public.pgbench_accounts with your table's name, making sure to quote it properly if that is needed.
It might get confused if your database contains a row whose first column starts with the text "COPY public.pgbench_accounts"...
Then you have to edit the file manually.
A crude alternative might be: create a table with the same name as the log table, but with an incompatible definition or no permissions for the importing user. Then restoring that table will fail. If you ignore these errors, you have reached your goal.

Export CSV From Postgres VIA Command Line

Hello Stack Overflowers!
I'm currently exporting a Postgres table as a .csv using a C# application I developed. I'm able to export them no problem with the following command...
set PGPASSWORD=password
psql -U USERNAME Database_Name
\copy (SELECT * FROM table1) TO C:\xyz\exportfile.csv CSV DELIMITER ',' HEADER;
The problem I am running into is the .csv is meant to be used with Tableau, however, when importing to excel I run into the same issue. It turns text fields into integers in both Tableau and Excel. This causes issues specifically on joining serial numbers on the Tableau side.
I know I can change these fields in Tableau/Excel manually but I am trying to find a way to make sure the end-user wouldn't need to do this. I'd like for them to just drag and drop the updated .csv postgresql data extracts and be able to start Tableau no problem. They don't seem real tech-savvy. I know you can connect Tableau directly to Postgres but in this particular case, I am not allowed to due to limitations beyond my control.
I'm using PostgreSQL 12 and Tableau v2019.4.0
EDIT: As request providing example data! Both of the fields are TEXT inside of PostgreSQL but the export doesn't specify.
Excel Formatting
Notepad Formatting
Note: If you select the specific cell in Excel it shows the full number.
CSV files don't have any type information, so programs like Excel/Tableau are free to interpret the data how they like.
However, #JorgeCampos's link provides useful information. For example
gets interpreted differently than
when you load it into Excel.
If you want to add quotes to your data, the easiest way is to use PostgreSQL's string functions, e.g.
SELECT '"=""' || my_column || '"""' FROM my_database

Dump subset of records in an OpenEdge database table in the ".d" file format

I am looking for the easiest way to manually dump a subset of records in an OpenEdge database table in the Progress ".d" file format.
The best way I can imagine is creating an extra test database with the identical schema as the source database, and then copying the subset of records over to the test database using FOR EACH and BUFFER-COPY statements. Then just export the data from the test database using the Dump Data and Definitions Table Contens (.d file )... menu option.
That seems like a lot of trouble. If you can identify the subset of records in order to do the BUFFER-COPY than you should also be able to:
OUTPUT TO VALUE( "table.d" ).
FOR EACH table NO-LOCK WHERE someCondition:
EXPORT table.
Which is, essentially, what the dictionary "dump data" .d file is less a few lines of administrivia at the bottom which can be safely omitted for most purposes.

Export tables to Flat File with some logic

I'm writing scripts to export some tables to flat files every day. I'm looking at the BCP utility, but I'm not sure it has the kind of features I really need.
For example, I need to output the fields out of order. That is, the 15th field in the MSSQL database should be the 2nd field in the flat file, et.c
More importantly, some of the fields need to be altered. For example, if a certain field is null or contains some special values, I need to replace them with codes.
Is BCP the right tool for this? My gut tells me to do this in Perl instead.
You can write a stored procedure and do all data transformations there.
Then feed this stored procedure to bcp.
It will surely be faster than Perl.
SSIS is fast too; could be an option in case transformations are very complex.
You can use a query to order and format the columns directly with BCP
bcp Utility
Is a Transact-SQL query that returns a result set.
bcp "SELECT Name FROM AdventureWorks.Sales.Currency" queryout Currency.Name.dat -T -c

How to create CSV file from SQL?

I am wondering how to create or export a CSV file from SQL? Is there any function for that similar to pgsql2shp?
I would appreciate your ideas, tip or solutions.
You can save a complete table as a file using this command:
You can give this a try. But i believe there may be some syntax changes depending on the version.
COPY (SELECT foo,bar FROM whatever) TO ‘/tmp/dump.csv’ WITH CSV HEADER
If you use pgAdmin, you can export any query you run to a CSV file.