iOS How can I display a downloaded PDF in an iOS App? - iphone

I've written an iPhone App that downloads a PDF. I want to present this PDF to the user but not draw it in an UIView in my App itself. Is this even possible?

You can use Quartz APIs. CGContextDrawPDFPage and the related samples would be a nudge in the right direction.
UIWebView is another approach. As WTP noted below: UIWebView automatically does pagination and allows the user to scroll, zoom and select content.
UIWebView is the typical 'free' approach, but you may need Quartz APIs if you have special needs.


pdf thumbnails like in ibooks on the ipad or iphone

i need to create a pdf reader with an overview page showing thumbnails of the pdf. like with the pdfs in ibooks.
what would be the best approach for that?
i am thinking about using a uiscrollview and placing uiviews with tiledlayers for pdf rendering? how can i best determine which view is visible and recycle them accordingly?
Apple has sample code to get a PDF thumbnail on their developer site. I believe it is in the Quartz2d Programming Guide (unfortunately the site is down for me at the minute so I can't confirm).

, how to open and close screen with effect like Facebook?

I'm using three20 for my dashboard.
Now when I select a icon to open a screen
How do I make the screen open like Facebook? (small to big)
And close to return to the dashboard like Facebook? (big to small)
Do I need to modify the ui screens to use three20 aswell? Or the effect is standard iOS effects?
These are custom animations developed by the team who worked on the App.
If you download the Facebook iOS SDK you should be able to have a glimpse at how it's done by looking through the source code and using it as a reference.
Of particular interest to you is the FBDialog class (which is a UIView subclass).

Best Method To Create A Very Minimally Interactive Slideshow of Images On iPad

A client of mine wants to show her "listing presentations" (she's a Realtor) to clients on her iPad. A Listing Presentation is normally a slideshow that shows how a Realtor can help the client.
She simply wants a slideshow that she can gesture from slide to slide, and perhaps a small button that allows her to email the slide or some information to the client on the spot.
What would be the best method to accomplish this? Flash Hack, Adobe AIR, Simple Appcelerator App, Native iPad App?
Create a native iPad app and modify the Three20 library for iPad, it has classes for slideshow viewer, retrieval of images from lists of URL's etc.
All you would need to do is change the xib files / code layout for the viewer class to take into account the larger iPad screen.

How to embed links in a Quartz PDF View

I am using Quartz to display a PDF if my iPad app rather than a webview as I dont link the borders and drop shadow effects the webview adds.
Can I still use embedded links in the PDFs? If so do I need to do anything special or will they just work?
See this question:
Get PDF hyperlinks on iOS with Quartz

IPhone phonegap pdf issue

I have a strange issue in phonegap framework. I want to display PDF file in my application, when I am trying to add PDF file with iFrame tag it doesn't show a PDF with horizontal scroll and with a big zoom size. so getting out of screen.
I tried by another way using embed tag, its also having same problem with addition to that its showing PDF for only first time in the application.
If anybody know how to display a PDF in phonegap with specified zoom level or with scroll bar. Above code is working fine in iPhone mobile safari, but not in phonegap. Any Idea?
To display pdf in phonegap,
have lots of trouble,
but best solution so far,is to used ChildBrowser Plugin for phonegap here is the link-
this will help you to call child native uiwebview in your application(only for iphone),
so you can easily enjoy pinch zoom feature
Using Phonegap you'll have only one UIWebView so probably the best idea is to open the pdf as a new object link using rel=external
Other suggestion is look at the view-port size, maybe you'll have to increase it's size to allow the pinch and zoom.