Supporting printer in a iPhone application [closed] - iphone

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Closed 11 years ago.
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How can we support printer in a iPhone application? I want to print a page from my application. Do I need to code for this in my app or this is a default operation supported by IOS. I am using IOS 4.3 & above.

Look at the Drawing and Printing Guide for iOS.
iOS can only print to "AirPrint" printers of which there aren't many. There are some apps that run on OS X that will "AirPrint enable" any attached printer. I use Printopia (no affiliation other than as a happy user). There are some free ones but I haven't had as much success with them.

It's always a good idea to google your question first :)
Everything you need to know:


What do I need to run xCode app on iPhone device for my own personal use: no AppStore, no commerce, not public - just personal? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I wonder, what do I need to have my xCode app on iPhone device?
For example, I built CoolGuitarTuner app which I want to use myself and maybe share it with a couple of friends.
Can I just somehow copy it on my iPhone for my own private use without any registrations or payments?
You still need a $99 developer account. That should be all you need, regardless of whether or not you list any apps for sale. Or you could jailbreak.
You can go through iPhone Test Application
And This Blog gives your detailed information about how to deploy application on your device
Hope this will help you out.

Non-jailbreak VNC server for iOS? Remotelly use an iOS device? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I know there is an existing app named veency that converts the iPhone/iPad in a VNC server. With another program like tightvnc on the mac or windows, you can remotely use an iOs device from your windows/mac. The problem is, I cannot find any existing app or program that does that on an normal iOS device (not jailbreaked). What I find is the opposite, programs that remotely use a desktop computer from the iPad.
Does anyone know any app or method to turn an iOS device in a VNC server?
Thanks in advance for your help.
they mirror the screen like the apple tv.
Hope this helps.

How to install app on iPad/iPhone without using USB cable? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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Is it possible to install apps from Xcode to device without the USB cable? In Xcode I found this option in the preferences window:
I've seen that same setting, but from what I have read and seen, it isn't a fully complete feature. I have not been able to get it working at all.
If you are interested in installations without wires, I would consider using TestFlight. It is a fantastic tool for developers. Great for beta testing and wireless installation. Good luck.

Iphone app. How many were downkoaded [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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I wrote an iphone app and was just released.curious to See how many people downloaded it. It is a free app. How do i find out how many people downloaded my app.
from your Apple Developer account, use iTunes Connect to get stats on your app downloads. You can also use third party services like AppFigures to get better stats.
I believe the statistics will be available in iTunes Connect only after a week or so. Try Appannie ( for better reports.

iPhone executable file [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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how can i create a executable file to iphone? i have written my code in objective c using xcode i want to create a application that must run on any iphone..
i want to go by a legal way with no jail breaking.
please any body help..
You need to be a registered iPhone developer for this; sign up at Once you've signed up, the way forwards should be pretty clear; but in short you need to create a provisioning profile for your device, test your application and submit it to the App Store. Once that is done, anyone can buy/download your application.