T-sql query to compute a new column from the existing cilumn - tsql

I have a table as shown below
Dealid comment amount swaplink
A11 Nothing 1000
B11 this is swaP1 2000
b22 this is swap2 3000
b33 this is swap1 4000
b44 this is swap2 5000
Swaplink is a computed column from comment we need to follow 4 steps to follow
whether "swap" is occuring in comment column
check the number after swap
find swap1 which is not in the samw row,repeat it for all rows
in swaplink put the dealids

As far as I understand you - you cannot create persisted or indexable computed column on the table which relates any other rows, else you can use User Defined Function to encapsulate your logic, but you should understand that it will be performance killer.
If you need not the column in the table, but just a column in the query - you still may use your UDF or write your own subqueries
To make your life a little bit easier for yourself - try to separate swap2 and similar values into 2 columns with values swan AND 2


Is is possible limit the number of rows in the output of a Dataprep flow?

I'm using Dataprep on GCP to wrangle a large file with a billion rows. I would like to limit the number of rows in the output of the flow, as I am prototyping a Machine Learning model.
Let's say I would like to keep one million rows out of the original billion. Is this possible to do this with Dataprep? I have reviewed the documentation of sampling, but that only applies to the input of the Transformer tool and not the outcome of the process.
You can do this, but it does take a bit of extra work in your Recipe--set up a formula in a new column using something like RANDBETWEEN to give you a random integer output between 1 and 1,000 (in this million-to-billion case). From there, you can filter rows based on whatever random integer between 1 and 1,000 as what you'll keep, and then your output will only have your randomized subset. Just have your last part of the recipe remove this temporary column.
So indeed there are 2 approaches to this.
As Courtney Grimes said, you can use one of the 2 functions that create random-number out of a range.
randbetween :
rand :
These methods can be used to slice an "even" portion of your data. As suggested, a randbetween(1,1000) , then pick 1<x<1000 to filter, because it's 1\1000 of data (million out of a billion).
Alternatively, if you just want to have million records in your output, but either
Don't want to rely on the knowledge of the size of the entire table
just want the first million rows, agnostic to how many rows there are -
You can just use 2 of these 3 row filtering methods: (top rows\ range)
By understanding the $sourcerownumber metadata parameter (can read in-product documentation), you can filter\keep a portion of the data (as per the first scenario) in 1 step (AKA without creating an additional column.
BTW, an easy way of "discovery" of how-to's in Trifacta would be to just type what you're looking for in the "search-transtormation" pane (accessed via ctrl-k). By searching "filter", you'll get most of the relevant options for your problem.

Attributes internal working in aj for performance benefits in kdb

Considering the trade table 't' and quotes table 'q' in memory:
q)t:([] sym:`GOOG`AMZN`GOOG`AMZN; time:10:01 10:02 10:02 10:03; px:10 20 11 19)
q)q:([] sym:`GOOG`AMZN`AMZN`GOOG`AMZN; time:10:01 10:01 10:02 10:02 10:03; vol:100 200 210 110 220)
In order to get performance benefits applying grouped attribute on 'sym' column of q table and making 'time' column sorted within sym.
Using this, I can clearly see the performance benefits from it:
q)\t:1000000 aj[`sym`time;t;q]
q)\t:1000000 aj[`sym`time;t;q1]
q)\t:100000 aj[`sym`time;t;q]
q)\t:100000 aj[`sym`time;t;q1]
And in large tables the performance is far better.
Now, I'm trying to understand how it works internally when we are applying grouped attribute to sym column and sort time within sym.
My understanding is internally the aj should happen in below way, can someone please let me know the correct internal working?
* Since, grouped attribute is applied on sym; so it creates a hashtable for table q1, then since we are sorting on time so the internal q1 table might look like.
So in this case of q1, if the interpreter has to join (AMZN;10:02) of t table; it will directly find it in q1's hasttable in less time, but for joining same value(AMZN;10:02) of table 't' in table 'q' the interpreter will have to search linearly through table 'q' hence taking more time.
I believe you're on the right track, though we can't know for sure as we don't have access to the kdb source code to see precisely what it does.
If you look at the definition of aj you'll see that it's based on bin:
k){.Q.ft[{d:x_z;$[&/j:-1<i:(x#z)bin x#y;y,'d i;+.[+.Q.ff[y]d;(!+d;j);:;.+d i j:&j]]}[x,();;0!z]]y}
(`sym`time#q)bin `sym`time#t
and the bin documentation provides some more details on how bin behaves: https://code.kx.com/q/ref/bin/
I believe in the two-column case it will first match on the sym column and then use bin on the second column. Like you said, the grouped attribute on sym speeds up the matching of syms part and the sorting on time ensures the bin returns the correct results. Note that for on-disk queries it's optimal to put `p# on sym rather than `g# as the parted attribute is optimal for matching/retrieving by sym from disk.

KDB: How to serialize a table for a union join within kdb-tick architecture?

Im trying to modify the kdb-tick architecture to support a union join on incoming data and the local rdb table.
I have modified the upd function in the tick.q file to the following:
if[not -16=type first first x;a:"n"$a;x:$[0>type first x;a,x;(enlist(count first x)#a),x]];
f:key flip value t;pub[t;$[0>type first x;enlist f!x;flip f!x]];if[l;l enlist (`ups;t;x);i+:1];};
With ups:uj subsequently set in the subscriber files.
My question relates to how one might serialize a table row before publishing it within the .u.ups[] function.
I.e. given a table:
second | amount price
02:46:01 | 54 9953.5
02:46:02 | 54 9953.5
02:46:03 | 54 9953.5
02:46:04 | 150 9953.5
02:46:05 | 150 9954.5
How should one serialize the first row 02:46:01 | 54 9953.5 such that it can be sent via the .u.ups function to subscribers whereby uj will be run between the row and the local table on the subscribers.
Thanks in advance for your advice.
Some of this might help:
You can't set ups:uj in the subscribers because the table name is being passed as a symbol so the subscriber will effectively try to do
which won't work because uj doesn't accept table names (symbols) as input. You would have to instead set ups to
ups:{x set value[x] uj y}
A standard tickerplant is not designed to handle variable/changing schema - for good reason, it's generally not a good idea to have a schema that changes intraday. However your situation might warrant it so in that case you'd need to modify your .u.ups function to something like
\d .u
x:`time xcols update time:"n"$a from x;
pub[t;$[98h=type x;x;1=count last x;enlist x;flip x]];if[l;l enlist (`ups;t;x);i+:1];};
\d .
and your feeder process would have to send kdb tables or kdb dictionaries to the .u.ups function. Since a feedhandler process is usually not a kdb process, it may or may not be possible to send tables/dictionaries to the tickerplant as normally the feedhandler would send lists (without column metadata). In your case you need to somehow supply the column metadata to the tickerplant on each update (or maybe you're doing that already?), as otherwise it won't know which columns are which.
In other words your feeder process could send either of the following:
(`.u.upd;`tab;([]col1:`a`b`c;col2:1 2 3))
(`.u.upd;`tab;`col1`col2!(`a`b;1 2))
I'm going to assume this is related to your previous few questions about disparate schemas. I'd like to suggest an alternative solution, which is only truly viable if you are using kdb version 3.6, which uses anymap. If you can narrow your schemas down to a minimal list of common columns, all other columns can be placed as dictionaries into a general column.
q)`tab upsert (`AAPL;3.454;(`colX`colY`colZ!(1;2.3;"abc")))
q)`tab upsert (`MSFT;3.0;(`colX`colY!(2;100.0)))
q)`tab upsert (`AMZN;100.0;((enlist `colX)!(enlist 10)))
sym col1 colGeneral
AAPL 3.454 `colX`colY`colZ!(1;2.3;"abc")
MSFT 3 `colX`colY!(2;100f)
AMZN 100 (,`colX)!,10
q)select colGeneral from tab
q)select sym, colGeneral #\: `colX from tab
sym x
q)select sym, colGeneral #\: `colY from tab
sym x
AAPL 2.3
MSFT 100f
With 3.6 you can be saving this to disk in any splayed format (splayed, partitioned, segmented) and still easily query the data. The storage of such a table will likely be sub-optimal due to poor compression characteristics of the general column (assuming you wish to compress data), but it will be perfectly functional.
Integrating uj into standard ingestion procedure with each update will be computationally expensive. Using a general column and dictionary method will massively improve your ingestion speed. Below I've given a demonstration using the example given a previous answer to a related question of yours
q)row1:enlist `x`y`colX!(`AMZN;100.0;10)
q)table:table uj row
q)\ts:100000 table:table uj row1
13828 6292352
q)\ts:100000 `tab upsert (`AMZN;100.0;((enlist `colX)!(enlist 10)))
117 12746880

Simple update query taking too long - Postgres

I have a table with 28 million rows that I want to update. It has around 60 columns and a ID column (primary key) with an index created on it. I created four new columns and I want to populate them with the data from four columns from other table which also has an ID column with an index created on it. Both tables have the same amount of rows and just the primary key and the index on the IDENTI column. The query has been running for 15 hours and since it is high priority work, we are starting to get nervous about it and we don't have so much time to experiment with queries. We have never update a table so big (7 GB), so we are not sure if this amount of time is normal.
This is the query:
UPDATE consolidated
FROM uni_group uni, consolidated con
How can I make it faster? Is it possible? If not, is there a way to check how much longer it is going to take (without killing the process)?
Just as additional information, we have ran before much more complex queries for 3 million row tables (postgis) and It has taken it about 15 hours as well.
You should not repeat the target table in the FROM clause. Your statement creates a cartesian join of the consolidated table with itself, which is not what you want.
You should use the following:
UPDATE consolidated con
FROM uni_group uni

SQL Server 2008: Pivot column with no aggregate function workaround

Yes I know, this question has been asked MANY times but after reading all the posts I found that there wasn't an answer that fits my need. So, Heres my question. I would like to take a column of values and pivot them into rows of 6 columns.
I want to take this...... And turn it into this.......................
G Letter Date Code Ammount Name Account
081278 G 081278 12 00123535 John Doe 123456
John Doe
I have 110000 values in this one column in one table called TempTable. I need all the values displayed because each row is an entity to itself. For instance, There is one unique entry for all of the Letter, Date, Code, Ammount, Name, and Account columns. I understand that the aggregate function is required but is there a workaround that will allow me to get this desired result?
Just use a MAX aggregate
If one row = one column (per group of 6 rows) then MAX of a single value = that row value.
However, the data you've posted in insufficient. I don't see anything to:
associate the 6 rows per group
distinguish whether a row is "Letter" or "Name"
There is no implicit row order or number to rely upon to generate the groups
Unfortunately, the max columns in a SQL 2008 select statement is 4,096 as per MSDN Max Capacity.
Instead of using a pivot, you might consider dynamic SQL to get what you want to do.
Declare #SQLColumns nvarchar(max),#SQL nvarchar(max)
select #SQLColumns=(select '''+ColName+'''',' from TableName for XML Path(''))
set #SQLColumns=left(#SQLColumns,len(#SQLColumns)-1)
set #SQL='Select '+#SQLColumns
exec sp_ExecuteSQL #SQL,N''