How can I make a PDF document containing a table of data on iPhone? - iphone

I need a way of creating a table of data in landscape mode. This table should be in PDF form, is this possible on iPhone? If so please can someone advise on how to do it? If not, what are my other options?

I believe following link would definitely help you to create table using drawLine method in a loop. You can simply modify the drawLine method and implement to draw table for you. Also the code is very Handy to use with a very customizable methods for PDF creation.
For more help you can refer previous post.

create your table in UIWebView and then follow this link to make pdf from UIWebView

Easiest is using HTML. You can do all the text processing in objective-C and display the table in a simple UIWebView. This also gives you great control over how it is going to look.


Swift and Parse - PFQueryTableViewController loadingViewEnabled

Good day! I'm using Parse for my swift project, Specifically the PFQueryTableViewController but i want to change the loading view when i open the app. It doesn't look good in my background so i want to change its color and shadow. Also its UIActivityIndicatorView. Is it possible to change this things? Here is the Screenshot for it.
I tried searching for that method in ParseUI framework but i can't find it. I hope you can help me, Thanks!
Only the table controller is unique to Parse. The spinner is just a regular UI element. Thus, the iOS developer references are good places to look for this.
Try this link for the activity spinner:
This link shows information about the controller, which shows that it simply inherits from UITableViewController, and the cells/background can be styled accordingly.
In general, Parse tries to prefix its objects with PF.

Dynamic controls in PDF Adobe Cycle

Does anyone know how to add control (example: field) on-run in PDF? I'm using Adobe LiveCycle ES2; need that piece of JavaScript....
Thank you all -
I previously tried to do something similar but have never been able to find a method of dynamically creating an object on a form.
You can use the addInstance command to add an instance of a new form and it's possible to add additional rows to a table but other than that, the only method I have found that works is to add the objects from the toolbox and then show/hide them.
It does mean that you're adding additional objects to the form but if used correctly this doesn't really have too much affect on the file size but it does involve extra coding.

How to Load .ePub content in UIWebview with pagination

I want to show all the contents from .ePub file to UIWebview with pagination(horizontal scrolling). For that i need to find out total content size that,each chapter contains, page size..
I'm not at all clear about how/where should i start. I don't know how to use stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString to call the methods. Where should i write the function definition which is called using stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString. Please anyone give me a step by step procedure for UIWebview pagination. There may be same question but i didn't get any clear explanation.
Explain me Step by step JQuery procedure
Thanks in Advance.
You can find good example of parsing and displaying ePub here. It does not use JQuery, only javascript.

How to add drop down Table in to table view

In my application, I want to implement a drop down view when selecting every row in the table view.Can u give me an easy solution for implementing this functionality.
Thanks in advance
this type of functionality for that visits following link Please visit here.
You can also consider using navigation. That is how it is usually done in iPhone. On selecting a row in a table, push another table with the values you want to show in the drop down.
Apple has a sample code of TableView which deals with this issue. is the link to download the sample code from Apple developer library. Hope it helps.
It seems that you are requiring a popover on selecting a tableview cell.
Download and run the sample application provided here.
I hope this is the one you required.

Write from textfield to array for uitableview objective c iphone

What i want to do is have a textfield on the screen and a table below it, when the user enters something into the textfield, i'd like to write that value into an existing array, which is being used to populate the table? Can someone help me out with this one please?
Thanks alot
Not typically the place for people to write code for you.
That said, here's an example.
- Uses Core Data to demonstrate persistent store.
- Uses standard UINavigationController, with two dynamically added UIBarButtons