Separate xcodeproj file for iPhone and iPad sharing resources - iphone

I am working on an iPhone application, latter to which i need to convert it into iPad application (Not universal)
I have seen somewhere a project that contains two separate xcodeproj file say
in single folder that are sharing common files, but opens as separate application when i double clicks *.xcodeproj files.
I goggled for doing same but i can't find good resources that shows how to do that.
Please suggest good way of doing same.

or try this i think that could help you


Is a Dynamically Linked Framework possible on iOS?

The keyword here is possible. I know of a few resources that talk about this and how to create static frameworks - here: and here:
I'm interested to see if it's possible to create a dynamically linked framework in an app that will not be submitted to the app store. I know it's impossible to write to the application bundle on a device without jailbreaking it. Is it possible to say, download a compiled framework file, put it in the documents directory and then access it via the application (think plug-in architecture). I know that if it is, you would be turned away from the app store for submitting it, but let's say this was an enterprise app, or an ad-hoc distributed app where Apple would not have to approve.
In my initial research I haven't found anything supporting that it is possible, but I feel like this may be such a fringe case that no one has published anything about it. Looking for a guru to give me a definite "no" before I give up.
not sure if this is what you are after but according to Apple there dynamically linked libraries even usable in iOS - for example the system libraries... XCode contains copies of them and references them via symbolic links...
see near the end of this
just an idea:
put the .dylib + include files you want to use into the respective folders where XCode expects the system libraries... use themn and then put symlinks into your bundle on deployment... let the symlinks point where ou copy the .dylib
I believe the answer is no. Apps on the iPhone are sandboxed. That is, aside from Apple supplied frameworks, an app cannot access anything outside of its own build.
This is possible now with IOS 8 Xcode 6.

Can two iPhone apps built from the same code use different iTunesArtwork (full version & lite/free version)?

I am currently building a full and a lite/free version of an iPhone app from the same source (along the lines of Creating Lite Versions of iPhone Games / Apps). This works great.
The only thing I cannot figure out is how to have two different iTunesArtwork files included in the respective build (e.g. one with a "lite" stamp on it, one without).
I read App Icons on iPad and iPhone on Apple's page but they don't say what to do with iTunesArtwork. I did include different "Icon.png" etc. files in the two different *.plists I have and this works as expected. But what about iTunesArtwork?
Am I missing something?
It is not required to embed the 512x512 artwork into your bundle. In iTunes Connect you will be able to upload the 512x512 file and you will be able to upload screen captures for the two different apps.
In XCode 4 you can create a group where you put your target specific files and assign them the correct target membership in the identity inspector.
Thus you have always the correct iTunesArtwork in your .ipa file.
This worked for me like a charm.
Hope it helps.

Adding localizable files to project on Xcode 4

I'm developing an App that needs Localization.
I've followed these steps:
I've created the es.lproj, it.lproj, en.lproj folders in the root of the project with finder.
I've created the Localizable.strings file in each folder with the key pair values corresponding to the target language.
I've imported with Add Files To option from Xcode.
When I test the App in the iphone simulator all works fine. I configure the iphone to any localizaed language and the app is translated properly.
But when I run the App in the device, only shows the strings in english.
I've made a test following these steps.
From Xcode 4 right button over Supporting Files Folder, New File.
Create Localizable.strings file
In file inspector, section Localization. I've added the rest of languages. Creating the file like a folder with all Localizable files in the tree.
In the root folder of the project, the xcode created a folder for each language.
After editing every file, I've executed in simulator and all works fine. I've tested in 3 different devices and the only language is English.
In the Project -> Info -> localization I've added every language.
In the Build Phases I've observed that only is referenced the Localizable.string file in the en.lproj folder. I've tried to add the rest of files, but only accepts one more Localizable file. I've tested in device with the "extra" added language but doesn't works.
Can someone help me please?
Thanks in advance.
Try this: Remove the app from the device, clean project, make sure that the files appear in Build Phases>Copy Bundle Resources and run again.
Are you sure you are testing properly on your device ? I just tried making a simple localization test, just a Hello world in different languages, and when i
I used Xcode 4 and followed the same steps as you. Changed my device language, reloaded the app, and there it was.
You might need to do a clean install in order for this to work. Do the clean install after you changed your device language to "something you haven't seen yet" ;]
Maybe this tutorial can help you : Localization Tutorial with XCode
Have you tried to delete the app from the device and then reinstalling?
EDIT: I have checked in a project of mine and the names I see are: English.lproj, French.lproj, etc.
Don't know if this could make a difference, but you could try it. Also, you can go to the app binary for the iPhone with the Finder and select Show package content to inspect its content and make sure the localization files are there This could help to pin down the problem...
If it can be run in the simulator ok, but the device has a problem with the localization, then the link provided here by Nils Munch has the answer. In troubleshooting it says "Unlike the iPhone simulator, the iPhone only recognizes strings files that are formatted UTF-16. Always test your localizations on the device, as the simulator and the device do not always behave the same way."
I think the problem here might be the file is UTF-8. The simulator can handle that but the device can't.

Integrating Different Xcode projects into a single project

In my iphone app, I had initially divided the app into modules.
Each module was prepared as an individual xcode project.
Now I have integrated all modules by referencing and copying necessary files.
I want to submit it to the app store.
Will Apple accept this project which is comprised of different individual modules being referenced into one?
Is this is the right way of doing it?
Is there any better way?
Should I consider recreating the whole project into one?
Would different App delegates not be an issue if we do so?
Please Help and Suggest
When you submit it to the app store you submit a single .app binary and not an xcode project. Apple won't even know you're referencing other projects. It will just build all the files you need and compile it into the single binary.

Decompile iPhone app binary

Is there a way to decompile an iPhone binary file in order to extract it's resources like images and sound files?
If you have sync the app to you Mac, just open the following folder:
/Users/YOUR_USER_NAME/Music/iTunes/iTunes Media/Mobile Applications
Or open iTunes and go to Apps and right mouse button on the app and select "show in Finder"
Copy the app you want to inspect, f.e. Demo.ipa
Change the extension ipa to zip =>
Extract the zip
Open the folder and then the folder "Payload"
Right Mouse Click and select "Show Package Content"
Change your .app file extension to zip and then extract the files. You will be able to get all resource files.
An iPhone .app file is simply a folder. If you're viewing it on a Mac (or even on the iPhone with iFile), just remove the .app extension and you should be able to view the resources. On Windows and Linux (tested with Ubuntu 14.04), it should "just work" and you'll be able to view the folder's contents without any renaming.
Edit: Removed the assumption that images/sound would be used in another application.
First, off you shouldn't be reverse compiling code so that you can get images/sound files from an iPhone or any other application for that matter.
Second, reverse compiling does not always guarantee a successful file generation of whatever file you're looking for. Whether it's an audio or image file.
It would be a much better approach for you in the long run, and in the process of learning that you either contact the authors of the app and ask for permission to use the images/audio that you're seeking (since you think it's such an awesome sound/image that you can't live without). Or you can do an audio mixing or image generation yourself.
If your lacking the time, skills or applications that would get you the quality of work you're looking for. I would recommend bring in a graphic artist or sound engineer/mixer.
You'd be learning how to manage a group or individual, convey your ideas correctly and informative, and you're more likely to build a better application as a result. And that is something you can't get from reverse compiling an iPhone application :-)