I have managed to successfully deploy my Symfony2 application to a production web server, but cannot find any documentation on how to deploy to multiple servers with one deploy command. In fact, at this stage it seems that my only option is to have multiple checkouts with separate config files. Is this really the case?
You should take a look to http://capifony.org/
Here you can find a sample of how to set it up.
Deploying a Rails App to Multiple Servers using Capistrano - Best Practices
I meet this issue and found the solution from Capifony, please try it Capifony: deployment in clustered machines
You just prepare your servers, and setup with Capifony
cap HOSTS="machine1.domain, machine2.domain" deploy:setup
And after that, always use HOSTS variable for your deploy command:
cap HOSTS="machine1.domain, machine2.domain" deploy
or deploy multistage command:
cap HOSTS="machine1.domain, machine2.domain" stage_name deploy
I'm a Ruby developer, but I like Scala very much as well.
For Rails framework we have awesome tools that supports deployments like Capistrano automation tool and Puma/Unicorn servers. With simple cookbooks using Chef or Ansible I can easily setup my VPS and deploy Rails application there.
How does automatic deployment look like in Play framework? What is minimal required stack for developing and deploying Play applications? Are there any tools for automatic deployment? What are recommended application servers?
All you need to run a Play app is a JVM. Play is container-less. So deploying your Play app in production is as simple as running a script that invokes a fat jar with all the other required jars in the classpath.
$play dist should generate a zip file that contains everything you need to run the app.
You can use Ansbile to automate.
To deploy Play Framework apps in AWS (Amazon) ec2 using Ansible playbook
As well as Chef.
If you are happy to run on AWS, Boxfuse comes with native Play 2 support.
You can now simply execute boxfuse run my-play-app-1.0.zip -env=prod and this will automatically:
create a minimal AMI tailor-made for your Play 2 app
create an elastic IP
create a security group with the correct permissions
launch an instance of your app
All future updates are performed as blue/green deployments with zero downtime.
This also works with Elastic Load Balancers and Auto-Scaling Groups and the Boxfuse free tier is designed to fit the AWS free tier.
You can read more about it here: https://boxfuse.com/blog/playframework-aws
Disclaimer: I'm the founder and CEO of Boxfuse
Over the last few months I've become familiar with the AWS OpsWorks deployment process as it pertain to Node.js - deployment for Go seems to be another animal.
From what I've gathered, this is what I need to compile a successful Go deployment:
Install go on the EC2 box
Pull the private repository from GitHub
Pull in all dependencies
Compile the main package for the box's arch
Start the binary with a couple of flags that I use
Everywhere I have read seems to tout the ease of Go deployments because dependencies are included in the binary, but that seems to imply that you are compiling the application in your development environment and pushing that up to the cloud. This doesn't seem like a process that works well across a development team.
I have been attempting to get the Chef Scripts from CrowdMob working, but to no avail. I continue to get errors that look like this:
[2014-08-01T16:08:22+00:00] WARN: Cookbook 'templates' is empty or entirely chefignored at /opt/aws/opsworks/current/merged-cookbooks/templates
What is the proper way to deal with dependencies during deployment?
Are there any established practices for deploying Go onto AWS with Chef?
Use a continuous integration service like CircleCi, Travis or your own setup Jenkins.
On the Continuous integration service then
Add a github post commit hook .
Test / Build the binary
Create the zip file as artifact
At this point you can create an new version on Elastic Beanstalk using the AWS commandline and the zip file created from this version.
venv/bin/aws elasticbeanstalk create-application-version ...
Then just select which version to deploy from the EB dashboard.
For simple services using Chef is overkill IMHO. Docker offers a simple workflow.
Use the Docker container option and then use elastic beanstalk's command-line client to initialize your environment in the project root directory and then you can simply do a 'git aws.push' from the same place.
With the correctly configured Dockerfile in your project and pushed to eb, the EBS' docker container app will pull the correct image with golang installed, then do a go get on your projects dependencies, and then compile and run your app. It sounds way more complicated but it's actually very easy.
Below is a link to a video walkthrough I did for running a simple golang webapp on EBS. The method for uploading the project does not use git. Instead, I zip it up and upload it, but the git method is recommended (and I do it) for automating deployment.
YouTube: How to run a go web app on Amazon's Elastic Beanstalk
I also had some problems to setup a good building process with Elastic Beanstalk and Go.. I don't want to use Docker, and all the people seems to be going on this direction.. so.. you can take a look at this project: https://github.com/battle-arena/heimdall
There you will find a custom setup using the Buildfile and the Procfile.. and I rely on a CI system to build the release package...
Basically I do the following:
Hook the commits to a CI system
On the CI system I run the test and the install.sh if all good
The install.sh will create a build folder and a structure that will be sended to the Elastic Beanstalk with the aws-cli tool
After send to the EB the Buildfile will run the build.sh that will basically extract the compressed package with the proper structure, and run a go get ./... and go build
The Procfile will run the generated binary
I think the result is pretty good, and you can use with any CI tool.
We're currently running a Ruby on Rails project (RefineryCMS) on Heroku with two dynos.
Every time we update the site we experience downtime for about 1 to 2 minutes. Management are not happy about this.
What we'd really like is some sort of (transparent) Blue-Green Deployment: http://martinfowler.com/bliki/BlueGreenDeployment.html
Is this possible to achieve on Heroku or another cloud platform as a service?
We're also using Unicorn, but happy to change if necessary.
Heroku don't support Blue/Green deployment.
I open an issue on that to Heroku support and they reply that Cedar stack wasn't designed for that.
So you can't really prevent downtimes
The preboot feature will not help you if your application failed to start(due to config issue or large migration at part of the start-up phase).
Have a look at Heroku pre-boot it's a labs feature but sounds like exactly what you need.
I'm using Fedora and I deploy Symfony projects in my local machine using virtual hosts. How can I deploy my projects in server to public which others can view it through their machines?
You have several way to deploy you symfony project. I will avoid ftp, svn up on prod, etc .. So, here is 2 good ways.
The built-in deploy task
Symfony comes with a built-in depoy task that has been used when symfony 1.4 was released. I think it's less and less used now (because there is better tool).
The simplest way to deploy your website is to use the built-in project:deploy task. It uses SSH and rsync to connect and transfer the files from one computer to another one.
Using capifony, which use Capistrano
Capistrano is an open source tool for running scripts on multiple servers. It’s primary use is for easily deploying applications.
capifony is a deployment recipes collection that works with both symfony and Symfony2 applications.
This way is far better than the previous one because you can automate many script when deploying (like testing your code, start a fresh built lib, upgrade database, share config file). But the most important one (from my POV) is that you can easily rollback a bad deployement. It's damm easy.
How do you deploy your websites?
For example: I am developing a site with a php framework and have it under version controle with git with all my local configs. When I want to put it on a web server for testing or updating the live application i have to copy it onto the server, change the config files, delete my test stuff etc.
So how do you handle these tasks?
I thought about using ant and write a deployment script for this.
Does there already exists a common solution for this "problem"? Because I don't think im the only one who need something like this.
There are quite a bunch of stuff available, but you might like Phing (like ANT for java).
Questions related to PHP+Phing:
Do you use Phing?
How do you manage your build [using Phing] process?
Setting up a deployment / build / CI cycle for PHP projects
what can Phing do that Ant can't?
Also read this questions sounds very interesting How To Deploy Your PHP Applications Correctly?
There is a specific question (a possible duplicate of your questions) has been answered a while ago, take a look at it Deploy a project using Git push
It seems you are using php, you should be good to go with capistrano. It is very easy to use capistrano for deployment with rails but it can also be tricked a bit to use for php.
Basically what you do with capistrano is -
Tell it which is you application server
Tell you database server
Tell web server (in most cases web server, app server and db server are same)
Specify you git repository with branch you want to deploy from
Once configured, you can deploy with capistrano with single command. You can even rollback your deployments from some of backup releases created by capistrano.
Now form some the repetitive tasks like, copying configs files like database configs (which generally are ignored in git), you create some tasks, which just creates symlinks or copies the files at appropriate location. These tasks will be called with deploy_hookes e.g. after_symlink hook.
You can find more about capistrano here - https://github.com/capistrano/capistrano/wiki
It comes with very good documentation, after getting overview, you may search for your framework specific approach to do this.