Secure SSL ASIHTTP request from iPhone - iphone

Using ASIHTTP on the iPhone I am making HTTP requests for things such as sign up and login. They often look something like this:
From this I usually receive a json response which I then parse.
I would like to soon submit my app to the App Store and need to make this secure. From what I understand this involves encryption and SSL certificates.
I have never done anything like this before and was hoping to get pointed in the right direction. Example code, tutorials, advice, etc. would be greatly appreciated.

So you've got a few questions here:
To do ssl with ASIHTTPRequest, you just need to pass a https url instead of a http one.
you don't need an real SSL certificate, you can disable validation using: [request setValidatesSecureCertificate:NO];
Yes, you're limited by what certificate signing authorities are supported by the iphone. So long as you stick to the big names it shouldn't really be an issue. (And as per 2. you can use a self signed certificate anyway.)
It seems CCATS not necessary anymore, you need an ERN instead - the process has changed, as of Summer 2010! See
for more details go through this
ASIHTTPRequest: https with SSL


SSL Pinning in swift and authentication challenge

I am trying to implement SSL pinning and I did, using the didReceiveAuthentication Challenge. I do have a question, however, is that the description of this function
and so are the URLSession Version of it, both mentioned that only when the challenge is received. My worry is that, would there be website that doesn't ask for client certificate at all? If that is the case, how am I suppose to do SSL pinning then?
Client-side certificate pinning has nothing to do with client certificates. didReceiveAuthenticationChallenge: is called in response to receiving the server's certificate as well. In that case it's called with the protectionSpace.authenticationMethod set to NSURLAuthenticationMethodServerTrust. If the server requests a client certificate, it'll be called again with ...ClientCertificate. If Basic Auth is required, it'll be called again with ...HTTPBasic and so on.

Facebook Canvas App developing without SSL

Facebook recently changed the security settings on Account Configs, now there is no more an option to force, or not, an application to use HTTPS protocol.
Therefore, it isn't possible to do a App without a SSL key. Previously we could just don't fill Secure Canvas URL field, and access the canvas app through the HTTP protocol. But now, without the option in the security user config, the facebook app keeps redirecting to the HTTPS protocol.
So, there is some workaround for this ?
As CBroe says, you need SSL.
There are 2 things you need in my opinion:
A webserver with SSL.
IF you're in OSX and you run Apache, this tutorial really helps:, plus you might want to add your certificate as a trusted (root?) certificate, or certificate authority. (I'm not very well versed in this)
The only caveat I found, specially for Chrome, is that when you're generating the Certificate Request File, under Common Name place "localhost" or the host you're using for development. This last caveat should be similar in Windows, since it's a browser requirement that the certificate common name matches the actual host. Browsers like Firefox allows you to permanently trust a certificate, thus avoiding all the certificate installation on the OS and trusting.
A proxy app
proxy-like app to act as a man in the middle and decode the encrypted information, in order to see the actual requests and response being sent and received from the server. There should be other software, but the one I use and love is Charles Proxy, which can do this and tons more.
Hope it helps!

Sending request to Secure SSL Server with certificate authentication in iPhone

I am developing an iPhone application for my client in which I have to send requests to a Secure SSL Server(Client's server, everything is ready by server side) with certificate authentication.
I am not getting exact procedure, or exact code showing steps to be followed. (i.e Procedure is not clear to me)
If anybody can explain me the mechanism behind it, it will be helpful for me.
Thank you.
You need not to do anything.
Just use proper URL with https://
All the underlying complexity will be handled by NSURLConnection class. It is as same as calling any other network services.

authenticity token and iphone

I would like to add security measurements against CSFR for my iphone app, which uses a server as backend, and the same server also serves web requests. server is written in ruby on rails.
for regular requests I'm using an special kind of authenticity token hidden inside the form, which is posted with every request from that page to establish trust.
my problem is I cannot simulate this behavior from iphone since it doesn't actually pull a form before posting.
I've thought of something along the lines of first sending request to server to generate some kind of token and then adding it to requests, but still given someone stills the token + authentication cookie etc from the iphone, sniffs it out or something. I'm still exposed to CSRF.
Here's an excellent post that should help to point you in the right direction.

Connecting iPhone app to a secure RESTful API?

I am building a RESTful API in Python with the Pylons framework, serving it with Apache2 and mod_wsgi, and would like to connect it to an iPhone app. I have very little experience with HTTPS, SSL, and certificate authorities, and I am wondering how I would go about securing my API.
How do I make sure that the API is being served through HTTPS? Is it necessary to, as in this example, set up an SSL certificate? If I sign an SSL certificate through an authority not recognized by iOS (, for example, and mainly because it is free), will that affect my app's ability to communicate with my server? How have others solved this problem of securing communications between a web-based RESTful API and iPhone apps?
Also, how does OAuth fit into all this?
This really depends on what you mean by "securing" your API.
Do you mean that you want to A) secure it so that unauthorized people are unable to access the API or B) do you mean that you want some level of encryption on the data passed back and forth between the client and server?
If the answer is B or both, then you will definitely need to look at getting an SSL certificate and installing it on the server. Most certificate authorities have guides on how to do this.
I'm not sure what you mean by "an authority not recognized by iOS" but you should still probably consider forking out the dough for a certificate from a recognized authority. It still wouldn't hurt to try though if they are offering free certificates. I can't really see there being any problem in terms of the ability of communication between server and client being affected.
In terms of securing your API from unauthorized clients, you could check out OAuth (see There are various Python libraries for OAuth. Check out for example. The only thing you may want to consider is that there is a reasonable learning curve when it comes to implementing OAuth.
The second link above demonstrates a simple OAuth client and also has example code for a three-legged authentication process.
You can handle certificates programmatically in iOS. You can even use self-signed certificates as long as your code acknowledges the fingerprint. I can't remember the details off the top of my head, but I know you can use didReceiveAuthenticationChallenge to do this.
In the long run, it is simpler to just buy a cert ( won't do).