How to make Facebook comment moderation work for iframe app installed as page tab - facebook

I have a Facebook App that is setup as an "App on Facebook" and a "Page Tab." I have this app installed as a tab on a Facebook business profile page.
The app is loaded as an iframe and I use the Facebook JavaScript SDK withing the iframed page to setup social widgets including comments.
My problems:
I can't access the comment moderation tools on the page -- they don't show up at the top of the comment widget.
When accessing the comment moderation tool at, I don't see any comments associated with the app.
I am an Admin of both the page and the app.
I am declaring an App ID in the <head> of the page:
<meta property="fb:app_id" content="{MY_APP_ID}">
Is there any special configuration that is needed to make this work? I have successfully setup comments with moderation before on regular web sites, so I think there must be something special about the application tab case. Should my fb:app_id reference the page's ID or the app ID of the tab?

Reason you can't moderate comments is the fact you linked Comments Social Plugin to Facebook Page URL.
Facebook linter doesn't even get to the Page Tab Canvas URL of your Application to get the values of fb:app_id and any other OG tags too.
Simply link Comments Plugin to URL accessible by linter (like your page canvas URL) pass it to linter to ensure all required tags is here, post comment and see it in moderation tool.
BTW, You will loose all existing comment due to URL change...
As you noted users may click on link comment link posted in feed they will see your app "naked", while this is true if you'll use Page Tab Canvas URL for linking Comments Social Plugin you may overcome it with next scenario:
You may link it to some special page which will only include OpenGraph tags and single javascript line redirecting to your Application tab on Facebook Page (according to URL arguments to that page for example).
<!-- OG tags should be placed here -->
<script type="text/javascript"> = ''
If that special page will be part of your "regular" Application (I mean within the scope of your Application Canvas URL) you may link to it's URL within Application on Facebook to avoid driving users outside of Facebook itself. Once user landed to that special page he will be redirected there real comments are displayed...
If you'll use page outside of Application Canvas URL users will get out of Facebook and only then landed to Tab.


New method to accomplish the same functionality as the old Facebook sharer.php

The original method for sharing links with a custom image, text and link appears to have been stripped from Facebook. I for one would love to see them bring this back.
Here is my situtation. I have a Facebook tab that loads a page that is hosted under my I setup a Facebook app to work with my Facebook tab. When I try to use the new "Share Dialog" if the link I want to share is not the same as the app domains then i get an error and I can't share the link. Am I doing something wrong or is this what they intended to do?
IF that's what they intended to do then there is no way that this will replace what sharer.php could do. I could be on any site and share any link with an image to Facebook and have it posted to my wall.
The question is if i am on facebook tab and i want to share a link (I want a dialog box with a custom photo, title, link, and summary) and allow my users to post this custom message to there Facebook status.
Maybe i am confused about how to accomplish this, but so far i am not having much luck.
I miss the good ole days when i could just construct a URL and that would give me the ability to share what i want to share. Twitter and Pinterest have these methods.
Here are some code examples of things that I've tried that did not work:
Option #1:
The url in this option goes to page that I created on that has the Open Graph Meta Tags in it. My idea was to share these pages from my server that will direct them back to my Facebook tab. The result I was getting from this method was seeing the title of the tab from my FB page and description. The reason turned out to be that if i set the og:url to my Facebook tab page, that's the page that would get scraped. That's not what i was expecting from this method. I thought it would take the meta tags from the page i shared and the url with it. Not take all of the info from url and ignore the meta tags.
<a href="[URL]"
target="_parent">SHARE ON FB</a></p>
Option #2:
Tried using Facebook Share Dialog. I had an interesting time with this one. I setup a new Facebook app. I tried the Facebook tab as the URL and also my custom url to the page that has custom open graph meta tags. The facebook app has two App Domains - and I also created a Page Tab section. The page tab section loads the HTML page that was loaded in the tab we made for our facebook page. Issue with this method is I don't get a custom open graph options set from my php page. I'm picking up information from the facebook tab again. At least now the dialog box shows the name of the new app. I am limited in what i can share using this method. The url i share has to belong to the App Domains. In order to have multiple app domains, I had to make that Page Tab section and then add the second url to the App Domains field, otherwise i got a warning.
<a href="[appID]&display=popup&href=[url]
&redirect_uri=[url]&ref=s" target="_blank">SHARE THIS</a>
Option #3
The last thing I tried was the fb-share-button using the Javascript SDK. I get the same result as option #1. I don't think there is much difference between these two. Option 3 here is a bit easier to deal with and cleaner code. In this example, the url is to my custom page on that has my custom open graph meta tags. That doesnt seem to matter though. It still pulls the info from the og:url meta tag. I tried removing the og:url meta tag. I get the same result. Is it the Page Tab info interfering?
<div class="fb-share-button" data-href="[url]"></div>

Facebook Page Publish link to page tab (iframe)

I have a wordpress site which is meant to use via Facebook page tab. I have made a page tab and added an iframe tag which opens the site into the page tab. I have added a Facebook plugin ( to publish new posts to my page's wall to get more traffic to the site. All this works perfectly.
My problem is the following:
The plugin publishes a link to e.g. The site is meant to use only via the page tab, not at that domain. The link should be customized to open the page in the Facebook page tab via iframe.
Does anyone have an idea how to fix this or how to achieve the solution another way?
I think that it can be done by customizing the link to point first at the right Facebook page tab and then inside the iframe to the correct page.

Add Facebook App to Facebook Page

I created a facebook application in the Then on the basic page under how it integrates with Facebook I select Page Tab. I supplied the information because I'm hosting the page and now I want to display it on my Facebook page.
How can I actually display this application on my facebook page?
Adding as an answer for future reference:
Check and make sure you've added all the fields necessary for the 'Add Page Tab' dialog to work; most likely the dialog will fail with Error 191 if you've included a redirect_uri field with a URL other than the one in your Page Tab Url or Site Url

Sharing an app that is on a facebook fan page

I have a facebook application that i have added to a facebook fan page, this application has an URL like Now i if copy this link and try and share it on the facebook fan page it uses the description/image from the page and not from the application like it want.
Is there any way to change this? The correct meta tags are in place.
yes there is a way, but not directly. facebook always fetches the meta tags of the top page, as your app runs in an iframe its not fetched.
but you can submit a wallpost (as user or as a fanpage) via the api and give alle information you want. (like image, video, description, title, ....)
see for an example.
An other variant:
You add a canvas app beside your facebook app. (see the app settings) on this page you add the meta tags for the wallposts, and a javascript which redirects to the fanpage like
top.location.href = ''
when ever you want to share you use the canvas app url. Facebooks greper ignores the javascript redirects but read the meta tags. A user clicking the wallpost is automaticly redirected to the fanpage - tab.

Facebook Like Button for facebook post's permalink

I want to make a Facebook Like Button for Facebook's individual page.
For example:
I get the code from facebook developer's page, and put on it to a my html.
My html:
But raised a error.
So, I try to check the url by URL Linter.
It say "Facebook Can't Crawl Itself. Sorry!".
Dose it possible that I want to do?
Unfortunately Facebook won't scrape OG tags from Tab Apps. However you can let Facebook scrape Canvas apps (apps on If you want to implement multiple Like buttons inside a Tab I recommend setting up simple HTML pages that include the appropriate OG tags as well as a redirect to your Tab in either a Canvas app (this way it feels like you're never leaving "The Facebook experience") or some external location (on your web server).