Facebook Graph API error? - facebook

I'm fairly new to Facebook's Graph API.
I'm trying to use their Graph API Explorer to post a message to my Fan Page wall. I have the paramters setup like below:-
Req Type: POST
Post URI: https://graph.facebook.com/MY_APP_ID/feed
Name Value: { message : 'This is a test message' }
Obviously the access token is set-up automatically in the Explorer.
But for some reason I get the error (#200) The user hasn't authorized the application to perform this action when I try to make the request.
I assume I've got to set something up somewhere, but can't find anything? Any ideas?

See https://developers.facebook.com/docs/authentication/permissions/ - you likely don't have the correct permissions in your access token - most likely to be missing is publish_stream


How to inspect/debug an Instagram Basic Display API token

When linking with the Instagram Basic Display, our app asks for the user_profile and user_media scopes. When linking, the user can de-select the user_media scope, which defeats the purpose of linking with our app.
I'd like to validate that the user has granted the user_media permissions, but can't figure out a good way to do it.
The Facebook Access Token Debugger is able to display the scopes that were granted when I paste in an IG Basic token.
I've tried using the /debug_token endpoint from the Graph API. It lets me debug Facebook and IG Graph tokens, but not IG Basic:
GET /debug_token?input_token=<token-to-debug>&access_token=<app-access-token>
The "app-access-token" I'm supplying is my Instagram Basic Display app's ID and secret combined together like this: app-id|app-secret
When I do this I get an error saying:
Error validating application. Cannot get application info due to a system error.
The only thing I can think of doing is to try accessing the user's IG media and detecting if it fails w/a permissions error. I'd like to avoid doing this if there is a better way :)
I ended up verifying this with an api request that tries to fetch the last media posted by the user:
def validate_permissions
params = { access_token: token, fields: ['id'], limit: 1 }
get('https://graph.instagram.com/me/media', params)
The get method in this class has an error handler for when the HTTP status >= 400. In the error handler, if the HTTP status is a 403 and the error has a "code" of 190 then we can conclude the user has not granted the permission.
The error message in this scenario is:
Application does not have permission for this action (access user media)

Permission issue when publish comment with Facebook Graph API v2.12

I am testing the facebook graph API comments
I checked my permission for the access token it contains the permission, which required by API. see the screenshot
I test my object-id (1797963943566411_1975256375837166) which is correct see me screenshot
Change the request method to POST and adding post data {"message": "haha"}
I get the error message shows:
"(#3) Publishing comments through the API is only available for page access tokens" see my screenshot
As you can see the first step checking, I have all the permission that the
API required.
Can any one see any sort of error in this process?
Try another way still not work.
I have a user who post a photo on his own facebook page.
I logged in with this user and give this user all permissions see the screenshot
enter image description here
call /me/accounts to get page access token
enter image description here
copy the page access token into the Graph API Explorer's access token field
GET: 1797963943566411_1975256375837166/likes
is working fine
But call POST: 1797963943566411_1975256375837166/likes
Get error response:
"error": {
"message": "(#200) Permissions error",
"type": "OAuthException",
"code": 200,
"fbtrace_id": "GtEaBfyXrUD"
The reason is Facebook changed the API behaviour. We are no longer to use api to like any POST on our time line. API can only like or comments on facebook page. Sad face !!!!

Getting the right access token

I'd like my application could read the posts from a group.
To do it, I got the access token in the following url:
and I call que following url:
And it works like a charm.
But I can't get any results when I call the url above with the token that was generated using my application id and secret:
https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/access_token?client_id=myid&client_secret=mysecret&grant_type=client_credentials <--- The token generated by this url does not work! =(
I am receiving the following data:
"data": [
I supposedly have the read_stream extended permission configured on my application.
One way to check for your self what permissions the token in the API explorer has, is to call /me/permissions
In addition grant_type=client_credentials is for app tokens. You need a user token most likely. Please review the documentation where you got that information from.

Posting on user's timeline on the behalf of the user

I created and APP on the Facebook.
Now I am trying to post a comment on the user's timeline using the Graph API but I cannot undestand what I need to do.
I already authorized the Application (I authorized this permissions: 'user_status,publish_stream,user_photos,email').
If I look on my profile -> privacy I can see that the APP can:
This app can: Post on your behalf
This app may post on your behalf, including status updates, photos and more.
Last data access:
Basic InformationToday
See details · Learn more
Posts on your behalf:
Who can see posts this app makes for you on your Facebook timeline?
When to notify you?
The app sends you a notification
So this part seems OK.
On my application I do the following to try to post somenthing on my timeline (I need to post it when I am off line).
1) GET : https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/access_token?client_id=APPID&client_secret=*APP_SECRET*&grant_type=client_credentials
access_token = 422828347771671|UdQELQIf0N7krF4JUo7VwtPLTkk
2) GET: https://graph.facebook.com/search?q=myemail&type=user
But reading the documentation (https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/#searching) it seems that this request does not need any kind of access token.
I also tried to add the access token, but the result is still the same.
3) I know my facebookid so I tried to use it directly:
POST: https://graph.facebook.com/100001139132403/feed
"error": {
"message": "(#200) This API call requires a valid app_id.",
"type": "OAuthException",
"code": 200
So I tried to add client_id=APPID and app_id=APPID, I tried to put one, the other and also both arguments as GET or POST but nothing changed.
I checked the APPId ad it is correct.
Do someone have any idea?
Thank you!
You cant simply generate a user access_token by querying to a URL. What you did gives the App access token and as the error say, you are trying to do something, that needs user access_token.
Refer and implement this : https://developers.facebook.com/docs/howtos/login/server-side-login/
And use that access_token for the rest of the processes.

Facebook JS SDK throwing 104 error when attempting to delete a app request

I have setup the facebook javascript sdk to initialize a friend invite dialog to send requests to friends. Clicking on the invite in Facebook, brings the user back to the site.
The query string has any and all request_ids that have not been handled (deleted).
I am following the documenation listed at the FB developers site here which states:
JavaScript SDK:
FB.api(requestId, 'delete', function(response) {
When they are returned to my site, the querystring has a request_ids parameter:
example: www.mysite.com/somepage?request_ids=0493834050
my Javascript code looks like this:
FB.api(requestIds[i], 'delete', function (response) {
But the error I get is:
code: 104
message: "An access token is required to request this resource."
type: "OAuthException"
All I want to do is delete the request ID. before I was even running the above code, the querystring was building up with every submitted request. It does appear they have been removed, because the querystring is reduced down to a single request id. But I am still uncertain it has been handled properly.
NOTE I am not using the Graph version - as I have not setup Graph on the app settings in Facebook.
I have the Facebook C# sdk - if someone has an easy way to do this here. I have tried the following with the same results.
var fbClient = new FacebookClient(accessToken)
I don’t see what’s possibly unclear about the error message – you need a valid access token to be able to delete requests, but by the looks of it you don’t have one.
So you’ll either have to have the user connect to your app in order to get an active access token for him; or you have to do it using your own app access token (but that’d have to be done server-side then, because you don’t want to transfer your app access token to the client side).