ODBC/JDBC proxy to Postgresql - postgresql

I've heard of a tool allowing to expose an ODBC/JDBC compliant database as a Postgesql database.
It was an opensource project on GitHub or Sourceforge. I'm unable to remember it or find it in my bookmarks.
Any clue ?

I'm assuming you need this because you have a pglib based legacy application.
In that case a work around might be to set up a gateway postgresql database, and then use the foreign server capability to connect via ODBC to the real target database.
You application would then talk to the gateway database via pglib, which would then in turn delegate the query down to the real database.
ODBC foreign data wrapper
Postgresql 9.1 documentation on creating a foreign server


Automate data loading to Google Sheet from PostgreSQL database

I would like to create an automated data pulling from our PostgreSQL database to a Google sheet. I've tried JDBC service, but it doesn't work, maybe incorrect variables/config. Does anyone already try doing this? I'd also like to schedule the extraction every hour.
According the the documentation, only Google Cloud SQL MySQL, MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, and Oracle databases are supported by Apps Script's JDBC. You may have to either move to a new database or develop your own API services to handle the connection.
As for scheduling by the hour, you can use Apps Script's installable triggers.

IdentityServer4 entity framework SQL Server connection string

I am trying to follow quickstart to setup SQL Server (not LocalDb version of SQLServer that comes with Visual Studio) as my data store. Looks like that two databases will be needed - one for configuration and the other for operation. But my problem is that I couldn't figure out what db names I should use. I created two databases using names I came up with and ran the scripts I downloaded from quickstart to create all the tables. Now, when I try to make connection, I think I will need to specify db names in my connection string, don't I? What should I use to replace the original connection string provide by quickstart - "Data Source=(LocalDb)\MSSQLLocalDB;database=IdentityServer4.Quickstart.EntityFramework-4.0.0;trusted_connection=yes;" ?
You can have one database for both. But in general I would keep the configuration part in memory if the number of clients is small. Why spend hours keeping the config in a database for just a few clients and resources?
Better to just keep the users and persisted grants in a database.

Oracle SQL Developer first-time user: no connection string

I installed oracle SQL Developer, but I am not having any connection string to connect to database.
How can I connect first time?
SQL Developer is a desktop application. It serves as a client for working with an Oracle database.
But, it’s NOT a database, nor does it come with one.
And you’re going to need a database.
You have lots of options going forward. I've tried to detail all of them here.
TL;DR version:
Oracle XE, free to use for any purpose (works just fine in Docker)
Our VirtualBox Appliance - very easy to get going, free to use for learning purposes
LiveSQL - a website you can use to learn Oracle, with nothing to install
And something my article doesn't address, Always Free Oracle Autonomous Database Cloud Service.

Using Entity Framework with Informix

I've been trying for quite some time to use Entity Framework with our IBM Informix databases. Hours of searching has pointed me towards installing the IBM .NET Data Server Provider, which I have installed, however when I attempt to add a new Entity Model to my project I only have the Microsoft SQL Server Data Providers listed. Am I missing a step? Is this even possible?
I am not an expert on Windows or .NET; treat any comments I make with due caution.
Installing the .NET Data Server Provider is an important first step. You now have to make sure that you can use it to connect to the Informix databases you want to manipulate. There are several things you'll need to check here:
Is the server (meaning the Informix instance) configured to allow DRDA connections?
By default, it probably isn't.
If you're the DBSA (database system administrator), you'll need to check that you've enabled 'drsoctcp' connections on the system, and configured a server alias to use that connection.
If you're not the DBSA, you'll need to chat with your DBSA to get the relevant information.
Assuming that you have DRDA connectivity enabled at the server side, you then need to ensure you have an appropriately configured ... DSN? Your client code needs to be able to connect to the server.
There is no reason I'm aware of why it cannot be done. However, I don't know exactly how to guide you step-by-step through any of the above.
You might need to seek assistance from IBM Technical Support.
You would help everyone if you clarified which version of Informix (the DBMS) you have, along with the version information for the platform where it is running (whether Windows or Unix, and the o/s version information) - and which version of the Data Server Provider you are using (and which variant of Windows you are using it on).

How do I setup DB2 Express-C Data Federation for a Sybase data source?

I wish to make fields in a remote public Sybase database outlined at http://www.informatics.jax.org/software.shtml#sql appear locally in our DB2 project's schema. To do this, I was going to use data federation, however I can't seem to be able to install the data source library (Sybase-specific file libdb2ctlib.so for Linux) because only DB2 and Infomatix work OOTB with DB2 Express-C v9.5 (which is the version we're currently running, I also tried the latest V9.7.)
From unclear IBM documentation and forum posts, the best I can gather is we need to spend $675 on http://www-01.ibm.com/software/data/infosphere/federation-server/ to get support for Sybase but budget-wise that's a bit out of the question.
So is there a free method using previous tool versions (as it seems DB2 Information Integrator was rebranded as InfoSphere Federation Server) to setup DB2 data wrappers for Sybase? Alternatively, is there another non-MySQL approach we can use, such as switching our local DBMS from DB2 to PostgreSQL? Does the latter support data integration/federation?
DB2 Express-C does not allow federated links to any remote database, not even other DB2 databases. You are correct that InfoSphere Federation Server is required to federate DB2 to a Sybase data source. I don't know if PostgreSQL supports federated links to Sybase.
Derek, there are several ways in which one can create a federated database. One is by using the federated database capability that is built in to DB2 Express-C. However, DB2 Express-C can only federate data from specific data sources i.e. other DB2 databases and industry standard web services. To add Sybase to this list you must purchase IBM Federation Server product.
The other way is to leverage DB2 capability to create User Defined Functions in DB2 Express-C that use OLE DB API to access other data sources. Because OLE DB is a Windows-based technology, only DB2 servers running on Windows can do that. What you do is create a table UDF that you can then use anywhere you would expect to see a table result set e.g view definition. For example, you could define a view that uses your UDF to materialize the results. These results would come from a query (via OLE DB) of your Sybase data (or any other OLE DB compliant data source).
You can find more information here http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/idm/v2r2/index.jsp?topic=/com.ibm.datatools.routines.doc/topics/coledb_cont.html