How to rename subpackage folder name in eclipse - eclipse

I am using WaveMaker and Eclipse IDE. In WaveMaker,I create java services and edit them using eclipse. Have to set its default service package's path into services/serviceName/src package folder.Right clicking on src folder and select 'Use as Source Folder' option open another window.
Now the problem is:
my folder name is now : services/serviceName/src/com/subpackage1/subpackage2/subpackage3/subpackage4/subpackage5
I want to rename it as services/serviceName/src with default package in which java file is there. Its not allowing me to rename it as above..
Below is the screenshot.
I want to rename it to services/userSignupService/src

I think you're slightly mistaken here.
services/serviceName/src/com/subpackage1/subpackage2 is not the name of your folder. It is just the full package path.
Your services/serviceName/src will still be there if you can go to the workspace in Windows Explorer and explore

Okay. I was giving full path name while creating java service in wavemaker. I've created it without full path. and in Eclipse, Right Click>Build Path>Use as source folder works.


I need Netbeans help. NO project's -src node appears so no source files--only -Libraries node shows

I hope it's OK to ask this here. Netbeans forums isn't responding. If not, I'll delete this or ask for it to be deleted. I'm desperate so I'll face the wrath, if any.
I moved my Netbeans projects folder from one directory node to another to make backing up all my stuff easier. BAD MOVE.
Now when I open a project using Files | Open project (ctrl-shift-O) NO source files appear because there is no "+Source Packages" node to expand.
It looks like this for all projects, e.g. one named GBL:
It doesn't look like this anymore:
+Source Packages (How do I get this back?)
The Netbeans Properties for each project shows me the path it's using. Windows 7 Explorer shows me that the src, build, and nbproject folders contain files and ALL the source files are in the src folder for that path.
What have I done and more importantly what should I do to get back to being able to open a project normally?
(I've tried recreating the original Netbeans folder and using Windows Explorer to copy an entire project folder into it but: same result--all I see is the Libraries node under the project's name node.)
I just tried to Clean (and also Build) to see what would happen. Error:
ant -f C:\\Users\\Dov\\Documents\\NetBeansProjects\\BasicShirt jar
Must set src.dir
I just Set Configuration by right-clicking the project's name and provided a path to the src folder.
NOW I SEE MY SOURCE FILES BUT NOW THIS line in the .xml file is flagged with similar message:
<fail unless="[u][b]test[/b][/u].src.dir">Must set test.src.dir</fail>
NOW what do I do? (Netbeans 7.4.)
If I could get rid of the 7.4 automatic creation of +Test Packages, I might be OK.
If you can help, I'd be very happy.
(I'm considering re-installing 7.3 if available or removing and reinstalling 7.4 and try to avoid the "testing" requirement, but there goes all my many tweaks of 7.4.)
Well, after considerable frustration with the problem, I solved it, essentially.
It's here, in total. My synopsis plus how it helped me follows. In short, I had to set up a new java project based on existing sources using the New Project Wiz and simply direct Netbeans to the sources.
File > New Project
Choose Java Project with Existing Sources.
Type a (new) project name and ...
... make the Project Folder contains the path to where you want the new project to be stored. (For me, this is the folder where Netbeans has been able to find my sources.)
Click Next for the Existing Sources page of the wizard and ...
5a. ... in the Source Packages Folder pane, click Add Folder and ...
5b. ... navigate to your sources and select the source root folder.
Clicking Next goes to the Includes/Excludes pane, which I didn't need to use.

How to place a file on classpath in Eclipse?

As this documentation says, "For example if you place this file on your classpath", but how can I place the .properties file on my classpath if I am using Eclipse?
Just to add. If you right-click on an eclipse project and select Properties, select the Java Build Path link on the left. Then select the Source Tab. You'll see a list of all the java source folders. You can even add your own. By default the {project}/src folder is the classpath folder.
One option is to place your properties file in the src/ directory of your project. This will copy it to the "classes" (along with your .class files) at build time. I often do this for web projects.
This might not be the most useful answer, more of an addendum, but the above answer (from greenkode) confused me for all of 10 seconds.
"Add Folder" only lets you see folders that are the sub-folders of the project whose build path you are looking at.
The "Link Source" button in the above image would be called "Add External Folder" in an ideal world.
I had to make a properties file that is to be shared between multiple projects, and by keeping the properties file in an external folder, I am able to have only one, instead of having a copy in each project.
Well one of the option is to goto your workspace, your project folder, then bin copy and paste the log4j properites file.
it would be better to paste the file also in source folder.
Now you may want to know from where to get this file, download smslib, then extract it, then smslib->misc->log4j sample configuration -> log4j here you go.
This what helped,me so just wanted to know.
Copy the file into your src folder. Go to the Project Explorer in Eclipse, Right-click on your project, and click on "Refresh". The file should appear on the Project Explorer pane as well.

Eclipse confusing package to be a folder

I have read some questions on this around here but my tries at the answer have not yielded success. Here is the problem:
Folder(under above package):b
Java class(under above folder)
The proper package structure is, but eclipse thinks 'b' is a folder. When I right click on b and go to build-source, there is an option that says "use as source folder" which then does something totally unwanted - creates a separate folder with the entire package path as a source folder, and uses a default package:
Package: default package
How do I solve this annoying issue?
PS: I am unable to use images which to give a better idea but being new here, there is a restriction.
You have project/com/me/a/b set as the source folder. Your build path looks something like this.
You need to set project as the source folder. Your build path will look something like this afterward.
this is very strange. packages are basically folders, so saying that you have package with a folder in it named b is essentially the same as having package
Or there is something wrong with the Eclipse's workspace metadata for this particular project?
Try creating new project with such package and class in it see if it is any different?
The behavior you describe when choosing "b" as a source folder is expected: you are basically telling eclipse that this folder b is a source folder, a root folder for source java files. this is the default package, every sub-folder of this one is considered a different java package...
I just had this same problem with ONE folder between about 100 folders. The solution turned out to be righ click on the folder (in the package view), choose "Build Path", and then "Include" (Instead of 'use as a source foldre' as the OP did). After that the folder turned into a package.

How to make an existing directory into an eclipse project

I have a project I am working on. I have decided to try working with it in Eclipse. There is already a directory, under version control where all the code resides. I am having a rather strange problem. I cannot find any way to just start using an existing code directory as an eclipse project. All I can find is how to import existing source into a new project or check out source from version control into a new project. How do I make an existing directory into a project?
My project is a Django web app if it is any help
In the New Java Project wizard, uncheck the checkbox that says Use default location and the use the Browse button to find your directory.
It is pretty easy to do. Go to File->New-> Project. In the Project wizard, choose the type of project you want and then be sure to unclick the 'Use default location` checkbox. Browse for your folder in the widget that then becomes enabled. Click finish after that.
Alternatively, you could create a brand new project workspace in a new location. Then, assuming Java as your project type, you can open up your project properties and add as a source folder your existing directory. To do this, use the 'Link Source' button on the Java Build Path -> Source tab of your Project Properties dialog.
My Method:
I clone this file to new project directory , and rename Project-Name to my project name, after that i import new files and directory from Eclips
File Name: .project ( Use Notepad for make this Save as type to All Files (*.*) and write file name like: .project )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Hope this link answers the original question of this thread.
Creating linked resources
Folders and files can be linked to locations in the file system outside of the project's location. These special folders and files are called linked resources.
To create a linked folder:
In one of the navigation views, right-click the project or folder where you want to create the linked folder.
From the pop-up menu, select command link New > Folder.
Specify the name of the folder as it will appear in the workbench. This name can be different from the name of the folder in the file system.
Click Advanced.
Check Link to alternate location (Linked Folder).
Enter a file system path, or click Browse to select a folder in the file system.
Click Finish.
Probably not the way most people would go about this, but I like all of my eclipse projects in one place but don't necessarily have my source in my workspace directory. Maybe there is a built in way to "symlink" in eclipse, but I sometimes end up with the project folder in the workspace, with the "src" symlinked to the actual source directory somewhere totally different. That's my personal preference anyway. If you too are on a *nix machine a simple
ln -s /path/to/source src
will do from your project directory.
You know, it is not so simple question. Depending on your project type (jar, web module, ear and so on) different structure and configuration files are used by eclipse. So the first really interesting question is that what is your project type? The basic solution after it to create a new project, and define the directory of your source code as project root. Then you will see what else to change (for example source path settings, classpath and so on). So how does your project look like? Can you proide structure tree of folders?
Since you are using Django you should first set up PyDev in Eclipse. You can install it from the market. Then you want to configure the PyDev Python interpreters to find your installation of Django ( Make sure to provide the explicit path to the Django folder if your Django is not installed in the default location.
Once these things are ready you can select File > New > Other, then select PyDev Django Project from the PyDev sub directory.
Click next and here is the sweet part: Uncheck 'Use default' (as previously stated) and then find your Django project directory. Be sure to select the right project folder (ie: the folder that contains When you have the right folder selected Eclipse/PyDev will recognize that a project already exists and make mention that it will use those files. Click Finish.
Then there is a DB form that asks about your DB settings. If you already have a file then this seems to make no changes (as it should not). So fill it in or don't. But this is the last step.
Then you should be able to view and use your existing project in Eclipse!
I just created a pom.xml by hand and imported the project as an existing Maven project in Eclipse. It even works for nested projects without problems.
Use "import - existing projects into workspace". This works for my case.
Right click on a project -> Properties.
Open project location in explorer, there's a little icon next to path.
Put your folder/file structure in there and refresh the project in eclipse.

Help me understand Eclipse's Java Build Path

I have been moving my Java projects from Jdeveloper over to Eclipse whenever I have to go back and make a change (I only work with Java projects sparingly).
Everytime I try to create a project in Eclipse (3.3.2) I spend quite some time trying to figure out the proper way to configure the source directories in the Java build path dialog.
The biggest problem I'm having is getting the source directories to match up with the package specified in the source files. For Example my project looks like this:
The MainSRC directory is also the "Root" package so my classes would be defined as:
package MainSRC.Sub1;
If I set my included directory to blank, the files compile but with many errors because the Packages are not in the right place.
How do I tell eclipse to start at MainSRC for the compilation rather than the children of MainSRC?
Or, should I the path up with one src folder with MainSRC as subfolder?
I basically don't understand how this works.
you need to set MainSRC as a 'Source Folder'.
Apparently, you project root are set as Source Folder.
Enter in project properties:
. Right click over your Project root, and select Properties
. Choose Java Build Path
. Remove all source folders
. Click 'Add Folder'
. Select 'MainSRC'
. Click Ok and Ok
Now, your MainSRC are a Source Folder. Some error occurs inside source files. For agile process, right click over package 'Sub1', and press F2. Rename your package for a new, then all your source files will be put in the correct new package.
And Past
You would need to set the source directory to the root MyProject directory. You would have to tell Eclipse to exclude the other directories (such as DevelopmentBuilds) as they are not source code.
You might find you're better off conforming to Eclipse's expectations and creating a source folder which contains your main package folder.