Facebook page get user like status - facebook

I tried googling & checking stackoverflow for the possible solution but haven't found any yet, so would like to bring it up here again.
I have a Facebook page, page has multiple tabs, and one of the tab has a Facebook App (accessed only through the tab, redirect the http://apps.facebook.com/myapp to the page tab)
I have some content (say non-fan content) to be displayed to the user before he likes the page.but, I don't have any way to check if the user has liked the page unless he adds the app & fb documentation has stuff that can give me the required like FQL page_fan, url_like, api(/me/likes/FACEBOOK_PAGE_ID) but each one of this needs an accesstoken (which I cannot get before the user adds the app).
some of the posts on stackover flow says that is not possible without getting the user to add the app. but there are apps like static html, static iframe & others which provides this functionality, how ?
Please advise.

Facebook will POST a signed_request to your server when the user opens the page tab.
This is what you get when you parse the signed_request:
The important part is "page.liked" where you see if the user likes the page.
No permissions and no app authorization is needed for this to work.
Search the web about parsing the signed_request in your favorite web programming language i.e. php.


Facebook creates a Business Page for each page on my site

I'm experiencing some issues with my website, regarding to Facebook page's behaviour. I added the opengraphs tags (including an "fb:admins" with my own ID) and now, everytime I click on a Like button on my domain, a new Page is created inside Facebook (i.e. on the http://facebook.com/pages/manage).
Why is this happening? And even more important: how can I make it stop?! I manually created the Page on Facebook for my business, and I don't want any other Page on FB to be created!
Thanks in advance!
That's how the Like button works ; it creates a virtual 'admin' page for each liked URL which is of the appropriate type which allows you to post updates into the news feed of the users who have liked that URL - it also enables access to the insights for the Like button
If you don't want them appearing in the list of adminned pages on your account for some reason, the easiest thing to do is to create an App, and use the App ID as the admin of the pages instead of using your user ID.

How to migrate an Open Graph Page to a Business Page?

I have implemented the like button on a website. People have liked the website, and I have the option to administer that open graph object. However, on the administration page I see the following notice:
Administer Your Page
This is the administration interface for your
webpage at [...]. You can see Insights and
publish to the users that have liked your webpage. Only the
administrators of the webpage can view this interface, other users are
sent to the webpage.
This is a ghost page, because, as the notice says, only the administrator(s) can see it. I don't want the behavior of users being sent to my website. I want them to be able to stay on Facebook and see this page, just like they would see and interact with another business page.
Is there a tool or a request form to do this kind of migration (i.e. from an open graph page to a normal business page)?
I have researched for about two days for this issue, but I have not found any leads.
According to this help article, you can merge two facebook pages into one. But the constraint is that you can merge to a page with higher likes only, and the page with fewer likes will be removed. I am not sure if it works for ghost pages or not.
Shef, let me try to answer:
if you have an app myapp, that is canvas url https://apps.facebook.com/myapp
then you will have an application profile page: http://www.facebook.com/myapp [*]
So if a search your app from google or facebook, then they come to first this page,
and if they click go to app, they reach to your app.
However if you have just implemented like url: myapp.com/myitem=1
then you will have this "ghost" page. You need this ghost page, because you need somewhere
to administrate your likes
So you are asking a real page instead ghost, well this is hard to implement this request by facebook guys. Because there is like link to refer some url. So there must be some pop up asking user: 'Do you want to follow link or go to business page instead'
[*] username is not available anymore for facebook apps. see How to get name of facebook application page?
You can use the ref parameter while specifying your like button. This ref parameter will be set by Facebook, for all url's/links that appear on Facebook, i.e wherever this like action is displayed with the link to the url liked by the user. So you know when a user visits your page through Facebook. Check the following from this link:
ref - a label for tracking referrals; must be less than 50 characters and can contain alphanumeric characters and some punctuation (currently +/=-.:_). The ref attribute causes two parameters to be added to the referrer URL when a user clicks a link from a stream story about a Like action:
fb_ref - the ref parameter
fb_source - the stream type ('home', 'profile', 'search', 'other') in which the click occurred and the story type ('oneline' or 'multiline'), concatenated with an underscore.
Upon calling your url you can redirect the user to the page on Facebook that you want. Business pages on Facebook have a particular url, of course, and you can easily do the redirect.
I don't think that you have an option to migrate an open graph page to a normal business page. You can however create your page, and give it the same name as your website. The draw back here would be when users like your page on Facebook, you won't be able to accumulate the likes already garnered by your website.
Take a look at the like box plugin (Facebook doc here ). It can be used to like pages that are on Facebook itself, from external websites. This way you will be able to accumulate your likes. You can also modify the plugin to look like a like button, not fully but almost. But you still end up creating a new page. And the old likes will not be available.

Forcing Visitors to Liking Facebook Page

I have a Facebook page.
We will start a giveaway. And we will give gifts to our Facebook Fans . They will give a promo code if like our page. BUt we want to sure, they are really fan of our fan page.
Because of this, I want to create a new tab which say "You have to like this page for get promotion code" to user . When visitor like our page, he / she can see content tab. If not, they can't see.
It was easy on static FBML, but know how can i do it with iFrame ? My tab is ready. Created a new app and then this app added to page.
you need to parse the signed_request parameter, it has a Boolean attribute called liked.
you may want to look at this question

facebook landing page

i have one problem with facebook landing page. i created facebook landing page through static fbml app but i have one problem with like button, user must like the page before he will navigate to another page.
i want to do same functionality in my landing page,
anyone know about this please help me .
thanks inadvance......
At this point you'll probably want to go with iframe based Facebook page tabs instead, now that these have become available and fbml based apps are being phased out. Among other advantages, the signed_request parameter that Facebook sends to an iframe based tab app includes a flag that indicates whether the user is a fan of the page.
Now that iframes are the only way to create new Facebook apps and FBML is being phased out, you need a new way to do it.
When your app URL is loaded, it is passed a signed_request POST parameter. This parameter contains the information you need. However, it is packed and encoded so it requires some manipulation to get the right info out.
First, split the signed_request on the '.' character. The first part is the signature. The second part is the encoded_data
Decode the encoded_data into a JSON string using the URLBase64Decode function equivalent in your server-side programming language
The JSON object contains a node called "page". This contains a node called "liked".
If "liked" is true, the user liked the page and you display the "liked" version of your app. If false, show the "Please like me" version of the site.
The FBML way will continue to work the way you have it live right now, but for anyone building a new Facebook app, this is the way to do.

Is user authorized, on Facebook tab

Getting an interesting error. I've been developing and application, and viewing it on it's page. Now I'm install that app in as tab on a company page and it's saying I can't use:
in the tab view? How can I show or hide part of the page if the user viewing it is an app user?
FBML fan page tabs have been deprecated and replaced with Facebook iframe pages. To determine if the user is fan, you will need to decode the signed_request parameter that gets POST'ed to your webpage. There will be a "liked" variable in the encoded json payload. This page gives an example of how the new process works,