iOS Google Maps Transit Data - iphone

Is it possible to use google maps transit data to show a publich transit route inside your application rather than sending a user to google maps app?
I see that google maps on iphone does it well for switzerland (region i am interested in).
driving, walking and bicycling are there, but it seems like transit is not available.
Anybody got an idea or workaround?

No, there isn't. Google licenses the data from transit agencies, not many of which licenses the data for use in the API. Some agencies publish their data in Google Transit Feed Spec. There's a list of those agencies, you could pull the data from the provider and parse it out yourself, but that's not available for everyone.

See the Transitland open data platform for a wide range of APIs for querying across all the feeds provided by transit agencies. Best places to start is the overview of the various APIs at


iOS api for real time traffic data (like geoloqi and Waze)

I have been visiting some services api website but can't find what I am looking for. My question is more aimed at what resources to use rather than how exactly it should be done.
My iphone app requirement is to be able to track users that are nearby, are commuting and locate them on map. Additional requirement maybe texting them, call them, have video session with them etc. On a high level, this will convert to something like
get user details based on longitude and latitude
get to know if they are registered users of the service subscribed
Sending message to user/users
Call user using iphone phone api or dedicated app session
Video call
Waze is one of them. While it is open source, there is quite less documentation on how one can use it as backend for real time traffic data.
Then there is this Geoloqi which is paid, but has iOS SDK as well as rich api. However I cannot find sections that are useful to me when I look up to my requirements listed above. What I believe is that there must be many apps already relying on such a useful service. If any of them are open source / tutorials, it would be most useful resource for me for feasibility of geoloqi. Geoloqi also charges users for using their api, so it is also important for me to know what features come at what price .
For the level of data/information your interested in, and the functionality, you should just make your own app, I dont think you need those APIs.
You can find and send the coordinates of the people who are using your app to your server. Then you need to determine the distance between them, to see if they are in the zone of talking, or whatever other functionality you have listed above.
To determine the distance between two people, This answer should be helpful: Calculate distance between 2 GPS coordinates

Show traffic like in Maps app from iphone using MKMapView

I've noticed that the maps app integrated in iOS can show the traffic, but is there a way to do that using MKMapView? or that functionality only appears in that app?.
Any help please?
The data Apple uses appears to be sourced from TomTom and others. If you can find an API that provides traffic data, you can use a MKPolyline to render the data.
As far as I know you can't show the traffic information using the MK framework.
To achieve the results you want I would offer to use the third party resources, Google Maps API for example, and use UIWebView to present a customized map. Google Maps JavaScript API v3 TrafficLayer

Google Places APIs for my iPhone application

I am developing an iPhone application in which I am using Google Places APIs. I am finding user's current location using GPS. And I want to display places around user's current location. I am able to find places around users but in JSON data which is returned by Google APIs do not include images of places.
How can I get images of places using Google places APIs?
Thanks in advance.
check this cool project built for exactly the same reason - iOS5-Google-Places. More here as a blog post. It also has has search built in.
Application will determine location. Issue Google Places API request
containing the LAT and LNG and TYPES (types are configurable) and will
return JSON results into an object to display in UITableView.
This should solve your requirements.
Just in case this is not baking your cake, then you need to roll up your own iOS Google Places wrapper using a UIWebView and Google Places APIs.

Integrating Google Maps Data API with iPhone and performing search

Has anyone integrated Google's Maps Data API available here, with iPhone application. If so can you please share the skeleton code to get an head start in my application?
I want to search some nearby places (for user information e.g. park, theatre, etc.) with respect to current location using Google Maps Data API.
I just published some simple iOS classes that use Google's Local Search API to get location information about places in a map region via a name or address search. There are detailed instructions here, and the GitHub repository is here.
Hopefully, this information will make it very easy for new developers to use the Google Local API in an iPhone app to get the latitude & longitude of businesses & other places.
I suspect this code is what you're after.
NSString *url =[[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:#"'%#'&sll=%f,%f&rsz=large&start=0",query, location.latitude, location.longitude];
You may also want to review
follow these steps to build the library... Rest of it is very easy... then read this
The Maps Data API doesn't do what you seem to want to do - search for nearby points of interest, rather its a way to save and query your geo data.
You'll probably want to take a look at the Local Search features of the Google AJAX Search API. This section talks about how to use it as a web service, which you can access from your iPhone app.

mobile application analytics

HI all,
so we all know "pinch media" - the "spyware" software ;)
i'm searching for some really cool analytics softwares for my iphone application.
pinch media, is the one i know, it looks really great, but we all know, the reputation of this piece of software is very bad.
i'd like to know if i can use it, or if my app then is one of this spyware apps, for users (it isnt really, i know, but users might think it is, when i use this).
are there some alternatives? other programms, with the same good analysis?
I found admob and, but pinch media/Flurry is the best one atm.
Here is a good pdf that compares some of the main iPhone/iPod touch analytics providers
Try Google Analytics
Any analytics package which reports usage statistics back to a central server (Flurry, Google Analytics, etc.) will be considered "spyware" by some users, not just Pinch Media's offering. The really paranoid users will sniff data traffic out of your application and detect traffic from any service, no matter who provides it.
If you really care about those users who will be upset by this, give them the option to opt-out of data collection in your application's settings or when the application first starts.
If you are looking for more inside on your app, you should try They let you view heatmaps for your app, and other interaction data.
Example heatmap:
I suggest you to take a look at Appsee
Appsee provides visual in-app analytics, including heatmaps, real user recording and user bahavior reprots. And you can create a free account there.
Flurry, Google Analytics, etc are central server to store the user's data.
If you want to build your private data center. you can visit this url
And the web site is:
to get the open source system (both server and client sides)
There are two kinds of analytics: business analytics and app performance analytics. Google Analtyics, Flurry etc are good for business analytics but app developers are mostly interested in knowing when app crashes, being able to capture app logs, impact of network speeds and carriers on performance of their apps. For app performance analytics, take a look at . You not only get real time performance anlaytics but also ability to do some configuration changes in real time.