How can I make an arbitrary Emacs buffer "hidden"? - emacs

Several emacs extensions create "junk" buffers, and I have to manually remove them from various buffer lists.
Emacs has a concept of "hidden buffers", which is used for instance for the minibuffer.
How can I make an arbitrary buffer a hidden buffer?

Emacs does have a concept of uninteresting/hidden buffers - and designates them as such by making their names begin with a space. See the documentation for buffer names. You can make a buffer "uninteresting" by changing its name to begin with a space.
Try M-x make-buffer-uninteresting:
(defun make-buffer-uninteresting ()
"rename the current buffer to begin with a space"
(unless (string-match-p "^ " (buffer-name))
(rename-buffer (concat " " (buffer-name)))))

If you enable ido (which you should because i don't know why you would use emacs without it), then you can configured which buffers are ignored using the ido-ignore-buffers list, which is a list of regex's specifying buffers to ignore for normal buffer switching. (really, you should be using ido if you aren't already).


How to create a new, unnamed file in emacs?

This is a very simple request: I want to create a new, blank file without giving it a name (yet). I can use the scratch buffer but there's only one. I can C-x C-f and open a new file, but then I have to give it a name and path. If I'm just writing notes to myself or sketching out ideas, I don't want to have to give it a name. How do I create a new, empty, unnamed file?
You can create a new buffer with: C-xb and type in the buffer name and it will create a new buffer with a name that you choose.
If you want to save that buffer, just hit C-x w to create the file with its contents to a desired location.
My recommendation is that you give org-mode a try. It will do what want among a million other things.
Give it a name. Just don't save it.
Not what you wanted to hear, but this is the Emacs way.
Use C-x C-f, giving the (to-be-file-visiting) buffer a name. Edit the text. Do not use C-x C-s to save the buffer to the file (i.e., to disk).
Note that you can first put yourself in a directory whose contents you don't care about, so that if you accidentally do save the buffer there then you can easily find, recognize and toss the file. To change directories, you can use M-x cd. Or just do it by editing the directory part when you first use C-x C-f. Or use C-x d to put yourself in a Dired buffer for the directory.
If you don't want to take the chance of accidentally hitting C-x C-s and thus saving your edits, then use C-x b instead of C-x C-f. You are (even here) prompted for the buffer name. Giving it a new name (not the name of an existing buffer) creates a new buffer. In this case, if you use C-x C-s then Emacs prompts you for the file location to save the buffer in.
Why would you want to use C-x C-f instead of C-x b, if you might not want to save the buffer? Providing a file extension in the file name you give automatically puts the buffer in the proper major mode (typically). Otherwise (for C-x b) you need to put the buffer in the mode you want.
Buffer *scratch* is by default in Lisp-Interaction mode, which is similar to Emacs-Lisp mode (but not the same).
In every other text editor or word processor the intuition is to create a “new file” or a “new buffer”, not to switch to idiosyncratic *scratch* buffer. For example, you write quick notes or thoughts in several different buffers to keep trace of them—later you decide if you throw them away or save them. Or you manipulate a snippet of text or code, but you don't want to change the original buffer, so you just copypaste it to a new temporary buffer.
*scratch* is set to Lisp Interaction mode, but if I want to quickly evaluate some Elisp code, I could eval it running eval-expression (Alt+:) or in Elisp interpreter IELM (Alt+x Enter ielm). Also, if you close *scratch* buffer, it doesn't ask you to save it, so you can accidentally lose all your work. Drew's traditional solution seems too sub-optimal. And I don't buy the argument that “this is how you do it in Emacs”. Emacs is a customizable editor, so you can and should create whatever workflow is comfortable for you.
That's how ErgoEmacs solves it, buy creating a new-empty-buffer command. You can implemented like this:
(defun new-empty-buffer ()
"Opens a new empty buffer."
(switch-to-buffer (generate-new-buffer "untitled"))
(funcall initial-major-mode)
(put 'buffer-offer-save 'permanent-local t)
(setq buffer-offer-save t))
The variable buffer-offer-save resets every time you change a major mode, therefore you need to annotate it with permanent-local. It also prompts only when you exit Emacs. I think it is intuitive for it to also ask, when you close a modified untitled buffer, therefore see my solution on how to upgrade kill-buffer to prompt before closing a modified buffer.
ErgoEmacs revamps the default keybindings completely and has new-empty-buffer bound to Ctrl+N, like in almost all software. Change variable initial-major-mode if you want the new buffer to have another mode on start.
See also:
Emacs: Problems of the Scratch Buffer # Xah Lee
Emacs: New Empty Buffer # Xah Lee
You can try the following snippet, just add it to your .emacs
(defun new-file-tmp()
"Create a new empty file."
(let ((buf (generate-new-buffer "untitled")))
(switch-to-buffer buf)
(put 'buffer-offer-save 'permanent-local t)
(setq buffer-offer-save t)))
(defun tool-bar-local-item-pre (icon def key map after_item &rest props)
"Add an item to the tool bar in map MAP.
ICON names the image, DEF is the key definition and KEY is a symbol
for the fake function key in the menu keymap. Remaining arguments
PROPS are additional items to add to the menu item specification. See
Info node ‘(elisp)Tool Bar’. The item is added after AFTER_ITEM.
ICON is the base name of a file containing the image to use. The
function will first try to use low-color/ICON.xpm if ‘display-color-cells’
is less or equal to 256, then ICON.xpm, then ICON.pbm, and finally
ICON.xbm, using ‘find-image’."
(let* ((image-exp (tool-bar--image-expression icon)))
(define-key-after map (vector key)
`(menu-item ,(symbol-name key) ,def :image ,image-exp ,#props) after_item)
(when (boundp 'tool-bar-map)
(tool-bar-local-item-pre "new" 'new-file-tmp 'new-file-tmp tool-bar-map
'new-file :label "" :help "New untitled File")
(define-key tool-bar-map (vector 'new-file) nil)
;; comment the above line if you want to keep the button for the default behavior
(global-set-key (kbd "C-n") 'new-file-tmp)
It defines a new command which creates new empty buffers
Then the code binds it to the top left button of the toolbar, if you are in gui mode, and to the Control-n shortcut.
You can check the post on my site about it.
disclaimer: it's my site
A buffer and a file are not the same thing.
Regarding buffers,
The text you are editing in Emacs resides in an object called a
buffer. Each time you visit a file, a buffer is used to hold the file's text.
Regarding files,
The operating system stores data permanently in named files, so most
of the text you edit with Emacs comes from a file and is ultimately
stored in a file.
Buffers and files are related through visiting,
Visiting a file means reading its contents into an Emacs buffer so you
can edit them. Emacs makes a new buffer for each file that you visit.
answering the question
Unless I'm mistaken, technically speaking, your question, as written, can't be answered. Pedantically speaking, there's no such thing as (or little practical use for) an unnamed file. A file is a handle for something stored on disk. If you have no handle, then why make a file?
The question can then be interpreted as having two possible meanings1.
1. Making a new buffer (without regard to name)
A new buffer must have a name. An unsaved buffer can be saved to file with a given name using write-file (C-x C-w). You will be prompted for a path/name. Once written, the buffer update to be visiting the file you just wrote.
Since the name of the buffer doesn't matter (until you write it to file), here's a function which creates buffers named *scratch1*, *scratch2*, ... .
(defun create-scratch-buffer ()
"Create a new numbered scratch buffer.
Taken from URL `' "
(let ((n 0)
(while (progn
(setq bufname (concat "*scratch"
(if (= n 0) "" (int-to-string n))
(setq n (1+ n))
(get-buffer bufname)))
(switch-to-buffer (get-buffer-create bufname))
(if (= n 1) initial-major-mode)))
2. Making a new file (without regard to name)
As hinted at in the new buffer solution, new files can be created with write-file.
When called interactively (M-x make-random-file), this function prompts for a directory. It then writes an empty file named something random like tmp-17388716387615.txt.
(defun make-random-file (dir)
"Make a random file in DIR."
(interactive "DDir: ")
(let* ((filename (concat "tmp-" (int-to-string (random t)) ".txt"))
(filepath (concat dir filename)))
(write-region "" nil filepath nil 'silent nil 'excl)))
As always, if the code above doesn't make sense, look at the documentation for functions and variables with C-h f and C-h v, respectively. And/or read the Introduction to Programming in Emacs Lisp.
1 It was the second meaning which I was searching for solutions to when I found this as the top search engine hit. Apologies if this was a bit obtuse. Figured it was better to share my solutions with y'all than not. :)

Tell ido to ignore all star buffers except for some

Normally I want ido to ignore all non-user buffers, i.e. all buffers which start with a *. I have achieved this using the following setting:
(setq ido-ignore-buffers '("\\` " "^\*"))
However, this poses a problem when working with a shell or an interpreter, e.g. ielm, where the interaction buffer is named *ielm*. Obviously adding all buffers to be ignored manually is not really an option because the list can get quite long with a lot of different emacs packages loaded. I know about C-a which disabled the ignore pattern from within ido, however, I don't want to hit C-a every time I switch to an ielm buffer.
My question is:
Is there some variable which allows to specify buffers which ido should not ignore (although they match the normal ignore list)? Or is there some other approach for solving this?
The list that the ido-ignore-buffers variable points to may contain not only regular expressions but also functions (any mix of them, actually). It's easy to provide a function to filter out all non-user buffers except *ielm*:
(defun ido-ignore-non-user-except-ielm (name)
"Ignore all non-user (a.k.a. *starred*) buffers except *ielm*."
(and (string-match "^\*" name)
(not (string= name "*ielm*"))))
(setq ido-ignore-buffers '("\\` " ido-ignore-non-user-except-ielm))
Here's an example of having multiple unignored buffer names:
(setq my-unignored-buffers '("*ielm*" "*scratch*" "*foo*" "*bar*"))
(defun my-ido-ignore-func (name)
"Ignore all non-user (a.k.a. *starred*) buffers except those listed in `my-unignored-buffers'."
(and (string-match "^\*" name)
(not (member name my-unignored-buffers))))
(setq ido-ignore-buffers '("\\` " my-ido-ignore-func))
An interesting example of using ignore functions can be found among comments in the ido.el source code (I've removed ;; at the beginning of each line):
(defun ido-ignore-c-mode (name)
"Ignore all c mode buffers -- example function for ido."
(with-current-buffer name
(derived-mode-p 'c-mode)))
Basically, once you've got buffer name, you can do any checking/ignoring you want.

Close all temporary buffers automatically in emacs

How can we close temporary buffers which are enclosed with * automatically. For e.g. messages, completions buffer needs to be closed. Killing all these buffers manually after use is painful.
Is there a way to close temporary buffers created by emacs (not by us)?
Do you really need to close those buffers? If you use a proper buffer switching method like iswitchb then you don't have to care about temporary or other buffers, because you can go directly to any buffer you want.
I'd second the suggestion you use ido or iswitchb to avoid being bothered by temporary buffers. The presence of those buffers is a natural consequence of using emacs, so don't try to swim upstream!
On the other hand, if you're irritated by the growing list of open buffers, you can use midnight.el to automatically close inactive buffers after a period of time, or you can use ibuffer to easily select and close unwanted buffers en masse.
Personally, I leave buffers open for a long time, I tidy them up occasionally using ibuffer, and I rely on ido to switch buffers quickly. In Emacs 24, you can set ido-use-virtual-buffers to t, and then ido will let you switch to closed files, reopening them as necessary.
To avoid having those buffers in your way, you could define key-bindings to cycle through «user buffers» and «useless buffers» : , section «Switching Next/Previous User Buffers»
but some useful buffers start with a *, like shells, compilation buffer, ielm, etc.
As user said, it would be better to use a smart buffer-switching package such as iswitchb and ido. iswitchb's iswitchb-buffer-ignore and ido's ido-ignore-buffers variables allow us to specify what buffers to ignore using regular expressions.
However, if you really want to kill those buffers, a program like this will be helpful to you:
(require 'cl)
(defvar kill-star-buffers-except
"\\` \\*Minibuf-[[:digit:]]+\\*\\'"
"\\` \\*Echo Area [[:digit:]]+\\*\\'")
"Exception list for `kill-star-buffers'")
(defun kill-star-buffers ()
"Kill all star buffers except those in `kill-star-buffers-except'"
(mapc (lambda (buf)
(let ((buf-name (buffer-name buf)))
(when (and
;; if a buffer's name is enclosed by * with optional leading
;; space characters
(string-match-p "\\` *\\*.*\\*\\'" buf-name)
;; and the buffer is not associated with a process
;; (suggested by "sanityinc")
(null (get-buffer-process buf))
;; and the buffer's name is not in `kill-star-buffers-except'
(notany (lambda (except) (string-match-p except buf-name))
(kill-buffer buf))))

Emacs ido start with open buffers first in cycle list

When switching buffers with emacs ido mode enabled, a list of completions are displayed in the minibuffer. It appears there is a "feature" that buffers that are already open are put to the end of the list. I, however, often open the same buffer in multiple panes.
Is there a way to either turn this "feature" off, or alternatively do the opposite: have the buffers that are already open be at the front of the completion list?
The main point of ido mode is that you don't use arrows to navigate between buffers in the minibuffer. Instead you type the part of the buffer's name. In this case it doesn't matter where the buffer is in the list.
This is not possible unless you want to wade deep in ido's intestines.
As eGlyph already said: You're likely using ido wrongly (and there's also C-s for <right> and C-r for <left>; no need for arrow keys).
But you can define command for choosing among the already shown buffers (here only from the current frame, if you want all shown buffers you have to collect the windows first via `frame-list):
(defun choose-from-shown-buffers ()
(let ((buffers (mapcar (lambda (window)
(buffer-name (window-buffer window)))
(pop-to-buffer (ido-completing-read "Buffer: " buffers))))

emacs: interactively search open buffers

Is there a way to search all the open buffers for a particular pattern?
C-s interactively searches current buffer.
Similarly, is there something that searches all the open buffers?
I know I can use "occur", but "Occur" brings a new buffer and changes/messes with the buffer organization.
The built-in multi-occur-in-matching-buffers hasn't been mentioned. I use a modified version of this (because I invariably want to search all buffers, and specifying a buffer name pattern each time is annoying).
(defun my-multi-occur-in-matching-buffers (regexp &optional allbufs)
"Show lines matching REGEXP in all file-visiting buffers.
Given a prefix argument, search in ALL buffers."
(interactive (occur-read-primary-args))
(multi-occur-in-matching-buffers "." regexp allbufs))
(global-set-key (kbd "M-s /") 'my-multi-occur-in-matching-buffers)
To invert the behaviour of the prefix argument so that the default behaviour is to search all buffers, change the call to:
(multi-occur-in-matching-buffers "." regexp (not allbufs))
(and, of course, update the docstring accordingly.)
I've fixed the TODO:
;; I know that string is in my Emacs somewhere!
(require 'cl)
(defcustom search-all-buffers-ignored-files (list (rx-to-string '(and bos (or ".bash_history" "TAGS") eos)))
"Files to ignore when searching buffers via \\[search-all-buffers]."
:type 'editable-list)
(require 'grep)
(defun search-all-buffers (regexp prefix)
"Searches file-visiting buffers for occurence of REGEXP. With
prefix > 1 (i.e., if you type C-u \\[search-all-buffers]),
searches all buffers."
(interactive (list (grep-read-regexp)
(message "Regexp is %s; prefix is %s" regexp prefix)
(if (member prefix '(4 (4)))
(lambda (b) (some (lambda (rx) (string-match rx (file-name-nondirectory (buffer-file-name b)))) search-all-buffers-ignored-files))
(remove-if-not 'buffer-file-name (buffer-list))))
(global-set-key [f7] 'search-all-buffers)
ibuffer might help you. Have a look at this article. I imagine that this might be most interesting for you:
'O' - ibuffer-do-occur
- Do an occur on the selected buffers.
This does a regex search on all the selected buffers and displays the result in an occur window. It is unbelievably useful when browsing through code. It becomes truly awesome when you combine it with the ‘filter’ powers of ibuffer (coming up ahead). Eg: Do C-x C-b, mark all files using (say) Perl major-mode, do occur to find out all places where a certain function is mentioned in these files. Navigate to the point at will through the Occur window.
'M-s a C-s' - ibuffer-do-isearch
- Do an incremental search in the marked buffers.
This is so awesome that you have to try it right this instant. Select two or more buffers, hit the hotkey, search for something that occurs in all these buffers. These two features alone are enough to make me a lifelong fan of IBuffer. Go do it now!
Taking a clue from Leo's comment to Bozhidar:
(defun my-isearch-buffers ()
"isearch multiple buffers."
(delq nil (mapcar (lambda (buf)
(set-buffer buf)
(and (not (equal major-mode 'dired-mode))
(not (string-match "^[ *]" (buffer-name buf)))
You might have to tweak the conditions inside the and to filter whatever other kinds of buffers you want to ignore.
Although this is not exactly what you're asking for, I search multiple files using grep (M-X grep) and grep-find (M-X grep-find).
This sort of does what you want, in that when you've come to the end of matches for the string/regexp you're searching for, the next search command will start in a new buffer.
(setq isearch-wrap-function 'isearch-bury-buffer-instead-of-wrap)
(defun isearch-bury-buffer-instead-of-wrap ()
"bury current buffer, try to search in next buffer"
It doesn't switch to a different buffer when the search fails, and when you "back up" the search results by pressing <backspace>, you won't pop back into the previous buffers searched.
In Icicles, C-c ' is command icicle-occur, which can search multiple buffers.
C-u C-c ' searches a set of buffers that you choose. You can choose by dynamically filtering the buffer names with your minibuffer input, then hit C-! to search all of those buffers whose names match. Similarly, C-99 C-c ' searches only the buffers that are visiting files.
Like occur and grep, icicle-occur searches line by line. More generally, instead of using lines as the search contexts you can use any buffer portions at all. C-c ` (backquote instead of quote) is command icicle-search. With a non-negative prefix arg it searches a set of buffers that you choose.
The first thing you do is give it a regexp that defines the search contexts. E.g., if you give it .* then it acts like icicle-occur: each search context is a line. If you give it a regexp that matches only function definitions then those are the search contexts, and so on.