I can't compile Hadoop MapReduce on Eclipse. Can anyone help me?
Your error log indicates a project dependency issue. Have you tried the steps on Hadoop wiki, especially below commands which generates eclipse .project and .classpath files for you?
$ mvn install -DskipTests
$ mvn eclipse:eclipse -DdownloadSources=true -DdownloadJavadocs=true
More info on http://wiki.apache.org/hadoop/HowToContribute and http://wiki.apache.org/hadoop/EclipseEnvironment.
I can install java source from command line:
mvn source:jar install
So how can I install scala source only with command?
I think this answer applies to your question.
Scala is a dependency of maven project, so you can fetch it by
mvn dependency:sources
To install jar with sources without updating pom.xml
mvn source:jar install
The project is a maven project.
run as maven install works
mvn install works
I have tried mvn eclipse:eclipse to update project, I can see the jar file in my properties order and export
I have closed and reopened the project
I have deleted and re added the project
I have done a refresh
I have done a maven update project
I have cleaned the project
maven disable maven nature and then configure convert to maven project
It builds just fine from:
The command line:
mvn install
In eclipse run as maven install
It works in intellij idea
For the love of all that is holy...
There was a class of the same name in this project with all lines commented out.
Deleting that source file fixed the problem.
Apologies if this is a simple question...
When I run the mvn eclipse:eclipse command to resolve the classpaths for eclipse it always appends the projects version as well. So if the project is called "ATestProject" and the version is "3", the build path will look for "ATestProject-3" but eclipse knows it only as "ATestProject". So there is a error unless I manually add the "ATestProject".
Is there a way to exclude the version? OR am I just doing something wrong?
I am trying to use the gwt-maven-archetype from here and now after I imported the project I'd like Eclipse Maven to run:
mvn gwt:codeserver -pl *-client -am to start the codeserver and
mvn tomcat7:run -pl *-server -am -Denv=dev to run tomcat server
How can I tell Eclipse to do that for me?
Best regards.
You could establish an extra "run" project and use the exec-maven-plugin in it's POM.
I created a maven project from the command-line interface. Configured the dependencies with my other maven projects. Now when I run my project, it works without any problem using the following maven command:
$ mvn clean
$ mvn install
$ mvn exec:java
Hello world!
Then, I use the following maven command to have my eclipse project files.
$ mvn eclipse:eclipse
I go and open my project using Eclipse Kepler, however as you can see there is a exclamation point on my project and it does not run from eclipse.
The problem is I do not know how to find the error on eclipse..