multiple horizontally aligned input boxes with vertically aligned labels underneath - forms

I want to create a form similar to this one.
In particular, I want to learn how to put different sized input boxes on the same line with vertically aligned labels underneath. For instance, in the "Name" section of the form, it has a box for "first" and "last."
How can you do this with HTML and CSS?

You sample form contains SPAN elements with display property set to inline-block, and the INPUT and LABEL elements each have a display property value of block, with a fixed size. That way, you are basically creating cells to contain your elements and their labels.
The same thing could be achieved using TABLE/TR/TD combination, though it would be a little old-fashioned, and thus not recommended.


Tableau - Conditional format TEXT and CELL at the same time

I understand how to to color either the cell background or just the text, but I have not come across an example with both conditionally colored as Excel can do.
My requirement is to color the cell based on a value range and then make the text red/black/white based on a different metric. Ideally, if I could just override the 'smart black/white' text with red once and a while that would be nice.
Any examples of conditionally formatting both text and cell background at the same time out there?
A typical solution is to create different calculated fields that conditionally contain text or null depending on the circumstances. They should be mutually exclusive, in that if one has a value, the others are null. Put all three fields on your text/label shelf, and format each one as desired - say with a different color. Null text does not display. So you would have red, black and white fields in your label all the time, but only one would have content and display.
Its a little annoying, and I wish there were easier ways to dynamically control formatting, but it works well and is pretty easy when there are just 2 or 3 variants.

Vertical Align Crystal Report Text Filed

I have a scenario in which my reports fields doesn't look like centered Vertically,
Below is the screen Short of the output.
As it can bee seen from output that data with a bigger font is clearly seen centered vertically, but the data pointed with lines is left-top justified, i want that to be left-centered.
For vertical alignment I did this .
and code behind formula is:
if {NewReport;1.TireLevel} = 1
The Editor Screen.
Sadly, Crystal Reports doesn't support vertical alignment in the same way it supports horizontal.
It's possible to use labels on the vertical ruler and enforce Snap to Grid, but that might not work within a table. Or you can add line breaks, blank rows, or plain white objects to push things into position. But there's no easy way to enforce a vertical center.
In your particular case, I would actually make two seperate fields: One for large text and one for small text. Layer them on top of each other and reuse your current formula to alternate their suppression. This way you can move the smaller text vertically down without undoing the vertical alignment on the large text field.

Stretch elements by overflow in jasperreports

I have a structure like bellow which consist of one static text and two text fields. The text fields should expand relative to their content. I need to adjust them in a way that these three elements expand together. Should I keep them in one band? What should be the stretch type for each?
Put all three elements in a band.
Set the Stretch Type of Static Text to Relative To Band Height.
Set the same for text field 1.
Set the same for text field 2 and additionally set Position Type to Float.

Detail band resize dynamically vertically when textfield is NULL

I have a JasperReports report build with iReport. I have the normal Detail band but below i have a textField named observations there is sometimes the Observations textField is empty or NULL. I have put both inner components namely textfields, lines into frames something like.
I also set using Print When Expression the below frame the one who holds the Observations textField to appear only when there is data on it this is working very good but the space holds by the frame is still on the Detail and we are losing some space and it's kind annoyng to see this blank space.
Is it possible for the report to "delete" the idle space hold it by the hidden frame?
My report's design:
The generated result (PDF file):
I don't think it's possible to alter the height of a band depending on its content but you can actually have multiple detail bands. So add a new one, move your observation text field into it and set the print when expression of the second band.

Word Styles to get two elements to share same background/border

Within MS Word 2013 I am trying to create a text element plus a list underneath it, all wrapped inside a coloured border with background shading (see image). The attached image shows the text in plain form.
I would like to place a blue border around both the title and the list. I can achieve this by placing both objects within a 1x1 table and applying colouring rules to the cell, but semantically this seems bad (I'm from an HTML development background where it is very wrong!)
When I edit a Style rule to create the border/background, it works well until I create the list, then it goes badly wrong. Is it possible to achieve the output of the table cell approach by only using a style rule and no table?
After a day of experimentation, the closest I can get is by doing the following:
Create a style rule called Tips Heading based on Normal, then set it to be Bold with a blue background.
Create another style rule called Tips List based on List Paragraph, and set it to have a blue background.
Unfortunately the List cannot be indented because the background colour also indents. The border is also affected in this manner, so I ignored the border and indentation. It works really well and is semantically well structured.