Ipod stops Playing while recording Audio - iphone

Recording the audio and playing the iPod at the same time, but iPod stops playing,while recording audio in iPhone application. Please help

This is normal, just tested it out on my iPhone 4, 5.0.1. It's probably to avoid possible interference between the output music and the mic, since, to my knowledge, the microphone and the speakers are right next to each other.


Video sound not playing in IPhone in silent mode? How to fix the same?

Video sound not playing in IPhone in silent mode? How to fix the same? When in silent mode the video sound is on mute. This is a hybrid app for IOS created with Phonegap. When the Iphone is switched to normal mode the video sound plays properly.

Video and headphones issue

I have a custom video player that works very well. I discovered a problem and would like to know if this is a problem of iOS or is there a way to solve. When I'm watching and listening to the video with headphones on and take off my headphones, the sound continues, but the video freezes.
I am using MPMoviePlayerController for video and AVAudioPlayer for audio.
Tks for help
You can get a callback when headphones are unplugged from the device. This might be a good starting point.
Check out this SO question: Headphones unplugged during playback cause bug on iPhone app

Why are the AudioServices used to vibrate an iphone?

Is the only way to vibrate an iphone using the AudioServices?
If so, why was it run through Audio to vibrate the device?
One usually associates vibrations synonymous with audio/alerts (System Alerts, Text Messages, receiving a call). As this is done through the Audio Services it makes sense to also be able to make the phone vibrate this way.
why was it run through Audio to vibrate the device
Just to point out, it's not vibrating the device using the soundwaves made by playing audio.

Monitor iPhone's mic level without pausing iPod

I'm using AVAudioRecorder to get the current level of the microphone, but it pauses any iPod music that's playing and won't let the user unpause it. Is there a way of getting the two to work together?

Can a iPhone voice Recorder App always run in Background recording the Sounds and Play them?

Can a App record the Voice in the surroundings even when it runs in the background and play the recorded audio? Is it possible?
Multitasking doesn't allow audio recording to be in the background, so no.