ios iPhone / iPad - Project with GData static library libGDataTouchStaticLib.a fails on build (duplicate symbol) - iphone

I am trying to build an App using the GData static library libGDataTouchStaticLib.a
I have made all the appropriate linkings in my project settings and have copied GDataXMLNode.h and GDataXMLNode.m to my project.
I am receiving the error below. Can someone help me understand what this is?
ld: duplicate symbol _kGDataXMLXPathDefaultNamespacePrefix in
/Users/myUser/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/GData-edmqtrniowvhfjgfgngtlfxttvri/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/libGDataTouchStaticLib.a(GDataXMLNode.o) and
/Users/myUser/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/MyApp-grzimbvctfmwhmdluxbuxmskcvzy/Build/Intermediates/ for architecture armv7
Command /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/usr/bin/clang failed with exit code 1

You shouldn't have to copy in GDataXMLNode.h and GDataXMLNode.m to your project. I believe the reason you are getting the duplicate symbol error is because the libGDataTouchStaticLib.a library already contains the compiled GDataXMLNode.m class.
I am currently using the GData library in a project I am working on, and got it set up by using these instructions:, so this answer assumes that you have the same setup. However I have used a slightly different way of importing the headers that was suggested by one of the comments on the above blog.
In your Xcode project remove the GDataXMLNode.h and GDataXMLNode.m files, and make sure that the GData.xcodeproj project is linked into your project the same way as in the above blog, but do not drag the headers directory to your source tree. Add these arguments to the Debug and Release Header Search Paths of your current target instead:
You can find this under the Build Settings tab of your target. The second argument will import all the GData headers into your project if you have set up the GData.xcodeproj file correctly. Once you have done this you should be able to import the various GData classes including GDataXMLNode.h class wherever you need it by typing this at the top of the appropriate class:
#import "GDataXMLNode.h"
Much credit goes to Kelvin's blog for his great tutorial. Hope that helps!


Library Project Reference in Xcode

I know something like this is already asked many times on SO, but I've tried everything (been at this for three hours now) and I still didn't find a solution. I'm quite new to xCode and I'm starting to work on a project that was originally created by somebody else.
So, I have a library project in my xcode (XS2Library) and now I would like to reference to that library in my other project (WaarBenJij). Building the Library succeeds and I reference to it by adding the LibXS2Library.a to the Project target's "Link Binary With Libraries".
Xcode doesn't give me any errors, so it looks like the library project is referenced appropriately. However, when I try to build my project I get the error that a class that resides in my library project cannot be found ("'XS2URLLoader.h' file not found").
Can anybody steer me in the right direction, maybe?
There's a sensible difference between the .a file, which is needed for linkage and contains the library source, and the .h file, which is needed to compile (and preprocess) and which contains the functions and classes declarations.
Here you included the .a file, which is required for a later step, but to use the library you also need to import the required .h files into your project.
The easier way is to simply put them in your project.
Or you can add the whole library as a subproject and as a dependency.

Can't find header for TTURLJSONResponse

I've tried to import the TTURLJSONResponse with #import , added the project to my project and added the library to the project dependencies. Now I've got an error that XCode can't find the header file. I can import "normal" Three20 without error. I can now build my project without error but in the editor it says that it can't find the header file. But it build without error.
Ok I solved it by creating a new project and make all settings again. Now it works.
the three20 JSON extension , including TTURLJSONResponse is a separated subproject, which isn't included in the standard three20 project. this means you will have to include the extension along with the standard three20 project.
There's a working example of it in the samples/TTTwitter project. This twitter example uses the three20 json extension to read json response from twitter. You can open the project and expand the Dependancies folder in that project.
To add the JSON Three20 Extension to your project, it should be enough to drag the src/extThree20JSON/extThree20JSON.xcodeproj into your project
Under your project Build, you need to set where xcode is gonna look for the headers, something like
Header Search Path :
and the Linker flags
Other Linker Flags : -ObjC -all_load
one other thing, don't forget to check the targets for each framework you wanna add

Error while implementing KMLViewer in my project

I have included the class KMLParser.m of Apple's KML Viewer in my project.The problem that I have is that when I try to build the project i get two errors like these:
_CLLocationCoordinate2DMake,referenced from:
_strToCoords in KMLParser.o
_CLLocationCoordinate2DisValid, referenced from:
_strToCoords in KMLParser.m
I don't have any idea why this error occurs, because i have left the files KMLParser.m and KMLParser.h intact, I haven't made any change to them.When I build KML Viewer, everything is fine. Please,illuminate me.
I am also working on implementing KMLViewer in my project. Turns out that accidentally linking with the incorrect target will cause the same errors.
For XCode 4.x, under the list of Targets, it could be that there are multiple targets, such as MyApp and MyAppTests. Select the correct target (e.g., MyApp), then add the framework(s).
You need to add the Core Location framework to your project (an #import alone is not enough).
For Xcode 3.x, right-click on the project file and go to Add - Existing Frameworks.
For Xcode 4.x, see How to "add existing frameworks" in Xcode 4?.

why do I get this error building a static library for my iPhone project using XCode 4?

I have an existing iPhone application, and I just wanted to make a static library out of the code, so that I can use it by a separate test application (within the workspace). The application compiles fine, but when I try to compile the library version (which has the same code files) I get the following error:
Lexical or Preprocessor Issue - "MyClass.h" file not found
However, the application still runs, even through there is this error. In fact when I compile the application (which uses the static library) it initially says no errors, and then after a second or two the above mention error then appears.
I'm basically doing:
Create a new target in the project using the Coco Touch Static Library
Add the .m files in the targets "Compile Sources"
Adding the .h files in the targets "Copy Headers"
Adding the same set of libraries in the "Link binaries with libraries"
Go into the Profile and modified the Target to be RELEASE
Any suggestions? Am I missing a step here?
I'll have a stab at this :-) I think it might be that MyClass.h has been set to private. Thus it is not added to header directory when you create the static library. You should check to see if this is so by checking the output header directory. If the header file is missing, then it's pretty sure thats whats going on.
Secondly, why use a seperate app for testing and therefore require building a static library at all? I have several static libraries and apps which I unit test with GHUnit. I do it by simply adding a new app target and configuring it to run the GHUnit iOS app. I can then add the classes I want to test and any testing frameworks such as OCMock without having to create separate projects. Basically it sounds like your testing methodolody is perhaps more complex than necessary. :-)
So, the issue turned out to be I had "-ObjC" set in the "Other Link Flags" option, which I'd put there as at one stage trying to get things working I read this was required - Dereks advice to review the compilation log worked well here

Thrift framework for iPhone

I'm currently stuck trying to get my objective c generated files to compile in my iPhone project. Basically it keeps telling me there is no such directory for the following four imports:
I'm following all the instructions on the Thrift wiki and have downloaded and compiled the Thrift framework in XCode but there is no information specific to iPhone development. I'm almost certain it's a problem specific to an iPhone project because if I create a new command line project in XCode, I can import those files just fine.
After retaining the services of some kind of sorcerer I have figured out how to get Thrift to work with the iPhone/iPad (or at least get it to compile okay).
First, you want to grab the objective-c files with this command instead of from the wiki:
svn co thrift-cocoa
Then, make a new Xcode project by going to New Project, selecting Framework & Library and Cocoa Framework. Click create and save it somewhere nice. Right click on Targets and select Add -> New Target. Choose Cocoa Touch and then Static Library. Give it a nice name. Go to the target's Build tab in info and change the Base SDK to iPhone Device (I'm using 3.2 but you can use whatever) and change Architectures to either Standard (armv6 armv7) or Optimized (armv7). Under the General tab add the Foundation and Cocoa frameworks.
Drag all of the files and folders you got from the svn repository into the Classes folder in the project. Check the copy items box and check the boxes next to both targets. Remove TSocketServer.h and .m from the Static Library's Copy Headers and Compile Sources folders respectively. You can now build the Static Library (and Framework optionally).
Open the project you want to use Thrift in and go to your target's General tab in info. Add the Static Library you just created to the Linked Libraries list. It should be named libYOUR_TARGET_NAME.a. Under the build tab go to Header Search Paths and add the path to the Thrift project you just created and check the recursive box.
Finally you just need to change the import statements in the Thrift generated code by simply removing the brackets and replacing them with quotes. You can now build you iPhone project again.
Try adding those .h files to your Xcode project.