Adding a settings screen to my iphone application - iphone

In applications like CNN int, in the Settings Tab of the iPhone, you could click on CNN and access a view which has the settings to the application;
Like if to Logout of Facebook,Twitter and the version.
How can i get this application setting view in the Settings Tab for my application ?
For example something like this:

It is very simple and can be achieved with the addition of a single .plist file to your project. The Apple documentation is here. You're looking for a "Settings Bundle".

I used this nifty little tool, it's free and quick.
You'll might also need the tutorial Johann suggested.

You could use the settings bundle or if you want your app settings in the app its self you could have a look at something call InAppSettingsKit. I have been duly informed that this is a good option as it gives more freedom with your settings.


How can I implement disabled application settings?

How can I implement disabled application settings ?
I saw this feature in Nike Running application.
I searched a lot about this feature, but couldn't find a possible solution.
There is no tutorial or no reference found in apple site and in the internet.
Any Ideas ? Thanks in advance guys...
You can't do that. Apple has made some special settings for things included in iOS, like the Nike +iPod setting.
You can only use the Settings.bundle which is read by the settings app and then allows the user to change some settings.
You could do this if you implemented your settings inside your App. A Static Cell TableViewController is all you need. Just keep track of the settings using NSUserDefaults (standard place to store these settings) and implement the View yourself. I personally like settings inside the application rather than being implemented as part of the OS's settings.

iPhone Settings Bundle with UIButton

Does anyone know if you can create a settings bundle that uses a UIButton? I would like to be able to create something like Twitter in the settings but it doesn't seem possible.
You can't do anything in a settings bundle other than the controls you can define in the bundle file, and you can only update values from user defaults in there, not run any of your own code. A button doesn't fit that description.
The preferences for Apple's own software (I'm including Twitter in this since it is built into iOS) can be much more full-featured. Third party apps have their preferences in the ghetto at the bottom of the list.
If you want anything fancy in your preferences, you have to implement them within your app.
You can use a section with a single row as a button (sort of looks like one, too). It seems that is how the Twitter settings are implemented. This is the "Title" type of preference.
That being said, as far as I know you cannot run custom code from the settings app, which makes a button rather useless.

Settings view in an application in iPhone

I am pretty new to iPhone dev. I want to create a Settings page in my application. In Android i use preferences to fill the required Settings page. Is there anything like that for iPhone dev, or should i create every section like a normal UI.
See Implementing Application Preferences in the iOS Developer Library. This will give you all the information you need and some best practices to follow.
You could also use something like InAppSettingsKit which works in an almost identical fashion but will allow you to present your app preferences in-app as well as via the
If you want to make a "settings page" in Settings app, you should look at Settings.bundle with NSUserDefaults.

Creating settings like the Mail settings in the Settings app

Similar to this question i want to do create a mail-like-add-account dialog but not as a in-app dialog but as a settings-dialog. does anyone know how to do that? i probably have to link a own UITableViewController in my .plist file somehow? but google does not give me anything.
As far as I am aware, the only way to get user settings in the is to create a Settings.bundle in your app. You can add simple setting functionality plists (tiered if you like) but you can't add extra functionality as you describe.
Another option may be to use InAppSettingKit

How do you create application preferences page?

I see some application that uses the settings bundle for their app. Example: I was wondering how to do that without it appearing at the user main settings. I see some application managed to do that. Is there any tutorial around?
I recommend you this open source application
InAppSettingsKit is an open source solution to to easily add in-app settings to your iPhone apps. It uses a hybrid approach by maintaining the pane. So the user has the choice where to change the settings.
Either you follow the tutorial and the preferences appear in system preferences along with all the other apps, or you roll your own and open a preferences screen from within your application. You can choose either but don't ever do both, it is just confusing. To get the look and feel of the system prefs inside your app you would need to do custom UITableViewCells, which luckily is easy - see this page of the Table View Programming Guide for how to do custom cells in a UITableView loaded through one of your view controllers.
The nice part is that you can do it all from within Interface Builder if that's what you're used to.