Iphone splash screen removal in iOS 5 - iphone

In my project summary, I dropped an image in Launch Images place. Which started shown as splash screen when application starts.
Now I have deleted it and there is no Default.png in my project folder. But still that image is being shown as splash screen.
How I can remove it?
Any idea .... ?

Have you tried doing a clean build?
or deleting the app from the device/simulator and re-deploying it?

Most likely, all you need do is clean the project, then rebuild.
To clean the project, simply press cmd+shift+K. Then, build as normal.

To illoGicalError
doing clean and Build will not remove it.
You need to delete the application on your simulator ,then run your application again... It will work...

Press Command+K then build and run. This will remove all unused images from your build.
You can also get to this command from the project menu bar

Try deleting the .app from the Products folder in your Xcode sidebar.
But generally, don't worry - Xcode just likes to cache things like this - if you build for the device then it won't be there.


Xcode 4.6 builds, runs and finishes instantly (simulator iOS 6.1)

In xcode, I tried to add a tap gesture to my app and when I built it, it started a problem with Xcode. It goes from building, 'running on iPhone 6.1 simulator' to 'finished running on iPhone 6.1 simulator'.
If the simulator is closed, it starts up with a black screen and you cannot click the home button etc. If open, nothing happens, the app doesn't install but the simulator doesn't crash.
I have tried the armv6 architecture 'fix' but that didn't work. I have also cleaned the project and project data. I have reset the simulator multiple times as well.
If I add the old files to my new project, it works up to a point (I copy and paste old files into new) but then the same happens.
Thanks for your help in advance!
New blank projects build and run fine.
EDIT: It still didn't work after undoing my previous actions, and the simulator is responding according to Finder, although the screen stays black
I had a folder named 'resources' in my application, imported as a reference which, following links from the thread #arthan.v supplied me with fixed the problem. What I did was rename the folder to files and reimport it.
Thank you so much, I spent 2 days trying to fix it before now!
Click the Center Button in View on your right hand side of Xcode.
In your Bottom bar, you'll see error: failed to attach to process ID 0.
Check these error: failed to attach to process ID 0 and Xcode compiles my App, but can't run it in the simulator
This sometimes gets fixed by these steps:
iOS Simulator > Reset Content and Settings ... > Reset
Xcode > Build and Run
I experienced the same issue after I had re-organized some code and renamed the workspace and project. Eventually realized there was an old version of my test app on the simulator's homescreen. I delete that and then everything was building fine again.
You might need to add the device to the provisioning profile. I experienced this on Xcode 6 and a real device.

How to Change xCode App icons

I want to change my App icon, so, I delete (move to trash) Icon.png and Icon#2x.png in the project navigator, in summary view I have added the new icons and they are added to my project, and I see them in the summary
But, when I install the app, the icon is the previous one. How can I clean the previous icon in order to install the new one?
Sometimes when building direct to the device it doesn't work first time.
I find I have to clean the project and delete the app from the device/simulator to get the new icon.
Just Clean And Build And Delete The app from Simulator . it will work
Just do this... This will solve your problem..
You have to reset the simulator.

App Icon Won't Change In iPhone Simulator

I had an old app icon in xcode that I had just attached to the program to see how it looked in the simulator. I made changes, deleted the images, and replaced them in Xcode. However, they are still the old ones in the simulator. I tried resetting it and everything. Does it keep a cache somewhere?
EDIT: Solved by cleaning project.
Have you tried cleaning?
From the Xcode "Product" menu, choose "Clean" or "Clean Build Folder" if you hold alt/option.
If "Clean" does not work, try this:
Reboot the device
Kill the app before running it from Xcode.
Those works in my case.

XIB not loading on iphone but in Simulator

When I run my app in the simulator it does load the xib file and all looks perfectly fine. As soon as I run in on my iphone4 I get a white page with "My Universal App on iPhone" but not my xib file.
how comes?
Try this: Clean all targets, delete Build folder and uninstall app from device.
It happened to me once too. Try to clean your project (cmd+maj+K).
Try to use the function InitWithNibName:#"YourNibName" without misspelling in YourNiBName.
Good luck
Check that the .xib file is still part of your project and set as a resource to copy at build time. This sort of thing tends to happen if you've removed a file from the build resources but there's still an old copy in the simulator's build directory.

Removed splash screen still appears in my app

please i make a project under xcode with a splash screen (Default.png). Then, i created new project and i didn't put on it a splash screen, but when i execute it i see this Default.png still appear which i don't want, i deleted the old project to make sure but it still there, help please.
Try to clean the project, and remove the app from your device. If a Default.png is still either in the build directory, or in the app directory on the device, it will appear. Simply removing a file from XCode is not enough to make it disappear while developing.
To remove your app use the Organizer (Window > Organizer). Then select your device, then your app and press the minus button. You could also delete your app from the device in the conventional way: hold icon for few seconds, then click X after it starts to shake.
To clean use Build > Clean (or Product > Clean on Xcode 4).