Checkout not functioning in osCommerce - checkout

I have a problem with the checkout
step 2 "Payment Information",
I have 2 payment modules installed google checkout and paypal,
the problem is that i cant go the the step 3 dont know why, when I press continue button then nothing happends. Below is the link provided.
Is there any reason, why this problem persist.. and what will its solution.

Seems there's a problem on "checkout_confirmation.php"
maybe your layout break some restrictions showing the payment methods, in my checkout_confirmation.php there's only 1 redirection to checkout_payment.php:
if ( ( is_array($payment_modules->modules) && (sizeof($payment_modules->modules) > 1) && !is_object($$payment) ) || (is_object($$payment) && ($$payment->enabled == false)) ) {
Your checkout_confirmation.php can be different (it may depend of addons) check the redirects of your checkout_confirmation.php to checkout_payment.php to see when it redirects to that page to check errors.


Issue google action user.verificationStatus always returns unverified

I'm using action builder to create actions. it was all fine when I deployed the action a few months ago,( everything was working those days). but a few days ago when I checked the action it was not working properly.
i find that it always returns (user.verificationStatus != "VERIFIED") true (guest user),according to the google's documentation we should only redirect to account linking when the (user.verificationStatus == "VERIFIED") is true
my action only work after account linking so I have set the scene like this(user.verificationStatus != "VERIFIED") ==> end.conversation
(user.verificationStatus == "VERIFIED") ==> accountlinking
It always returns an 'unverified'/ 'guest' user so the action never starts.
I checked all the conditions in Expiration of user storage data with multiple accounts
A possible reason is that there is "Save audio" or "Save history for applications and devices" disabled for your Google Account. Go to the settings page and enable them.

Codenameone browser issues with paypal checkout express

So I've been trying to find an API to integrate PayPal Payment into my Codename One App, except that I didn't find enough documentation to use the Purchase builtin feature. So I tried to use a WebView of a page hosted on my server and implemented using the paypal "checkout.js" Api.
When I load the page into Chrome, it works perfectly and the transaction is complete. But when I load it using the codename one BrowserComponent it gets stuck (See screenshot). What is the root of this problem ? Is it the fact that the browser does not support popus ? and Is there a way to fix it ?
Button payButton = new Button("Checkout");
payButton.addActionListener((ActionEvent evt) -> {
Form payForm = new Form("Payment", new BorderLayout());
WebBrowser webBrowser = new WebBrowser("http://localhost/paymentserver/web/app_dev.php/payerParticipation/5");
payForm.add(BorderLayout.CENTER, webBrowser);;
Try embedding firebug into the of your page to see if it reports any errors:
if (!document.getElementById('FirebugLite')){E = document['createElement' + 'NS'] && document.documentElement.namespaceURI;E = E ? document'createElement' + 'NS' : document'createElement';E'setAttribute';E'setAttribute';E'setAttribute';(document'getElementsByTagName'[0] || document'getElementsByTagName'[0]).appendChild(E);E = new Image;E'setAttribute';}
Thanks for the help everybody,
I finally found a turnaround and implemented this feature on a PHP server using PayPal PHP SDK. I used the browser Navigation Callback in order to check when the payment was successful/failed.
if (url.indexOf("success=true")!=-1){
System.out.println("Payment complete");
else if (url.indexOf("success=false")!=-1){
System.out.println("Payment failed");
return true;
I don't have an answer for that but I did implement Braintree support for Codename One which is the official PayPal mobile API. I have a cn1lib for it implemented but I didn't get around to publishing it because of the bootcamp. Keep an eye on the blog I'll probably publish it in the next couple of weeks.

How to prevent re-submit form by reloading page without redirection

I have a probleme with submit form (booking) it re-submit on page reload
this is code of conditions to post :
if ( 'POST' == $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] && ! empty( $_POST['action'] )
&& $_POST['action'] == "new_post" ){
if(!empty($_POST['start']) || !empty($_POST['end'])){
// submit and send email}
after submit it show thank message and details of booking ( else it shows errors and the form) but if user reload page it re-submit a post again in database!
can someone give me an idea , i tried to unset $_POST['end'] and $_POST['end'] but nothing works
Thank you for your support
There is something called Post Redirect Get pattern. You can use this pattern to avoid post request resubmission on reload. After post request do a redirect rather than directly sending success message
for reference

PayPal in-context checkout - Acess Denied

We are implementing PayPal in-context checkout on our e-commerce site. Everything works fine in Chrome and FF but in IE11 the pop out window hangs on redirecting back to our site. Console show Access Denied error in PayPall app.js script on this piece of code:
if (window.miniBrowser && navigator.userAgent.match(/msie|trident/i)) {
var bridge = window.opener.frames['PayPalBridge'];
if (bridge && typeof(bridge) !== "undefined" && typeof(bridge.returnToParent) !== "undefined") {
} else {
I switched all security levels to lowest possible, tried to add both sites (ours and to Trusted zone but it didn't help. Any ideas what can be wrong or how can we work around this issue?
This was my bad. Didn't setup PayPal module properly. Environment info was missing so PayPal assumed production while generating IFrame. As I was using sandbox on my test site it resulted with cross-domain operation which was blocked by IE.

Facebook Like button and likes count error

Yes, yet another facebook like button error. Read a dozen of threads about those errors, but it wasn't helpful.
The page:
The problem is that when I click like below the picture for the first time it's OK. But when I dislike it (I press 'remove & unlike' in my news feed) and try to click like again it throws an error and suggests checking using lint. But lint doesn't show any errors. If I log out of facebook and log in again then it's the same (ok for the first, but error after unliking).
The next problem is that counter near like button says that 6 people like this. But counter above the image (data taken from and respectively) shows different number.
Is there anything I can do about this or it's something temporally wrong with facebook?
I have a simple redirection:
$is_facebook = (substr_count($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], "facebook") > 0);
if($_GET["url"] == 1 && !$is_facebook) header("Location: $website#lebanon");
if($_GET["url"] == 2 && !$is_facebook) header("Location: $website#montreal");
But removing this doesn't change anything.
Odd, I don't get any error when unliking from either my profile page or from your website. Here's the payload I get back for the unlike action
Is there something I need to try to make it break?