Unable to persist object : detached entity passed to persist - jpa

I am using JSF - EJB3 - Hibernate JPA2.0 in my application. In one of the screens when I try to persist a new entry, I get the following exception:
Caused by: org.hibernate.PersistentObjectException: detached entity passed to persist: info.novatec.timemgmt.entities.Customer
Following are chunks of my code that may be helpful,
<h:panelGrid columns="2">
<h:outputLabel value="Customer:" for="customer" />
<h:selectOneMenu id="customer" value="#{projectController.selected.customer}" title="Customer" >
<f:selectItems value="#{customerController.itemsAvailableSelectOne}"/>
<h:outputLabel value="Name:" for="name" />
<h:inputText id="name" value="#{projectController.selected.name}" title="Name" />
<p:calendar id="endDate" value="#{projectController.selected.endDate}" showOn="button" pattern="MM/dd/yyyy" size="10"/>
Managed bean
public class CustomerController implements Serializable {
// ...
public SelectItem[] getItemsAvailableSelectOne() {
return JsfUtil.getSelectItems(ejbFacade.findAll(), true);
// ...
JSFUtil helper class:
public class JsfUtil{
public static SelectItem[] getSelectItems(List<?> entities, boolean selectOne) {
int size = selectOne ? entities.size() + 1 : entities.size();
SelectItem[] items = new SelectItem[size];
int i = 0;
if (selectOne) {
items[0] = new SelectItem("", "---");
for (Object x : entities) {
items[i++] = new SelectItem(x, x.toString());
return items;
Could you please point as to where I am going wrong?

The problem is in your Converter for the Customer class (which you omitted from the question, but it's surely there in your real code). You seem to be manually constructing a new Customer() with an ID instead of obtaining the Customer instance from entity manager by its ID. Fix the converter accordingly.


Spring form submit validation for foreign key

My project is a spring mvc project.In my project i have a domain Technology which has foreign key reference.When i validating on form submit it threw error....For view part(jsp),i using form:select for viewing department in technology.
How can i validate a foreign reference?????
i tried below code
#Table(name = "technology")
public class Technology {
private int id;
private String name;
private Department department;
private Date createdDate;
private boolean isDelete;
<form:form method="post" action="add-technology"
commandName="technology" id="technologyForm">
<label>Technology Name</label>
<form:input path="name" /><form:errors path="name" class="error"></form:errors>
<br />
<form:select path="department.id">
<form:option value="0" label="Select" />
<form:options items="${departments}" itemValue="id" itemLabel="name" />
</form:select><form:errors path="department" class="error"></form:errors>
<%-- <form:select path="department.id" items="${departments}" /> --%>
<input type="submit" class="btn btn-primary"/>
#RequestMapping(value = "/add-technology")
public String addTechnology(
#ModelAttribute(value = "technology")#Valid Technology technology,
BindingResult result) {
return "/secure/admin/technology";
java.util.Date utilDate = new java.util.Date();
Date sqlDate = new Date(utilDate.getTime());
return "redirect:/technologies";
org.springframework.web.util.NestedServletException: Request processing failed; nested exception is javax.validation.UnexpectedTypeException: No validator could be found for type: com.company.product.domain.Department
How can i resolve this problem???
Here you have to implement validator for Technology object
class TechnologyValidator extends Validator {
public boolean supports(Class<?> cls) {
return Technology .class.equals(cls);
public void validate(Object target, Errors errors) {
super.validate(target, errors);
Technology tecObj= (Technology ) target;
//here i am assuming Technology name is REQUIRED and
//NotEmpty.technology.name is in message.properties
Department dept = tecObj.getDepartment();
//as from from your are binding department ID
if (dept==null || dept.getId()==null || dept.getId()==0L ) {
errors.rejectValue("department.id", "NotEmpty.technology.department");
And create bean of this class in Spring-context
TechnologyValidator techValid;
And call this validator in your controller like
#RequestMapping(value = "/add-technology")
public String addTechnology(
#ModelAttribute(value = "technology") Technology technology,
BindingResult result) {
//call validator
techValid.validate(technology, result);
return "/secure/admin/technology";
java.util.Date utilDate = new java.util.Date();
Date sqlDate = new Date(utilDate.getTime());
return "redirect:/technologies";

Can not get data table row selection in PrimeFaces, jsf?

I'm working on a project. I need to get a list from MySql database and list it. I'm using JSF 2.1 Primeface 3.5 and Eclipse Juno. I run my code but it doesn't work. You can see my codes in below
import parts
public class Login {
private String username, password;
private PreparedStatement ps, ps2;
private ResultSet rs, rs2;
private List<Application> applications = new ArrayList<Application>();;
private Application selectedApplication;
public String login() {
Connection object = new Connection();
try {
ps = nesne
"select Username, Password from company where Username=? and Password=?");
ps.setString(1, getUsername());
ps.setString(2, getPassword());
rs = ps.executeQuery();
while (rs.next()) {
return "application";
} catch (Exception e) {
return "confirm";
private List<Application> getList() {
Baglanti nesne = new Baglanti();
try {
ps2 = nesne
"select ApplicationName from application where CompanyID=(select ID from company "
+ "where Username=? and Password=?)");
ps2.setString(1, getUsername());
ps2.setString(2, getPassword());
rs2 = ps2.executeQuery();
while (rs2.next()) {
Application obj = new Application();
} catch (Exception e) {
return applications;
import javax.faces.bean.ManagedBean;
import javax.faces.bean.SessionScoped;
public class Application {
private int ID;
private int CompanyID;
private String Type;
private Date Date;
private String ApplicationName;
private int CurrentMessageCount;
private int MaxMessage;
private String isPro;
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
<title>Login Confirmed</title>
<h1 class="ui-widget-header ui-corner-all" align="center">Application
<br />
<h:form id="form">
<p:growl id="msgs" showDetail="true" />
<p:dataTable id="applications" var="application"
<p:column headerText="Application" style="width:24%">
<h:outputText value="#{login.applications}" />
<p:column style="width:4%">
<p:commandButton id="selectButton" icon="ui-icon-search"
<f:setPropertyActionListener value="#{application}"
target="#{login.selectedApplication}" />
I can login properly after that ı saw this page.
Now where is my mistake?
Your var="application" is conflicting with the implicit EL object referring the application context (the ServletContext). You can find here a list of all implicit EL objects. Memorize them. You should never declare an EL variable on exactly those names.
Give it a different name. E.g. var="app", var="_application", etc.
In data table var property mean that every item from database will be accesible as this "var" value. i.e:
You have class Foo:
class Foo{
int number;
String text;
//Setters and getters
And another class which handle list of Foo objects (your model as CDI Bean):
class Boo{
List<Foo> list = new ArrayList<>();
//Getter and setters
So to list it all in jsf page you should use it like this:
<p:dataTable id="list" var="listobject" value="#{boo.list}">
<p:column headerText="Number" style="width:24%">
<h:outputText value="#{listobject.number}" />
<p:column headerText="Text" style="width:24%">
<h:outputText value="#{listobject.String}" />
So summary "var" value is accessor string to boo object.
Look also:
PrimeFaces datatable demo and here
Mkyong datatable tutorial

Old values in input fields by GET request

I have got this JSF form in the file loginform.xhtml:
<h:panelGrid columns="3" styleClass="components" cellpadding="5px">
<h:outputText value="#{msg['login.username']}"/>
<h:inputText id="username" value="#{userManager.loginUser.username}" required="true"/>
<h:message styleClass="error" for="username"/>
<h:outputText value="#{msg['login.password']}"/>
<h:inputSecret id="password" value="#{userManager.loginUser.password}"
<h:message styleClass="error" for="password"/>
<h:commandButton value="#{msg['login.confirm']}"
With this ManagedBean:
public class UserManager implements Serializable {
* Creates a new instance of UserManager
public UserManager() {
private UserRecord loginUser = new UserRecord();
private UserRecord sessionUser;
private UserRecordFacadeLocal userRecordFacade;
public UserRecord getLoginUser() {
return loginUser;
public void setLoginUser(UserRecord loginUser) {
this.loginUser = loginUser;
public UserRecord getSessionUser() {
return sessionUser;
public void setSessionUser(UserRecord sessionUser) {
this.sessionUser = sessionUser;
public String doLogout() {
return "logout";
public String doLogin() {
if (userRecordFacade.authorizedAcces(loginUser.getUsername(), loginUser.getPassword())) {
return "success";
return "failure";
Here is my question: if I type a GET request to loginform.xhtml (in my case: http://localhost:8080/Impetus-web/loginform.xhtml), the form is filled by the old values! Even more correct values - this is really bad for the security of the system :-). The same happens, if I make the navigation to this page via h:link tag. It works fine only in the case, if I jump to the page via POST request (via commandButton f. e.).
How is it possible?
JSF doesn't do that (as evidence, look in generated HTML output). The webbrowser does that. This feature is called "autofill"/"autocomplete". Just tell it to not do that by adding autocomplete="off" to the individual input components.
<h:inputText ... autocomplete="off" />
<h:inputSecret ... autocomplete="off" />
Or if you're on JSF 2.2 (or are using OmniFaces Html5RenderKit), you could also set it form-wide.
<h:form ... autocomplete="off">

JSF view displaying outdated value

I have two entities and a backing bean in my application. Following, a simplified version of it:
Controller and Models:
class BackingBean {
private List<A> collectionOfA;
private A currentA;
private B currentB;
private String newDescription;
// accessors
public void prepareForUpdate(ActionEvent e) {
currentA = (A) e.getComponent().getAttributes().get("a");
currentB = (B) e.getComponent().getAttributes().get("b");
public void save(ActionEvent e) {
// method to save b
b.setName("changing the name");
class A {
private String name;
private List<B> bs;
class B {
private String name;
private String description;
private int someNumber;
<!-- some popup with inputs for updating B -->
<h:inputText value="#{backingBean.currentB}" />
<h:commandLink actionListener="#{backingBean.save}" />
<ui:repeat value="#{backingBean.collectionOfA}" var="a">
<ui:repeat value="#{a.bs}" var="b">
<h:commandLink actionListener="#{backingBean.prepareForUpdate}">
<f:attribute name="a" value="#{a}" />
<f:attribute name="b" value="#{b}" />
Assuming that, when I click the commandLink for prepareForUpdate(), the popup shows, my problem is this: when I save the currentB entity, every field of the entity is updated in the view. However, an instant after, the field b.description is rendered again with the old value. When I check the database, the description is, in fact, updated, as it is if I refresh the page.
Any thoughts on why this is happening?

How to make a form submit when its rendered based on a value in a request scoped bean

I discovered a problem in my little program, and Im wondering if anyone have any tips or advice on how to solve this problem as best as possible.
I have the bean testBean which is in request scope. It contains the following:
public class testBean {
private boolean internal = false;
private String input = "";
public String internalTrue() {
System.out.println("Set internal true");
return null;
public String submitForm() {
return null;
public boolean isInternal() {
return internal;
public void setInternal(boolean internal) {
this.internal = internal;
public String getInput() {
return input;
public void setInput(String input) {
this.input = input;
My file welcomeJSF.jsp contains this:
<h:commandButton value="Set internal true" action="#{testBean.internalTrue}" />
<h:panelGrid columns="1" rendered="#{testBean.internal}">
<h:outputText value="JavaServer Faces" /><h:inputText value="#{testBean.input}" />
<h:commandButton value="Go" action="#{testBean.submitForm}" />
When I run the application Im presented with the button "Set internal true". I click it and Im presented with the form where I have the button "Go". Clicking "Go" does not trigger the method in my bean, most likely because of the field actually not being rendered on the server anymore, and thus it wont run the method. Is there any smart solutions to this?
In advance, thanks for your time.
The children of the panel will never decode input because its rendered attribute always evaluates to false during the APPLY REQUEST VALUES phase. This is a sensible thing to do from a security point of view.
(source: ibm.com)
One thing you could do is take advantage of the fact that JSF components maintain state for the lifetime of the view.
The new bean:
public class TestBean {
private String input = null;
private UIComponent panel;
public String internalTrue() {
return null;
public String submitForm() {
return null;
public UIComponent getPanel() { return panel; }
public void setPanel(UIComponent panel) { this.panel = panel; }
public String getInput() { return input; }
public void setInput(String input) { this.input = input; }
The new view bound to the bean:
<h:commandButton value="Set internal true"
action="#{testBean.internalTrue}" />
<h:panelGrid binding="#{testBean.panel}" columns="1"
<h:outputText value="JavaServer Faces" />
<h:inputText value="#{testBean.input}" />
<h:commandButton value="Go" action="#{testBean.submitForm}" />
Using the binding attribute on the panelGrid will cause setPanel to be called when the view is created/restored.
Note that you may have some testing to do depending on how your implementation's and/or libraries' StateManager stores views between requests (which may in turn be affected by the javax.faces.STATE_SAVING_METHOD init parameter). The view might be stored in a hidden field in the form, in the session keyed to the view ID (which may cause collisions with multiple browser windows), in the session keyed to a unique ID created by a GET or JSF navigation, or by some completely custom mechanism. The pluggable nature of the framework makes it versatile, but in this case it means you need to double-check how your implementation behaves.