iphone phonegap change url - iphone

Is there any way of changing the url for phonegap on iPhone/iPad? In Android you can simply use loadUrl to change the url but a function like this doesn't seem to exist on iPhone/iPad.
I know there is a 'dirty' hack by using a redirect... but this rules out the use of the phonegap api on the external website which you are including in phonegap (via redirect).
Any help on this guys?
Many thanks.

If you want to change the url when you click on a link you just need to do :


Is it possible to pass data to flutter app with click on link?

I need to pass data to the website and do something with that and return code as result to my flutter app through the link and continue operation on the app, but I do not know how to do it.
I am beginner in flutter!
please help me!
To Open flutter app from a link, We have to use Platform's url scheme. The procedure is as follows.
Add Url Scheme to Native environment.
Add the plugin for url scheme.
If you would like to get some string or number, you have to decode given url with regular expression.
I recommend you to start from iOS's implementation because it's more simple than Android's. Good Luck!!
How to add Url scheme.
for iOS
for Android
Example of the implementation

Using YouTube Player API in Chrome App?

I'm trying to use the Youtube player API inside my chrome packaged app with no luck, apparently I can't load external content in any way other than using webview tag and I also can't change the Content Security Policy settings (unlike chrome extensions) - is there any way to achieve that?
I'm sure a webview is the way to do this, and to my knowledge there isn't any other way. It would help if you could explain why in your app a webview isn't a workable approach.

How to make a plugin like app in iphone

I want to make an plugin like app in iphone for mobile web browser, in which i want to use safari (or any browser) current link and also link which is present on the web page, when i click on it my app should invoke for using targeted link.
I know plugins are not supported in mobile browser,
Can anybody have any solution without jailbreak?
Thanks in advance.

how to create a webview in blackberry which allows me to only view the page and disable all other options

How to create a webview which gives me only option of viewing the webpage and the rest of the options should be disabled.
BrowserSession browserSession = Browser.getDefaultSession();
I tried this code but not able to disable the options in the browser.
Looks like you have the wrong tag of 'blackberry-webworks' for your post, sounds like a Java question?
In any event... BlackBerry WebWorks is essentially a webapp/webpage running natively on a device.
If you were to use WebWorks for development, you would simply create a webpage (html, css, javascript), and create a config.xml file which tells the SDK what your app is, what it wants access to do on the device, and request needed permissions, etc.
Once packaged, your app would run like any other app on the device. The cool thing about WebWorks is technically you can create a launcher for a website. It again would look like any other app, have it's own icon, and launch in it's own webview. You wouldn't have any of the browser address bars, or anything like that, so this may be the way to go.
If you want some 'Getting Started' info, check-out the HTML5 WebWorks webpage
I got the solution. It may help somebody
BrowserFieldConfig myBrowserFieldConfig = new BrowserFieldConfig();
BrowserField browserField = new BrowserField(myBrowserFieldConfig);

opening a native app from a webapp

I was wondering if it's possible to achieve some sort of thing?
I have a web app, and for example - I want it to run facebook native app, is it possible?
You could use a custom URL scheme for your app.
See this question iPhone/iPad URL Custom Scheme to open a file