How to set graph picture for Facebook apps - facebook

In the past, an app had a graph picture just like users from the url
This came from the old app fan pages. Now that apps have migrated to regular fan pages, there are two problems.
1: Old apps still use the picture from the old inaccessible app page and there seems to be no way to change it.
2: New apps just get a question mark with no way to change it.
How can the graph picture be set for apps?

I just created a brand new app. So I know this applies to new apps.
Go to,
move your mouse over the icon and an action link appears saying "Edit" in the upper right corner of the default image.
Click that edit action link
Click [Browser...] to find the image on your local environment to upload
Select image
Wait for it to process.
It appears beside your app name on that basic page.
How to get at this photo.{APP ID}?fields=logo_url

This was a bug that has since been fixed by Facebook.


GitHub social media image is not refreshed on update

I've changed the social media image of my GitHub repository, but when I try to share it in facebook and it displays the old image as I've never updated it in the first place. The image can be updated by going to your repo -> Settings -> Social preview. I dowloaded the template and used it to create an image, but did not remove the red bars on the sides. When I shared it looked like crap, so I removed the red bars and made them white. Now my phone does not want to display the new image when I share it on facebook.
Is this a browser related cache issue or simply the GitHub feature does not work? What am I doing wrong?
Just add ?anything to link of repository.
Example :
The problem was solved when I made an URL re-scrape as #04FS suggested. I had to open the facebook page with a regular browser, not the dedicated app, follow the link he provided and paste the URL in there. In the option Time Scraped was set to yesterday at 11:32, which means that FB caches internally the URL result. After hitting the button Scrape Again, the social media picture appeared correctly without the red borders.
I had this issue with Twitter. It was enough logging out and logging in again.

How to add Facebook App (webpage) as Tab on Facebook page

I have looked at existing questions but found nothing that answers my questions.
I have an app on facebook (its actually a webpage added as an app). I have added Page Tab as a platform. I also have a page for the app.
Now, I am trying to add this app to another page, as a tab.
I am not finding any way to do this right now. When trying to manage tabs, I can add apps. But I only see "notes" as an option. Any idea how to do that ?
The docs tell you how to add an App to a Page:
For example, open this in your browser with the appropriate parameters: will see a list of all Pages you manage and you can add the App to those.

Facebook Tab App Sharing issue with Image

I'm having issues when a user tries to share the URL to a Facebook tab app that I have setup.
When they paste the URL to the tab in their share window and then post their status update, the tab image is shown when viewed on their profile, however there is no image shown on the newsfeed version of the same post.
I've tried adding open graph meta tags to the app, but I believe that it is being ignored since it is located inside of the iframe, and the facebook open graph meta overrides it.
Does anyone know how to ensure an image is maintained when the tab URL is shared directly?
I've burnt a lot of time trying to solve this issue as well. The best I've come up with is that Facebook is going to chose to display the 111x74 app icon. Sharing this on a page's news feed makes it very pixelated and oddly offset, as it should be using a 1200x630 minimum image size, as dictated by the OG tag best practices, but Facebook has not allowed us to have that option in the app configs. It may be that your app icon is being offset enough to not appear like it's visible in the news feed.
So, from my research, we're out of luck until Facebook decides to fix this issue. Until that time, I don't think it's even worth trying to get the any image to work.
Someone feel free to prove me wrong.

Facebook Share Button Creates Stories with link "via" my FB app URL - change to website URL

I don't have 10 reputation points yet, so can't embed image, sorry. Please see the image that can help clarify, right away, what's wrong:
I am having issues integrating Facebook buttons on my site. I have created a FB app to use with the integration - my like button (see is working just like I want it to. However, the share button next to it returns a story like you see above. The real disconcerting piece is that the link for the "Sounds Viral" name (which is the name of the app here, not the site) links to the app itself, which I don't want users to visit at all.) How can I change this URL to be my homepage (or the link in the post below, if that's preferable?)
I also which I could change "link" here to be "song", which is a supported og:type and is in use for my "like" button. However, for the "share" button, it just says "link". But that's less important to me than the actual URL in the story.
Thanks for any ideas!
The solution is to set your facebook app to be a website app that directs facebook users to your website.
To do this:
go to you app page
go to Settings
click Add Platform button
Select Website option
Enter URL of your website and save

App bookmark not visible on the left-side "Apps" section

My Open Graph enabled app does not generate app bookmark on the left side of Facebook homepage (near the "Apps" section).
The application in question is located here:
It's in Lithuanian, but clicking on any news link will ask you for basic permissions and once approved will redirect to the inner news page. By this time it should be added to the left side as a bookmark. It does not happen. I can't even see the app under the "MORE" link, however the app is visible under the "Apps and Games" link as an icon (with no way to "favorite" it to get it as a regular bookmark link).
Is this intended behavior? A new Facebook feature or a bug? Has anyone run into any similar bookmark-related issues?
Edit: Attached a small screenshot with the issue:
That app automatically redirects elsewhere when I open it, that's probably why there's no bookmark -
Bookmarks are only available for Canvas apps according to the documentation - you shouldn't redirect if you want a bookmark
The bookmark is added automatically after the user continually uses your canvas app for a few minutes