Facebook Profile Subscriber Count - facebook

Is there a method in the API to query the number of subscribers for one of the new profiles? I am talking about the new profiles (not pages), like this one for Tyra Banks:
I can see on that page that she has 696k subscribers (more specifically, 696,833 as it shows when you search for her profile), but I cannot find that number in the graph.
I know that /userId/subscribers gives a list of my subscribers (which is awesome), but many pages that I'm querying have over 10k subscribers, so it doesn't list them all, and I just need the count.

Only user object have subscribers connection.
For page you can get count of "fans" by looking for likes property.
If you're looking for subscribers count on user object you need to use paging to get all the list, since there is no way to get only count of this data (currently, I hope this will be added later, since it's a really in high-demand by some players)...
Yet now you're out of luck since there is a BUG #134805496634011 with paging, so you may only get first page. There is limit argument but it's can't be whooping 697k for sure...


Graph API shows only past events

I just came back from a three months break of programming.
Before leaving id/events would return any events (past and future) of a facebook page.
Now id/events/?limit=10&since=2018-08-02 returns a empty array or only one event whereas a lot of events are upcoming
Has something changed in the API or it is a setting from the page ?
Only Events for which the requesting User is listed as a Host or Guest
will be returned.

IOS Chat App unread Messages in UITableview cell

I have a Query related to Chat Application like Whatsapp. How to Calculate total number of Unread messages by friends in chat app like whatsapp. if we want to calculate all unread messages and show on a badge in current chat window only?
Without knowing how you model the conversations or without any code provided by you it's difficult to give you an exact answer but let's imagine a possible way to model it assuming you still haven't implemented nothing.
You could use a Message object class (or struct if using swift) to hold each conversation entry which could hold among other properties: message text, the User object owing the message, other relevant info etc and a property to determine if it was read (e.g. isRead Boolean property or an enum type .read .unread).
A Conversation object could be a List (an Array) of Message objects and if you want to know how many messages on a conversation are unread (to update UI, badge or whatever other UI widget you need to update) it would be a matter of filtering a given Conversation instance and counting the amount of Message objects inside of it that have isRead==false or whose status is .unread if you go the enum way.
This is a simplistic approach and may (or not) match your current implementation but as no code was provided by you, let's consider this an 'educated guess'.

Facebook Marketing API some field are not shown

I have a development level access to Marketing API and it looks like I cannot read some fields of specific objects.
For example I try the following call:
You can see that promoted_object, link_url and object_url are not displayed in the result. And I should have one of those three value as the Ads was ad to promote "web site click".
Is it a bug or a limitation of the development acces or I am doing something wrong?
It is true that not all fields are readable by all apps, however in the case above it is most likely that these fields are empty on that object and therefore not returned in the response.
Promoted object, for example, is required on the adset level now, however it may be the case the adset you are trying to read is very old and therefore does not have one specified.
In regards to the creative fields, again not all creatives have these fields and in the case they are empty, are not returned in the response. You should check the promoted_story_id to see if this contains what you're looking for.

In Facebook Graph API - Is LIMIT parameter realy functional?

I'm trying to collect all the posts of my company page with this kind of query
Problem is that I'm not collecting all posts.
I will have a better result with limit=20 and some time with limit=100
Most of the pages (from the pagination mechanism point of view) will not have 100 items.
I know some posts may not be exposed because of privacy settings.
My issue is that a call with limit=20 is not returning once going through pagination the same amount of data as limit=250.
How could it be?
How providers of Facebook Analytics can garanty the quality of data they collect ?
The Facebook graph api only allow the max of 100 items per request, despite you specify more than that.
Afaik the limit parameter is indeed buggy. But 250 would be a very high value, there is a max value for the parameter too - i assume it depends on the API call how high it is, could be fixed too.
Better donĀ“t use limit at all and use paging to get more results: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/using-graph-api/v2.2#paging

Possible to get when a facebook friend request was issued?

The friend_request stream contains 2 fields - uid_from and uid_to. There's no date info on when the request was made.
Is ther any other table that contains that information?
Got word back on the Facebook forums - it's not possible
You can track that yourself, on a going forward basis, but subscribing to friend events. The subscribe API falls under the "real-time" updates. Not sure what you are trying to do.
If you look at http://facebook.com/me?and=you for new friends it shows their date added. This is public data and has to be stored openly somewhere!!