Meta field for Domain Url? Or is it possible to change the index of google? - metadata

So I did the misstake of using a temporary url a while ago when launching my web site and called it
Now when google indexes it, even that the web. is not the primary url anymore it still uses that over the
Is there any way I can change this? Unfortunately I cant remove the web.mysite.dom binding from IIS since all Google links refer to that and I cannot use wildcard binding on the actual server.
I have google analytics enabled with the correct url (
Is there a way to enter some kind of meta data that enforces the robots to see the address as

Did resolve by creating the and put a permanent redirect (301). Also used google webmaster tools to ensure this was correctly done.


Use referrer to generate url?

I'm trying to come up with a secure email verification / authentication redirect solution. Here's the basic scenario:
A user registers with the site
We send an email to the user to confirm the registration
The email contains a url with a token to complete the process
This works, but I have a config value for the hostname that the service uses to generate the url. I want something a lot more flexible. My first thought was to use the referrer header, but I imagine that's pretty insecure. I also want to allow a subdomain per business, so I want the url generation to be pretty smart. At this point, I'm back to some config value of "allowed hosts".
I know this problem has been solved, but I'm having trouble putting together the right terms for google to surface a solution.
The referrer header is only set within browsers. It will not be set to anything useful when a user clicks on a link in an email.
I don't think there's anything particular too google for. You got the right process: Generate a secret token, mail out a link containing it, done.
How you build the URLs is absolutely your business, and there's no "stock" or "standard" way to do it.

How to use Facebook for Developers share button using localhost

I'm trying to have a Facebook share button which shares the link of the current page. I am using localhost and Facebook is unable to reach my website since I'm using localhost (xampp). Is there any way to get around this? I have seen people mention about using tunnelme, but I don't see a tutorial on how to do it. Any guidance would be appreciated.
My technique to deal with this kind of issue is define some fake domain in /etc/hosts (Linux o MacOS) or C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts in Windows.
something like: customdomain.liquidtabs
(Do not use .devel because now is a valid TLD and cause some collisions).
In the last time, I'm using a local DNS server (like dnsmasq) to define multiple custom local fake domains.
Finally, in your Facebook app configuration, you must add your fake domain as an allowed domain to access the API.
In the last time, Google Developers Console requires a valid domain (for example, finished in .com, like I do not remember if Facebook too.
In this case, you must define a "valid" domain and override it in the hosts file. Like:
Now, run your website using your fake domain. You should now be able to access Facebook from the library (or Google or any other domain-restricted library) from "localhost".

Google Apps for Work Custom URL

Using Google Apps for Work, there is a possibility to define custom URLs for Google Services (such as GMail, Google Calendar, ...), e.g. These URLs redirect you to the respective Google Service and its usual domain URL, in this case
I was just curious whether there was a scenario, in which opening would not resolve in a redirect to". As a result you would still see the instead of the google calendar URL in your browser address bar. The common case seems to be, that invoking results in a 302 HTTP status code and you get redirected to the Google service.
This is the expected and supported behavior provided by Google as detailed here. I don't believe it'll be possible to prevent the redirection as you've detailed it.

Possible to reverse a permanent redirect in Azure?

I have an azure web site that I don't update anymore.
So I edited the web.config and added a rule to redirect to a new URL.
I made a type when typing the new URL and set the redirect mode to permanent.
No matter what I do, now I can not correct it because it seems it's permanently stuck this way.
The old URL now tries to redirect to some random incorrect typo location.
Is there a way to reverse this?
This sounds like it may be a local issue. Your browser may have cached the 302 response. Have you tried using a different browser, or clearing your browser's cache?
Otherwise, have you restarted the web site through the Azure portal?

DotnetNuke redirect

our client needs to shortcuts to particular pages
We need to redirect non existent urls like
to the actual URL similar to
I've sent a list of appropriate DNN modules to our client but it may take them forever to get back to me.
In the mean time they still submitting requests to us to create redirects for them.
if there's no cost involved then i wont have to wait for them to get back to me.
so I'm looking for a Quick and free way to enable the clients to set these up on this own.
I've looked at:
Ventrian Friendly URL Provider
DotNetNuke URL Rewriting HTTP Module
But haven't had much luck in the small amount of time i have available.
Has anyone got some suggestions on how to achieve our goal with either the above resources or maybe some additional resource i haven't found yet?
(DNN v4.9)
You should be able to use the built-in friendly URL functionality within DNN, or use a URL rewriter module within IIS.
You can read my answer about using the DNN Friendly URL functionality for more details, or look into the IIS URL Rewrite module.