How to prevent the acidentally mail sending in my app? - iphone

Too many times i receive mails with no content or with just "Sent from my iPhone". Those mails are sent from the "contact" section in my app.
After a little bit, it became boring.
So, is there any way to prevent the accidentally mail sending? I'm tired to see blank emails!

Don't think one can do much about the empty mails. (Maybe I haven't received so many yet that it troubles me ;) )
On the there hand the benefit of receiving user mail with a contents outweighs the boring empty mails. So I would just put up with the empty mails and maybe create a filter in the email client.
You could use the addresses for a newsletter with info about your app (with an out-out of course)

As you can not send mail through phones mailApp without user pressing the send button you also can't stop it from sending mail. If it really really bothers you you'll have to encode your own SMTP protocol and start sending mail directly from your code. But is it really worth it?
Or you can make user to type the text into a form (textbox) before calling mail-app. If he wrote something you pass it to mail-app and then he must go trough 'send procedure'


Only receiving one email from SMTP per account?

I've been playing around with SMTP, but I'm noticing an unfortunate pattern with the mail I send. I'm able to send an email once, and then when I send it again, it says it was successful, but I don't receive the email.
So I tried sending it to a different account. This account gets the email. I send another email. It's also "successful", but I don't get a second email on this account.
If I wait awhile, I can send another email to the account. But if I send the same message again a minute later, it won't show.
I think gmail is trying to protect me from "spam", but it makes testing very difficult. Is there a way I can get around this?
You are right, it's probably Gmail that "protects" you. I would suggest using a different email for testing.
Depending on the nature of yourbtests, you could also try to view the email in the browser.

Bouncing a specific email addresses incoming mail

I have a need to "bounce" email from a specific email address. Meaning, when this person emails me I would like them to receive the MAILER_DAEMON message saying that the email address is no longer valid or some other "official looking" message that would make them believe that the email address (mine) is no longer valid.
Is it possible? I have Gmail but I am also a programmer so I would not be afraid to get my hands dirty with some kind of "server" that takes forwarded emails and then re-routes them or anything creative like that.
Any suggestions?
Apple used to include this feature in their mail app. There was a menu item
labeled "bounce" If you integrated into say, Thunderbird, you should be able to send the bounce. Alternatively, google has gmail API's that can read and send from your gmail account.
A Delivery Status Notification message is not hard to create on your own. You might have to tweak something to properly set an empty envelope sender (so as to produce an empty Return-Path:), but other than that, just write a reply with the desired text, and invoke it from your .procmailrc or whatever.
If you have direct access to the delivery machine, you might get away with just returning a particular error code, and the MTA will bounce the message for you, but the exit code depends on the MTA. Many implementations use Sendmail's conventions, but e.g. qmail has its own. explains this from a Procmail perspective in some detail, and has the pertinent exit codes for both Sendmail-compatibles (which includes Postfix) and Qmail.
* ^From: Annoying Perp <troll#example\.com>
{ EXITCODE=67 HOST= } # Exit with Sendmail code for "no such user"
The Postfix document explains the processing model in much more detail -- some of it is specific to Postfix, but as with all the Postfix documentation, it is understandable and helpful to the technically adept reader.
If you want to roll your own, your first stop would be RFC 3464; it's not a very tough read.
The Postfix bounce(5) manual page is very hands-on.

MFMessageComposer iPhone,Auto Message Send

Any one know how to implement auto send message using MFMessageComposer....i mean No need of displaying The message Composer..we Have to sent the pre-defined message to a given Number..Or any other way without using MFMessageComposer..???
You can't auto-send messages with MFMessageComposer. It always displays the message to the user before sending (and rightly so).
An alternative would be to call a webservice which dispatches an email to you. Or put enough SMTP code in your app to get emails sending. You'll need your own email system for this though as you'll not be able to get the users email settings.

How to insure MFMailComposeViewController doesnt send email when body is not empty?

I have MFMailComposeViewController in my app in order to allow the user easily email me about suggestions and feedback on the app but I get about 3 emails a day which are just empty in the body or just the users email signature.
Is there any way of checking if the body of an email is not empty before it is sent with MFMailComposeViewController?
This is not a programming answer, and might be a bit off topic, but I have released a few apps with similar functionality, and have seen the same thing.
I have also talked with a few of the users who have sent in empty emails, and have learned that sometimes they sere just trying out the various functions of the App, and sometimes they get to the feedback page, but don't want to take the time to type out an email on their phone.
I would think of this as more of a customer service problem, and less of a programming challenge. I would use the opportunity to follow up with the users who send the empty emails. (At least now you have their email - if you don't let them send the form without a body you will likely never get it.) One option is to send a standard follow-up email that says you received an empty email from them and would love to hear their feedback on your product. (Perhaps even send them a quick survey) .
Once you have displayed the MFMailComposeViewController's view you cannot get at the message or control the behaviour. You cannot stop people sending empty mails.
If you really want to do this you will have to write a replacement view and controller. It is probably easier to filter the blank mails at the receiving end though :-)

Detecting outlook 2007 client in email

Is it possible to detect the email client in an html message? Specifically outlook 2007
My users have access to an online system that really has nothing to do with email, but in this system they can all communicate with themselves.
My app - takes messages from this system, and then sends it via an email instead.
Now I need a reply to function. Obviously its not a normal email address so...
I want a way to intercept this message, and send it via another channel.
I could write the outlook plug to check EVERY SINGLE out going email address, but this surely can't be the way we're expected to work with email.
It would be much easier to have a button in the email itself which can call an outlook function (custom) and then pass control to this function.
Thanks guys for your answer, but there is a little more complexity. The online system contains fields, these fields need to be completed by the user before sending the reply. So I need some kind of form (yes with working check boxes, etc in there). This should all be in the email message.
Essentially what you'll need to do is set up an automated process that monitors a particular email address, and set that address as the reply-to in your outgoing email. When a message comes in, you can do whatever analysis you need to (examining the from, subject, etc.) and process the content however you see fit.
"Detect" using what? Javascript does not work in email. CSS stylesheets don't either - so no CSS hacks.
Have you tried to change the Reply-To header in the email to the direction that you want?
You have an example in C# & VB in: