Getting Stream from Facebook page with neosmart - facebook

Im using neosmart jquery plugin to get streams from facebook to my own page.
The plugin requires the page id from the fanpage, and mostly its working ok.
But with the link i cant get anything.
I guess the page id is 121130641250864 but i cant get the data. Is it because they have put on a "noread" attribute ?

The Facebook ID is only the last part of your address:
Additionally your access token needs the permission read_stream.


How to get the featured video of a Facebook page

To fetch a Facebook page videos I use the code below:
new GraphRequest(mAccessToken, "Page_ID/videos", params, HttpMethod.GET, new GraphRequest.Callback(){}
What I want is to fetch the 'Featured video' of a Facebook page, but according to Facebook documentation in the link below, 'featured_video' parameter is visible only to the page admin, What is the logic behind setting this parameter to be only read by the page admin?
Where can I report / ask Facebook to get this parameter result allowed to be read by others than the page admin?
Graph API /{page-id}/featured_videos_collection gives Featured Videos Collection for a Facebook Page. You need to use page-access token with page-id.
See for more info. I have not tested that API. Check if it is working.
You need to use {page-id}/featured_videos_collection edge to get featured video with normal user with page-access-token. While authenticating user, you need to get user_pages permission. Admin can get featured_video in directly without giving user_pages permission in {page-d} edge only. May be because of that Facebook have kept different edge for getting featured video of a page and 'featured_video' parameter is visible only to the page admin

Facebook PHP SDK Issue with specific Facebook Id

Im using the following to retrieve information about Facebook pages that I'm the admin of. Specifically the number of likes.
// Get User ID
$page = $facebook->api($id);
return $page['likes'];
This works fine for 20 Facebook pages that I admin but I've run into one case where it does not. This is the error that I'm getting in response.
Unsupported get request. Please read the Graph API documentation at
I have checked that the Id being used is correct by viewing the Facebook Id Page under the admin settings. also runs into an error when entering the pages url.
Has anyone else experienced this? Is this a bug?
I am pretty sure you are not using an Access Token to grab the Page likes, and that one Page is restricted by age or country. Either that, or it is unpublished. Also, calling the return value "$user" may be misleading, it is not a User object, it is a Page object, right?
For restricted Pages you MUST use a User or Page Access Token of a User who can access the Page.

Single Facebook App multiple Client Facebook Page Tab

I have created a Facebook Application which will be used as a Facebook Tab Page. My problem is that I am unable to get the page id.
I want to use this single application for multiple Facebook Page Tabs but the content will vary based on the Page Id.
The code I am trying to use to get the signed_request is using the JavaScript SDK.
FB.getLoginStatus(function(response) {
This can be done with the signed_request parameter, which is passed on to your URL.
The easiest solution is to use the PHP SDK. It offers a function called "getSignedRequest":
Those are the fields of the signed_request parameter:
If you donĀ“t want to use the PHP, you need to parse the parameter on your own. Check out this link for more information and search for "Parsing the Signed Request":
Edit: you will not get the correct signed_request using the JavaScript SDK. Use PHP (or your server language) for this.
The mistake was that the URL added in the Facebook page tab settings was getting redirected as it did not have a "/"; there was a redirect for SEO added and the URL in the Facebook APP sittings did not have the "/".
So as it was getting redirected Facebook sent the POST variable but we have not handled it. Now it is fixed.
Special thanks to #luschn and #Fran Barbero for all your efforts in this.

how to get like status of facebook php sdk

I am making event page on facebook by using facebook php sdk.
i added fb app to fb page.
the page was made for fb event.
i tried some ways. but all failed.
Now, i will make two pages.
one is after clicking like.
the other is before clicking like.
i use this soruce to get userf id.
$user = $facebook->getUser();
it is to get user id source.
i want to know to get like status.
how can i get like status about facebook php sdk.
please let me know it. ^^ plz
If it is a page tab app the signed request will contained a liked parameter. You can read about it on

Posting to an Open Graph page

I've got a open graph page with a like button, activity feed, etc. I want to be able to post programmatically. The open graph docs says it's possible via the old stream.publish api. I've got a meta tag pointing to my facebook application, but the stream publish api doesn't seem to be able to post.
This is what i'm posting via the api:
message='Hello facebook',
target_id='ID via curl '',
I keep getting:
"error_code":101,"error_msg":"Invalid API key"
What am I missing?
I figured out my problem. Make sure you've got the app_id meta tag and the uid should be the social nodes id. So the id that's passed back from
A meta tag with your application ID isn't going to do anything if you want to perform actions programmatically. You need to use the javascript libs and initialize them with your application ID.