Opening HTML form attachments in iOS5 - email

I have received an email on my iPhone (with iOS 5.0.1) with an HTML attachment. The HTML attachment contains a form to fill out and submit. The problem is that submitting the form does not work. I click the Submit button and I get switched Safari, but the form information is not posted. Instead, the URL indicated by the form gets requested as via the GET method.
Is the problem that the Quick Look viewer is simply a passive viewer that does not do forms? I'd like to be able to open the attachment in Safari instead, but that does not appear to be an option. If a tap and hold the attachment, the only options I get are Quick Look and Dropbox.

After much research I've decided it simply does not work. Probably by design as a sort of security feature. I discovered a similar problem with Android phones.


Google Form Prefilled shortcut not working

With the recent "upgrade" to Google Forms saving data, prefilled URLs no longer seem to work.
Steps to recreate problem:
create a Google Form
Create a prefilled URL for some of the fields
Open the form on an Android phone
Create a shortcut on the phone's homescreen from the "Save to homescreen" option on the form's menu
Open the form from the shortcut and submit a response
Open the form again from the shortcut -- the form will no longer have prefilled values.
Anyone have a workaround for this? I have a fairly large form that I use to track some tasks with some standard response values. This worked perfectly before the "upgrade" but now is useless saved as a shortcut. I can still use the prefilled URL from an email or another rich text object available on the phone, but needing to open additional documents is frustrating after getting used to the convenience of one click of an icon for years.
I've had the same issue. Not quite as convenient but I've posted the URL of the prefilled link on a Google note so its still one click away with Google note on the home screen.
I had the same issue. The fix that worked for me was to remove the "autosave" option in the forms settings.
Settings -> Presentation -> Disable auto-save for all respondents

Show pop-up when clicking on links in email contents

I am facing a new requirement. My website has email sending facility, which contains links also. What I need is to show popup when I click on the link in the email contents, the contents may or may not be from the website. Which methods I can do for achieving this?
The only way is to have a link to an external page that will open in a browser and execute the popup.
If the content is not from a website I can't see a way of doing this. It will require javascript which cannot be used in an email.

Open iPhone App from an Email Link

I've working on a program where an email is sent to a user, and a link to open the iPhone app is embedded in the email. The problem is that when the user clicks the link to open the app, mail has stripped out the colon, so the link no longer works!
The link being created basically looks like this:
#"<BR><BR><BR>Open App"
But the link, when clicked in the email, opens this in the browser instead:
with no colon, so the app doesn't launch and the browser says it can't find the page.
Any ideas how to fix this? Thanks!
It just should be:
#"<BR><BR><BR>Open App"
As a workaround for custom urls being blocked by gmail, what you could do is set up something like up do redirect to myapp://... That way it'll look like a normal domain but open your app. On the plus you will be able to see how many people click your link, though on the down side it'll pop via Safari first.
Add 'http:' to all your images and urls, iphones dont recognize links w/o that. also use single quotes for them(').eg.
<a href=''></a><img src=''></img>

Phone gap ios app - show pdf file with print/email options

I have a requirement to do the following task.
Inside a Phonegap iOS app, the user wants to view a pdf file after clicking a link which will load the pdf from the remote server.
And also user needs print, email functions with this document viewer.
So far I have tried following options.
Exit from the app when user click on the link and try to load the pdf throught the Safari. This is not working because user has to relogin for viewing the application.
Check with child-browser plugin. But it does not provide the options like print/email.
It'll be really great if some one can help on this who has similar experience.

Error when using mailto: link in Mobile Safari in app-capable mode

I've got a form in a web page with an action that is "mailto:email" (where email is a real email address). When I load this page in Mobile Safari in regular mode (ie, not launched from home screen with app-capable mode), this works fine - after I submit the form, the email app comes up. However, when I'm in app-capable mode and have launched from the home screen (so, no Safari chrome), and submit the form I get the error "URL can't be shown". However, a regular mailto: link (ie, not in a form) does work when in app-capable mode.
Has anyone else noticed this? Any workarounds? Are forms disallowed in app-capable mode?
This accurately describes the issue. There is nothing wrong with the mailto link, the mailto link fails to load. Often the webapp crashes.
The funny thing is that tel: link for telephone numbers work fine.
window.location.replace does in-fact work. Thanks!
Here is the jQuery to fix this automatically...
$('a[href^=mailto]').click(function (event) {
window.location.replace = $(this).attr('href');
return false;
I think I've figured this out. I noticed when in app-capable mode, any http link will take you out of the app and launch a separate mobile safari window, take you to the page and show the Safari chrome. Makes sense (typically one wouldn't link to anything from an "all in one" app-capable web app. I noticed this because I implemented a 4 page app with my own "tab bar" at the bottom and was linking amongst the .html files with plain http links in the a element. When I replace this with a javascript function to load the pages using document.location.replace this doesn't happen.
So, on the form - I think what must be happening is that because I'm using a scheme (in this case, mailto:) somehow the browser is needed in "regular mode" to interpret the scheme and do the right thing by launching the email app and this clearly doesn't work when submitting a form. I haven't yet found anything in the Apple documentation specifically about this, so if anyone knows the technical details, please do post!
UPDATE: I did find that I can access a server side script using a form in web-app mode, so I'm still curious about the mailto: issue, if anyone has an answer.
I am having the exact same issue with mailto links not working in the web capable mode. I just got done submitting a bug report to Apple. Let's see what happens, meanwhile I found another dev. platform for web apps that works in web capable mode and mailto links work, but it is funny how it works in this even--it is not as fluid as it is in Safari. Because even in this new web dev tool that I found, it closes your app and launches mail client, which is lame. In Safari it just slides in a mail window that slides back out if you hit cancel or send--it doesn't actually close your app.
Here is a workaround that does not depend on JQuery:
aTmp = document.createElement("a");
Update: To run this code from a bookmarklet you have to wait about 1000 ms before the bookmarks bezel is closed and the browser is ready to respond. I realized this by wrapping the code in a setTimeout function.