how to save a collection form in symfony 1.4 - forms

I have created a collection form in symfony 1.4 and Propel 1.5 and everything displays properly but I cannot get the form to save to the database.
The form is used to edit multiple users at once.
I found this question and I implemented the suggestion of extending my collectionForm class with sfFormPropel, but when I do that I run out of memory. I cannot find what is being pulled from the database that would fill up the processes memory.
In my new save function I am not even doing anything.
Any ideas?
class ContactCollectionForm extends sfFormPropel
public function getModelName()
return 'ContactCollectionForm';
public function retrieveSubObject($fieldname, $model)
return array();
public function save($con = null)
public function configure()
$user = $this->getOption('user');
$embedded = $this->getOption('embedded');
$custom = $this->getOption('custom');
$contact_list = $this->getOption('contact_list');
$cf = $custom['form'];
if(!array_key_exists(0, $cf['fields']['field']))
$cf['fields']['field'] = array($cf['fields']['field']);
$use_fields = array();
foreach($cf['fields']['field'] as $field)
if($field['type'] == 'object')
// embed object form (ala: PersonData, Coordinate etc...)
$model = $field['model'];
$model_form = $model.'Form';
$sub_object = $contact_list[$i];
$sub_form = new $model_form($sub_object, array('user' => $user, 'embedded' => true, 'custom' => $field['fields']));
$this->embedForm($field['name'], $sub_form);
array_push($use_fields, $field['name']);
} // end field type == object
// standard form field
$this->setWidget($field['name'], CustomWidgetExtender::createSfWidget($field, $user, $this));
$this->widgetSchema->setLabel($field['name'], $field['label']);
if(trim($field['default']) != '')
$this->setDefault($field['name'], $field['default']);
// add field name to use_fields array
array_push($use_fields, $field['name']);
} // end field type != object

I ended up doing a rough hack by processing each form manually rather than trying to shoehorn this type of form into the symfony 1.x form framework.


Get the ID of a selected value from a dropdown selectbox using Laravel 5.1

I've been on this for a while, what I want to do is to get the id of the selected value from a select box. Using this snippet, it doesn't get the id and I wonder why. I'm confused what what could be wrong
This code is to get the id of the selected value:
private static function compareCompany(ProductRequest $productRequest){
$companyPicked = $productRequest->companyname;
$listedCompanies = Company::where('user_id', '=', Auth::user()->id);
$companies = new Company;
if($companies->user_id === Auth::user()->id)
foreach($listedCompanies as $company) {
if($company->companyname === $companyPicked)
return $company->id;
This is to create a new product using the id returned for a company
public function store(ProductRequest $productRequest)
$product = new Product;
$company = new Company;
$product->user_id = Auth::user()->id;
$product->company_id = $this->compareCompany($productRequest);
$product->companyname = $productRequest->companyname;
$product->productname = $productRequest->productname;
return redirect()->route('companyindex')->with('message', 'Your question has been posted.');
return redirect('company-create')->withErrors($productRequest)->withInput();
THis is the view:
<p>{!! Form::select('companyname', array('' => 'Select a Company') + $listCompanies) !!} </p>
THis is the code used in binding the returned value to the view:
public function create()
$listCompanies = Company::where('user_id', '=', Auth::user()->id)->orderBy('companyname', 'desc')->lists('companyname', 'companyname')->toArray();
return view('product.create')
->with('listCompanies', $listCompanies);
I suspect that the problem is with your compareCompany method. There are a couple of issues there.
Here's your code (cleaned up a bit):
private static function compareCompany(ProductRequest $productRequest)
$companyPicked = $productRequest->companyname;
$listedCompanies = Company::where('user_id', '=', Auth::user()->id);
$companies = new Company;
if($companies->user_id === Auth::user()->id)
foreach($listedCompanies as $company) {
if($company->companyname === $companyPicked)
return $company->id;
And here are the issues:
$listedCompanies = Company::where('user_id', '=', Auth::user()->id);
This statement doesn't actually produce a list of companies. You need to add ->get() at the end, like this:
$listedCompanies = Company::where('user_id', '=', Auth::user()->id)->get();
$companies = new Company;
This creates a new, uninitialized instance of the Company model. On the next line you go on to check the user_id property of that instance, but it's not set to anything because it's brand new. So the first if() statement always fails. It's not clear what you're trying to do here, so I'm not sure how to fix this one. My guess is that you're trying to filter out only the companies that belong to the current user, but you've already done that with your Company::where(...)->get(), so this is not necessary.
Change ->lists('companyname', 'companyname') to ->lists('companyname', 'id')
It will return the id of the table of Company model.

Silverstripe 3.1.x getting values from Parent

I would like to get a generic function working for getting Data in Template of a Page and if the property is not set, getting it from the Parent or Parents Parent and so on. With generic I mean independent of Relations like db, HasOne, HasMany, ManyMany. Let's say I have this for ManyMany but would like to detect if it's a Object, HasManyList or ManyManyList or a value. Is anything like this built in or how would you go about?
function ManyManyUpUntilHit($ComponentName){
$Component = $this->getManyManyComponents($ComponentName);
if($Component && $Component->exists())
return $Component;
$Parent = $this->Parent();
if(is_object($Parent) && $Parent->ID != 0){
return $Parent->ManyManyUpUntilHit($ComponentName);
} else {
return null;
in template:
There is no in built method to do this in Silverstripe. You will need to write your own function to do this.
Here is an example to get a page's has_one, has_many or many_many resource by parameter, or go up the site tree until a resource is found, or we hit a root page:
function getComponentRecursive($componentName) {
// has_one
if ($this->has_one($componentName)) {
$component = $this->getComponent($componentName);
if (isset($component) && $component->ID)
return $component;
// has_many
if ($this->has_many($componentName)) {
$components = $this->getComponents($componentName);
if (isset($components) && $components->count())
return $components;
// many_many
if ($this->many_many($componentName)) {
$components = $this->getManyManyComponents($componentName);
if (isset($components) && $components->count())
return $components;
if ($this->ParentID != 0)
return $this->Parent()->getComponentRecursive($componentName);
return false;

Zend form validation multiple custom validation message for same field at the same time

I have a Zend form password custom validation.
I have set the addValidator functions IInd argument to false since I need to get all errors at once. Both of my validation classes have set the self::INVLID to corresponding error messages.
But when I look in the Zend controller even though both validations fail I'm getting only one (the last) error message.
I need all the error messages at once.
/* Form validation*/
$passwordSpecialValidator = new Passwordspecialvalidationvalidator();
$passwordHistoryValidator = new Passwordhistorylvalidationvalidator(new model(), $username, $newpass);
$this->newpass->addValidator($passwordSpecialValidator, false)
->addValidator($passwordHistoryValidator, false);
/* One validation class */
class Passwordhistorylvalidationvalidator extends Zend_Validate_Abstract {
const INVLID = '';
protected $_messageTemplates = array(
self::INVLID => 'Your password doesnt meet the history requirements'
public function __construct($model, $username, $password) {
$this->_model = $model;
$this->_username = $username;
$this->_password = $password;
public function isValid($value, $context = null) {
if ($this->_username == "") {
$auth = Zend_Auth::getInstance();
if ($auth->hasIdentity()) {
$arrayResult = $auth->getIdentity();
if (isset($arrayResult->username)) {
$this->_username = $arrayResult->username;
$passwordExists = false;
$oldPasswords = $this->_model->getHistoryPasswords($this->_username, $this->_password);
if (count($oldPasswords) > 0) {
$passwordExists = true;
if ($passwordExists == false) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
/* Getting error messages */
foreach ($objForm->getMessages() as $messages) {
foreach ($messages as $message) {
$errMessages[] = $message;
But the array $errMessages has only the last validation message (without index) even though both special validation and history validation fails. How would I get both error messages in an array if both validations fail?

concatenate fields with zend_form

I'm using the zend framework with centurion and I'm having a problem with my form. I have fields num_ordre and code, both of which are primary keys and I have columns in my table named conca, it's the concatenation of two fields, num_ordre and code.
My question is, in my method post, I want to test if the concatanation of num_ordre and code already exists in my database; but the problem is how to take a value of to fields before posting it.
This is my code
public function postAction(){
$user = new Param_Model_DbTable_Verification();
$form= $this->_getForm();
$form->getElement('Num_ordre')->addValidator(new Zend_Validate_Db_NoRecordExists('verifications','Num_ordre'));
$posts = $this->_request->getPost();
if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) {
$formData = $this->getRequest()->getPost();
if ($form->isValid($formData)) {
if( isset ($posts['_addanother'])){
$_form = $this->_getForm();
How about you just check it like this ?
public function postAction(){
$user = new Param_Model_DbTable_Verification();
$form= $this->_getForm();
$form->getElement('Num_ordre')->addValidator(new Zend_Validate_Db_NoRecordExists('verifications','Num_ordre'));
$posts = $this->_request->getPost();
if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) {
$formData = $this->getRequest()->getPost();
$mdl = new Model_Something(); //Call your model so you can test it
//Add a condition here
if ($form->isValid($formData) && $mdl->uniqueConcatenated($this->_getParam('num_ordre'), $this->_getParam('code')) {
/**truncated, keep your existing code here**/
Then in your model Model_Something
public function uniqueConcatenated($numOrder, $code) {
$concatenated = $numOrder.$code;
//Check for the existence of a row with the concatenated field values
$select = $this->select();
$select->where('concatenatedField = '.$concatenated);
$row = $this->fetchRow($select);
return $row;
Hope this helps
You could manually call isValid on the validator:
$formData = $this->getRequest()->getPost();
if ($form->isValid($formData)) {
$formValues = $form->getValues();
$uniqueValidator = new Zend_Validate_Db_NoRecordExists('verifications','conca');
if ($uniqueValidator->isValid($formValues['Num_ordre'] . $formValues['Num_ordre'])) {
// valid
} else {
// not unique
untested code

Saving only changed fields in a CakePHP 2.0 Form

I'm creating a CakePHP application that can have multiple users editing the same information at the same time. To prevent users from overwriting over each other's changes, I want to make it where when a user saves their form, it only saves the one or two fields that the user has changed.
I can't just compare the fields to the database values because those database values may actually be newer ones from other users.
Does CakePHP offer any way to only send the updated fields via POST?
I don't believe there is a built-in solution. I came up with some code that works, but you would definitely want to put it into its own function so that it can be used by multiple controller actions. Also, it's not perfect. For example, it would fail on a date field since CakePHP has date fields rendered as selects in forms.
This is for an edit action. Original code:
public function edit($id = null) {
$this->User->id = $id;
if (!$this->User->exists()) {
throw new NotFoundException(__('Invalid user'));
if ($this->request->is('post') || $this->request->is('put')) {
if ($this->User->save($this->request->data)) {
$this->Session->setFlash(__('The user has been saved'));
$this->redirect(array('action' => 'index'));
} else {
$this->Session->setFlash(__('The user could not be saved. Please, try again.'));
} else {
$this->request->data = $this->User->read(null, $id);
Modified code:
public function edit($id = null) {
$this->User->id = $id;
if (!$this->User->exists()) {
throw new NotFoundException(__('Invalid user'));
if ($this->request->is('post') || $this->request->is('put')) {
$originalData = unserialize(base64_decode($this->request->data['Extra']['original_data']));
$save = $this->request->data;
foreach ($save as $model => $modelFields) {
if (!array_key_exists($model, $originalData)) {
foreach ($modelFields as $field => $value) {
if (!array_key_exists($field, $originalData[$model])) {
if ($save[$model][$field] === $originalData[$model][$field]) {
if ($this->User->validates() && $this->User->save($save, false)) {
$this->Session->setFlash(__('The user has been saved'));
$this->redirect(array('action' => 'index'));
} else {
$this->Session->setFlash(__('The user could not be saved. Please, try again.'));
} else {
$this->request->data = $this->User->read(null, $id);
$this->request->data['Extra']['original_data'] = base64_encode(serialize($this->request->data));
Also, add this somewhere in the form in edit.ctp:
echo $this->Form->hidden('Extra.original_data');