Parametrized Inductive Types in Agda - gadt

I'm just reading Dependent Types at Work. In the introduction to parametrised types, the author mentions that in this declaration
data List (A : Set) : Set where
[] : List A
_::_ : A → List A → List A
the type of List is Set → Set and that A becomes implicit argument to both constructors, ie.
[] : {A : Set} → List A
_::_ : {A : Set} → A → List A → List A
Well, I tried to rewrite it a bit differently
data List : Set → Set where
[] : {A : Set} → List A
_::_ : {A : Set} → A → List A → List A
which sadly doesn't work (I'm trying to learn Agda for two days or so, but from what I gathered it's because the constructors are parametrised over Set₀ and so List A must be in Set₁).
Indeed, the following is accepted
data List : Set₀ → Set₁ where
[] : {A : Set₀} → List A
_::_ : {A : Set₀} → A → List A → List A
however, I'm no longer able to use {A : Set} → ... → List (List A) (which is perfectly understandable).
So my question: What is the actual difference between List (A : Set) : Set and List : Set → Set?
Thanks for your time!

I take the liberty to rename the data types. The first, which is
indexed on Set will be called ListI, and the second ListP,
has Set as a parameter:
data ListI : Set → Set₁ where
[] : {A : Set} → ListI A
_∷_ : {A : Set} → A → ListI A → ListI A
data ListP (A : Set) : Set where
[] : ListP A
_∷_ : A → ListP A → ListP A
In data types parameters go before the colon, and arguments after the
colon are called indicies. The constructors can be used in the same
way, you can apply the implicit set:
nilI : {A : Set} → ListI A
nilI {A} = [] {A}
nilP : {A : Set} → ListP A
nilP {A} = [] {A}
There difference comes when pattern matching. For the indexed version we have:
null : {A : Set} → ListI A → Bool
null ([] {A}) = true
null (_∷_ {A} _ _) = false
This cannot be done for ListP:
-- does not work
null′ : {A : Set} → ListP A → Bool
null′ ([] {A}) = true
null′ (_∷_ {A} _ _) = false
The error message is
The constructor [] expects 0 arguments, but has been given 1
when checking that the pattern [] {A} has type ListP A
ListP can also be defined with a dummy module, as ListD:
module Dummy (A : Set) where
data ListD : Set where
[] : ListD
_∷_ : A → ListD → ListD
open Dummy public
Perhaps a bit surprising, ListD is equal to ListP. We cannot pattern
match on the argument to Dummy:
-- does not work
null″ : {A : Set} → ListD A → Bool
null″ ([] {A}) = true
null″ (_∷_ {A} _ _) = false
This gives the same error message as for ListP.
ListP is an example of a parameterised data type, which is simpler
than ListI, which is an inductive family: it "depends" on the
indicies, although in this example in a trivial way.
Parameterised data types are defined on the
is a small introduction.
Inductive families are not really defined, but elaborated on in the
with the canonical example of something that seems to need inductive
data Term (Γ : Ctx) : Type → Set where
var : Var Γ τ → Term Γ τ
app : Term Γ (σ → τ) → Term Γ σ → Term Γ τ
lam : Term (Γ , σ) τ → Term Γ (σ → τ)
Disregarding the Type index, a simplified version of this could not be
written with in the Dummy-module way because of lam constructor.
Another good reference is Inductive
by Peter Dybjer from 1997.
Happy Agda coding!


Why does this Coq Definition fail? Coq Namespace error for Inductive Type

I have the following Inductive Type and a test function:
Inductive parameter : Type :=
| Nop
| OneP : forall A, A -> parameter
| TwoP : forall (A : Type) (r : nat) (b : A), parameter
Check (TwoP nat 1 5).
Definition test (p : parameter) : option (nat * nat) :=
match p with
| TwoP nat x y => Some (x, y)
| _ => None
The test function fails with the error:
The term "Some (x, y)" has type "option (Datatypes.nat * nat)"
while it is expected to have type "option (Datatypes.nat * Datatypes.nat)".
I don't understand why my definition does not work. Is there a difference between nat and Datataypes.nat ?
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
In Coq, it is not possible to test what a type is. Consider the following program:
Definition is_nat (A : Type) : bool :=
match A with
| nat => true
| _ => false
If you try to run this, Coq tells you that the last branch is redundant, and rejects the definition. The issue is that nat is taken to be a variable name, not the nat data type from the standard library. Therefore, the first branch matches every type A, and the last branch is redundant. In your example, the pattern nat ends up masking the data type nat, which is why you end up seeing the qualified name Datatypes.nat.
One way of solving this issue is to use a type of codes instead of Type. For instance:
Inductive type : Type :=
| Bool
| Nat.
Definition type_denote t : Type :=
match t with
| Bool => bool
| Nat => nat
Coercion type_denote : type >-> Sortclass.
Inductive parameter : Type :=
| Nop
| OneP : forall (A : type), A -> parameter
| TwoP : forall (A : type) (r : nat) (b : A), parameter
Check (TwoP Nat 1 5).
Definition test (p : parameter) : option (nat * nat) :=
match p with
| TwoP Nat x y => Some (x, y)
| _ => None
There are two issues with this solution. First, it requires you to anticipate all types that you will need in parameter, and add those in the definition of type. Second, it forces you to program with dependent types, which can be hard to manipulate. It might be possible to refactor your definitions to avoid the problem of type matching altogether, although there is no one-size-fits-all solution -- it depends on your application.

Lean define groups

This is a follow-up question of Lean pass type as parameter
I tried jmc's suggestion, which seemed to work, but then I got stuck at another point. The original purpose of the question was to define the categories of groups and rings, but now apparently I am unable to define group morphisms:
class group :=
(set: Type)
(add: set → set → set)
infix + := group.add
class group_morphism (G H: group) :=
(f: G.set → H.set)
(additive: ∀ g h : G.set, f(g + h) = (f g) + (f h))
I get an error at the first +. Lean seems to think that this refers to H.add, whereas it is supposed to refer to G.add.
The issue is that group should not be a class. If you look at the type of group.add, by #check #group.addyou will get
group.add : Π [c : group], group.set → group.set → group.set
The square brackets around c : group indicate that this is an implicit argument that will be inferred by type class inference. You won't have to explicitly type this argument, but Lean will try to work out what it is. Type class inference works best for types where there is only one inhabitant you ever want to use.
In mathlib the definition of group is closer to
class group (set : Type) :=
(add : set → set → set)
On a particular type, there is usually only one group structure you want to refer to, so in mathlib, a type like add_group int has only one inhabitant you care about.
Lean automatically chose H as the canonical representative of the type group, but this is not the one you wanted.
So usually when you deal with groups the type and the group structure are kept as separate objects, they are not put into a pair. However for category theory, the usual approach doesn't work, an object is a pair of a type and a group structure.
The setup in mathlib is closer to the following. The coe_to_sort tells Lean how to take a group_obj and interpret it as a Type without having explicitly write G.set, the group_obj_group instance tells Lean how to automatically infer the group structure on the type of a group_obj
class group (set : Type) :=
(add: set → set → set)
structure group_obj :=
(set : Type)
(group : group set)
instance coe_to_sort : has_coe_to_sort group_obj :=
{ S := Type,
coe := group_obj.set }
instance group_obj_group (G : group_obj) : group G :=
infix `+` := group.add
structure group_morphism (G H : group_obj) :=
(f: G → H)
(additive: ∀ g h : G.set, f(g + h) = (f g) + (f h))
You are redefining the + notation which will very quickly lead to headaches. Have a polymorphic + notation is very helpful. (How will you denote the addition in a ring?)
Further points:
you should use structure instead of class
mathematically, you are defining monoids and monoid homs, not groups and group homs
This works though
(set: Type)
(add: set → set → set)
def add {G : group} := group.add G
class group_morphism (G H: group) :=
(f: G.set → H.set)
(additive: ∀ g h : G.set, f(add g h) = add (f g) (f h))

How does the induction principle for the singleton type unit in Coq work?

I was going through Adam Chlipala's book on Coq and it defined the inductive type:
Inductive unit : Set :=
| tt.
I was trying to understand its induction principle:
Check unit_ind.
(* unit_ind
: forall P : unit -> Prop, P tt -> forall u : unit, P u *)
I am not sure if I understand what the output of Coq means.
1) So check gives me a look at the type of "objects" right? So unit_ind has type:
forall P : unit -> Prop, P tt -> forall u : unit, P u
2) How does one read that type? I am having trouble understanding where to put the parenthesis or something...For the first thing before the comma, it doesn't make sense to me to read it as:
IF "for all P of type unit" THEN " Prop "
since the hypothesis is not really something true or false. So I assume the real way to real the first thing is this way:
forall P : (unit -> Prop), ...
so P is just a function of type unit to prop. Is this correct?
I wish this was correct but under that interpretation I don't know how to read the part after the first comma:
P tt -> forall u : unit, P u
I would have expected all the quantifications of variables in existence to be defined at the beginning of the proposition but thats not how its done, so I am not sure what is going on...
Can someone help me read this proposition both formally and intuitively? I also want to understand conceptually what it's trying to say and not only get bugged down by the details of it.
Let me put some extra (not really necessary) parentheses:
forall P : unit -> Prop, P tt -> (forall u : unit, P u)
I would translate it as "For any predicate P over the unit type, if P holds of tt, then P holds of any term of type unit".
Intuitively, since tt is the only value of type unit, it makes sense to only prove P for this unique value.
You can check if this intuition works for you by trying to interpret the induction principle for the bool type in the same manner.
Check bool_ind.
: forall P : bool -> Prop, P true -> P false -> (forall b : bool, P b)

Recursive use of typeclass methods in Coq

Is there a way to use recursion with Coq's typeclasses? Like for e.g., in defining show for lists, if you want to call the show function for lists recursively, then you will have to use a fixpoint like so:
Require Import Strings.String.
Require Import Strings.Ascii.
Local Open Scope string_scope.
Class Show (A : Type) : Type :=
show : A -> string
Section showNormal.
Instance showList {A : Type} `{Show A} : Show (list A) :=
show :=
fix lshow l :=
match l with
| nil => "[]"
| x :: xs => show x ++ " : " ++ lshow xs
End showNormal.
Which is all well and good, but what if I want to define some helper function that I'll use for defining Show instances? Like I want to create a more DAZZLING show function called magicShow that prints stars around something...
Definition magicShow {A : Type} `{Show A} (a : A) : string :=
"** " ++ show a ++ " **".
Instance showMagicList {A : Type} `{Show A} : Show (list A) :=
show :=
fix lshow l :=
match l with
| nil => "[]"
| x :: xs => show x ++ " : " ++ magicShow xs
However, in this case Coq can't find a show instance for the list xs to pass to magicShow:
Unable to satisfy the following constraints:
In environment:
A : Type
H : Show A
lshow : list A -> string
l : list A
x : A
xs : list A
?H : "Show (list A)"
Is there any way to do this in general? I.e., can you define a method for a typeclass using functions that rely upon the typeclass instance that you're defining?
No, there's no way to do this. This works in Haskell because arbitrary recursive bindings are allowed, and the language doesn't care about the order of bindings. Coq is more restrictive on both fronts. This makes sense if you think about what the desugaring looks like: the recursive call to show would refer to the currently-being-defined instance by name, but that binding isn't in scope yet. And you can't make the instance itself a fixpoint because you're recursing on the structure of a type, not on a value of an algebraic data type.
Your inline fixpoint works for show, but the problem gets thornier if your method implementations refer to each other, such as
newtype MyInteger = MyInteger Integer
instance Num MyInteger where
MyInteger m + MyInteger n = MyInteger $ m + n
negate (MyInteger m) = MyInteger $ negate m
m - n = m + negate n
-- other methods
Here, the calls to (+) and negate in the definition of (-) needs to refer to the definitions of (+) and negate above, but this also doesn't work in Coq. The only solution is to define all your methods separately, manually referencing each other, and then define the instance simply by setting each method to the one you defined above. For example,
Inductive MyInteger := Mk_MyInteger : Integer -> MyInteger.
Definition add__MyInteger (m n : MyInteger) : MyInteger :=
let 'Mk_MyInteger m' := m in
let 'Mk_MyInteger n' := n in
Mk_MyInteger (add m' n').
Definition negate__MyInteger (m : MyInteger) : MyInteger :=
let 'Mk_MyInteger m' := m in
Mk_MyInteger (negate m').
Definition sub__MyInteger (m n : MyInteger) : MyInteger :=
add__MyInteger m (negate__MyInteger n).
Instance Num__MyInteger : Num MyInteger := {|
add := add__MyInteger;
negate := negate__MyInteger;
sub := sub__MyInteger;
(* other methods *)
If you must do this, it can be simulated by explicitly using the constructor of the underlying Record (since "Typeclasses are Records", to quote from Software Foundations [1]), which can be instantiated using the function(s) being defined as a fixpoint. I'll post three examples and explain where this can be useful.
The example you posted could be solved like this (all code tested for Coq 8.10.1):
Require Import Strings.String.
Local Open Scope list_scope.
Local Open Scope string_scope.
Class Show (A : Type) : Type :=
show : A -> string
Definition magicShow {A : Type} `{Show A} (a : A) : string :=
"** " ++ show a ++ " **".
Print Show.
(* Record Show (A : Type) : Type := Build_Show { show : A -> string }
Check Build_Show.
(* Build_Show : forall A : Type, (A -> string) -> Show A *)
Check #magicShow.
(* #magicShow : forall A : Type, Show A -> A -> string *)
Instance showMagicList {A : Type} `{Show A} : Show (list A) :=
show :=
fix lshow l :=
match l with
| nil => "[]"
| x :: xs => show x ++ " : " ++ #magicShow _ (#Build_Show _ lshow) xs
If you are trying to define several typeclass methods like this, it's tricky to instantiate the record constructor, but it can be done by treating the functions as if they were defined by mutual recursion (although there doesn't necessarily have to be any actual mutual recursion). Here's a contrived example where Show now has two methods. Notice that the typeclass instance is added to the context with an anonymous let-in binding. Evidently, this is enough to satisfy Coq's typeclass resolution mechanism.
Require Import Strings.String.
Local Open Scope list_scope.
Local Open Scope string_scope.
Class Show (A : Type) : Type :=
show1 : A -> string
; show2 : A -> string
Definition magicShow1 {A : Type} `{Show A} (a : A) : string :=
"** " ++ show1 a ++ " **".
Definition magicShow2 {A : Type} `{Show A} (a : A) : string :=
"** " ++ show2 a ++ " **".
Fixpoint show1__list {A : Type} `{Show A} (l : list A) : string :=
let _ := (#Build_Show _ show1__list show2__list) in
match l with
| nil => "[]"
| x :: xs => show1 x ++ " : " ++ magicShow1 xs
with show2__list {A : Type} `{Show A} (l : list A) : string :=
let _ := (#Build_Show _ show1__list show2__list) in
match l with
| nil => "[]"
| x :: xs => show1 x ++ " : " ++ magicShow2 xs
Instance showMagicList {A : Type} `{Show A} : Show (list A) :=
show1 := show1__list
; show2 := show2__list
So why would you want to do this? A good example is when you are defining decidable equality on (rose) trees. In the middle of the definition, we have to recursively appeal to decidable equality of list (tree A). We would like to use the standard library helper function Coq.Classes.EquivDec.list_eqdec [2], which shows how to pass decidable equality on a type A to list A. Since list_eqdec requires a typeclass instance (the very one we are in the middle of defining), we have to use the same trick above:
Require Import Coq.Classes.EquivDec.
Require Import Coq.Program.Utils.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Generalizable Variables A.
Inductive tree (A : Type) : Type :=
| leaf : A -> tree A
| node : list (tree A) -> tree A.
Program Instance tree_eqdec `(eqa : EqDec A eq) : EqDec (tree A) eq :=
{ equiv_dec := fix tequiv t1 t2 :=
let _ := list_eqdec tequiv in
match t1, t2 with
| leaf a1, leaf a2 =>
if a1 == a2 then in_left else in_right
| node ts1, node ts2 =>
if ts1 == ts2 then in_left else in_right
| _, _ => in_right
Solve Obligations with unfold not, equiv, complement in * ;
program_simpl ; intuition (discriminate || eauto).
Next Obligation.
destruct t1;
destruct t2;
( program_simpl || unfold complement, not, equiv in *; eauto ).
Solve Obligations with split; (intros; try unfold complement, equiv ; program_simpl).
No more obligations remaining
tree_eqdec is defined
Commentary: There is no constructor for creating a record of type EqDec (since it only has one class method), so to convince Coq that list (tree A) has decidable equality, the invocation is simply list_eqdec tequiv. For the uninitiated, Program here is simply allowing for holes in the definition of the instance to be filled in later as Obligations, which is more convenient than writing the appropriate proofs inline.

Coq type error when matching with type family

I’m trying to re-implement an example from CPDT from memory. I wrote:
Inductive myType : Set := MyNat | MyBool.
Definition typeDenote (t : myType) : Set :=
match t with
| MyNat => nat
| MyBool => bool
Inductive unaryOp : myType -> myType -> Set :=
| Twice : unaryOp MyNat MyNat.
Definition twice (n:nat) : nat := n + n.
Definition tunaryDenote (a b : myType) (t : unaryOp a b)
: typeDenote a -> typeDenote b :=
match t with
| Twice => twice
The resulting error is:
Toplevel input, characters 125-130
> | Twice => twice
> ^^^^^
Error: In environment
a : myType
b : myType
t : unaryOp a b
The term "twice" has type "nat -> nat" while it is expected to have type
"forall H : typeDenote ?141, typeDenote ?142"
I don’t understand this error message. I would think that once the match on Twice : unaryOp MyNat MyNat succeeds, Coq infers that a and b are MyNats, and thus typeDenote a -> typeDenote b ≡ nat -> nat, making twice a perfectly fine candidate for the return value. Where’d I go wrong?
Just like #AntonTrunov said, it is typechecked without any issue on my Coq 8.5pl1. However if you need to add some extra annotations for your version to accept the function, you want to have a look at this section of the manual to figure out what to do.
My guess is that you want to have a match ... in ... return ... with to say that the return type should be refined by the information obtained by matching t at the type unaryOp a b (indeed: a and b will take concrete values in the Twice branch).
This is the definition you get using that technique:
Definition tunaryDenote (a b : myType) (t : unaryOp a b)
: typeDenote a -> typeDenote b :=
match t in unaryOp a b return typeDenote a -> typeDenote b with
| Twice => twice
I think that the answer is that Coq's type inference is limited, and does not do the reasoning you want it to do.
Coq's type inference does not do arbitrary calculation but simple unification. It looks at twice, understand that it is nat->nat and concludes that it is not (syntactically) of the form typeDenote a -> TypeDenote b.
If it was doing calculation, it was likely to be non-terminating, since its type system is very sophisticated so you can encode non-trivial computation there.
I tried a newer version of Coq, and like others have said, it typechecks without issue on Coq 8.5. :)