Start script B with ALL variables from script A - powershell

I've written a powershell script that I run several times a day. It's getting to be somewhat of a chore to execute the script manually (from within Powergui or the shell), so I'd like to create a frontend which prompts me for the variables. I've found that Primalforms can supply me with pre-populated fields that can be adjusted if needed.
My problem is that I would like to create a gui and pass ALL the variables to my external script (this script is already written and will not be part of the Primalforms project).
How would I do this? Or should I pass the variables manually? How would I do that?
(I do not think this would be specific to Primalforms.. I'm rather executing a script with variables with another script as input.)
Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Use splatting. Collect all the values for the parameters in a hashtable (key names match parameter names) and assign each name the value of the parameter from the corresponding text feild in your form. Then pass the hashtable to script B. The following assumes that you have two text fields with names of: filter and path.
## scriptA ##
$params = #{
D:\Scripts\scriptB.ps1 #params


Add auto complete features for switch in powershell

I am attempting to add auto-complete features in powershell. In this case I would like to be able to type "test" in my console. After that to be able to type Get-Se[TAB] to auto complete to Get-Search using TAB Expansion.
PS > Get-Se[TAB]
PS > Get-Search
function test
# label the while loop "outer"
:outer while($true){
$x = Read-Host
# split $x into two parts
$first,$second = $x -split '\s',2
# switch evaluating the first part
Get-Search {
# Searching
default {
Write-Host "False"
Additional Information:
I'd like to be able to use arguments that look like cmdlets to have the Powershell feel.
About the original script:
I have created a script to automate queries from several API's, for many different users. What I have right now for search is "s" and I'd like it to be "Get-Search" So Read-Host waits for an input, the user would type "Get-Search 'value'" and a formatted JSON returns.
PS > Get-Search foobar
#Returns JSON
I had a hard time understanding your intention at first, but I think I get it now.
You want to implement tab completion (tab expansion) inside the Read-Host prompt.
Unfortunately, there is no way to do that.
If you share why you want this, there may be better ways to achieve your ultimate goal.
Based on your additional information, I have a different approach.
Create actual functions for each of your queries, like Get-Search, etc. You can even add aliases for them so that s corresponds directly if you want.
Wrap all of these functions in a proper module, so that you can import them (see next step).
Create a constrained runspace that only allows the user to execute the specific functions and aliases you want (this is easier with a module, but the module is not a requirement).
What this can do is give your end users access (even remotely) to a PowerShell session which can only use the functions you've created and allowed to be executed. Other cmdlets/functions and even language features like using variables will be restricted and unavailable.
That way, you get true PowerShell tab expansion and semantics, and you end up with a real set of functions that be used in an automated way as well.
You don't have to write any prompting or parsing.
Further, the session can be secured, allowing only specific users and groups to connect to it.

Creat Another Independent Powershell Script through first Powershell Script

So I wanted to know how to make powershell Script A can create powershell Script B
The main goal is to have Script B be independent of Script A (for security purposes). I have Keys that I get with Script A and hash them.
I want to also have Script A create Script B, as Script B will do an action and will also be taken to other separate environments.
So how can I:
A: Make the new script via the first?
B: Have, $hash1 (hash of key1), pass on to Script B, So that when Script B runs in a separate VM or PC environment, it does not require Script A to use $hash1
A: Powershell script is saved as text. You (=script A) can print text into file (for example and this file can be executed.
B: You can use "return statement" in script A. And if you don't need this hash, so you have to write your code to run even without this input parameter or use default parameter. And how? With if statements probably.
I created a tool that is like what you are describing except that it is more limited in scope, but perhaps more generic. I actually created it not to generate powershell scripts but to generate SQL scripts. I could use it to generate PS scripts, but of a very limited form, which would look like this:
& someFunctionorApp -arg11 -arg12 -arg13 ...
& someFunctionorApp -arg21 -arg22 -arg23 ...
and repeated perhaps a hundred times. The args all come from some data source or other, and I've just plugged generic names in for the sake of example. This generated script might do by brute force something that a clever scripter would do inside a loop, but so be it.
For my tool, the driver is data stored inside a CSV file. I can get CSV files from databases, from spreadsheets, and from simple PS scripts that capture information. Different CSV files have different headers, with different field names, and so on. The tool is generic. The other input to my tool is what I have called a template. A template, in this context, is just a text file with some embedded PS variables. The tool runs through the CSV file picking up actual values to store in place of the PS variables.
The output comes out on the console, but it's easily redirected to a file.
Just for grins, I have included the tool. If the tool is not to your liking, perhaps you can pick up a technique or two and adapt them.
<# This function is a table driven template tool.
It's a refinement of an earlier attempt.
It generates output from a template and
a driver table. The template file contains plain
text and embedded variables. The driver table
(in a csv file) has one column for each variable,
and one row for each expansion to be generated.
function Expand-csv {
[string] $driver,
[string] $template
$OFS = "`r`n"
$list = Import-Csv $driver
[string]$pattern = Get-Content $template
foreach ($item in $list) {
foreach ($key in $ {
Set-variable -name $ -value $key.value

Display a variable's name along with output?

Sometimes when I'm writing a script I want to dump the value of a bunch of variables in my script to the console along with the variable's name.
Instead of having to do "var1: $var1" for all of my variables is there a powershellism that can display a bunch of variables along with their names? Is there some kind of convenient reflectiony thing for this?
You can use Get-Variable cmdlet, which return PSVariable objects to you. By default, them formatted as table with two columns: Name and Value.

Referencing text after script is called within PS1 Script

Let's take the PowerShell statement below as an example:
powershell.exe c:\temp\windowsbroker.ps1 IIS
Is it possible to have it scripted within windowsbroker.ps1 to check for that IIS string, and if it's present to do a specific install script? The broker script would be intended to install different applications depending on what string followed it when it was called.
This may seem like an odd question, but I've been using CloudFormation to spin up application environments and I'm specifying an "ApplicationStack" parameter that will be referenced at the time when the powershell script is run so it knows which script to run to install the correct application during bootup.
What you're trying to do is called argument or parameter handling. In its simplest form PowerShell provides all arguments to a script in the automatic variable $args. That would allow you to check for an argument IIS like this:
if ($args -contains 'iis') {
# do something
or like this if you want the check to be case-sensitive (which I wouldn't recommend, since Windows and PowerShell usually aren't):
if ($args -ccontains 'IIS') {
# do something
However, since apparently you want to use the argument as a switch to trigger specific behavior of your script, there are better, more sophisticated ways of doing this. You could add a Param() section at the top of your script and check if the parameter was present in the arguments like this (for a list of things to install):
$Install | ForEach-Object {
switch ($_) {
'IIS' {
# do something
or like this (for a single option):
if ($IIS.IsPresent) {
# do something
You'd run the script like this:
powershell "c:\temp\windowsbroker.ps1" -Install "IIS",...
or like this respectively:
powershell "c:\temp\windowsbroker.ps1" -IIS
Usually I'd prefer switches over parameters with array arguments (unless you have a rather extensive list of options), because with the latter you have to worry about spelling of the array elements, whereas with switches you got a built-in spell check.
Using a Param() section will also automatically add a short usage description to your script:
PS C:\temp> Get-Help windowsbroker.ps1
windowsbroker.ps1 [-IIS]
You can further enhance this online help to your script via comment-based help.
Using parameters has a lot of other advantages on top of that (even though they probably aren't of that much use in your scenario). You can do parameter validation, make parameters mandatory, define default values, read values from the pipeline, make parameters depend on other parameters via parameter sets, and so on. See here and here for more information.
Yes, they are called positional parameters. You provide the parameters at the beginning of your script:
You could then write your script as follows:
switch ($appToInstall){
"IIS" {"Install IIS here"}

Execute a parameter passed into a powershell script as if it were a line in the script

I've got a wrapper powershell script that I'm hoping to use to automate a few things. It's pretty basic, and accepts a parameter that I want the script to run as if it were a line in the script. I absolutely cannot get it to work.
param( [string[]] $p)
echo $p
# Adds the base cmdlets
Add-PSSnapin VMware.VimAutomation.Core
# Add the following if you want to do things with Update Manager
Add-PSSnapin VMware.VumAutomation
# This script adds some helper functions and sets the appearance. You can pick and choose parts of this file for a fully custom appearance.
. "C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\Infrastructure\vSphere PowerCLI\Scripts\Initialize-VIToolkitEnvironment.ps1"
In the example above, I want $p to execute as if it were a line in the script. I know this isn't secure, and that's probably where the problem lies.
Here is how I try running the script and passing in a parameter for $p:
D:\ps\test>powershell -command "D:\ps\test\powershell_wrapper.ps1" 'Suspend-VM servername -Verbose -Confirm:$False'
How can I get my parameter of 'Suspend-VM servername -Verbose -Confirm:$False' to run inside my script? If I just include the value in the script instead of pass it in as a parameter it runs without any issues...
You can basically approach this two ways, depending on what your needs really are and how you want to structure your code.
Approach #1 - Invoke-Expression
Invoke-Expression basically allows you to treat a string like an expression and evaluate it. Consider the following trivial example:
Invoke-Expression '{"Hello World"}'
That will evaluate the string as if it were an expression typed in directly, and place the string "Hello World" on the pipeline. You could use that to take your string parameter and run it on-the-fly in your script.
Approach #2 - Using a ScriptBlock
PowerShell has a special data type called a ScriptBlock, where you can bind a script to a variable, and then invoke that script as part of your code. Again, here is a trivial example:
function Test-SB([ScriptBlock]$sb) {
Test-SB -sb {"Hello World"}
This example creates a function with a single parameter $sb that is of type ScriptBlock. Notice the parameter is bound to the actual chunk of code {"Hello World"}? That code is assigned to the $sb parameter, and then a call to the .Invoke method actually executes the code. You could adapt your code to take in a ScriptBlock and invoke it as part of your script.
Approach #3 - Updating your profile
OK, so I said there were two ways to approach it. There is actually a third... sort of... You could add the VMWare cmdlets to your $profile so they are always present and you don't need your wrapper to load in those libraries. Granted, this is a pretty big hammer - but it might make sense if this is the environment you are constantly working in. You could also just create a shortcut to PowerShell that runs a .ps1 on startup that includes those libraries and hangs around (this is what MS did with the SharePoint admin shell and several others). Take a look at this TechNet page to get more info on the $profile and if it can help you out: