Importing Eclipse project from a ClearCase View - eclipse

I am trying to import an Eclipse Maven project that already exists in a ClearCase snapshot view. I have the Clearcase SCM adapter installed in my Eclipse Indigo. I am following the instructions provided in documentation. But I am getting a error. Being a checked-in ClearCase element, the file is/should be read-only. The SCM adapter is configured to that Eclipse automatically check-out files when required. Can anyone shed any lights on this?

In a snapshot view, you can put the .project file in an "hijacked" state (it is even possible for dynamic views).
Simply make it writable with an OS (ie a non-ClearCase operation) through the OS (chmod for Linux, file properties for Windows).
At the next update of the snapshot view, that "hijacked" file won't be modified.
Once you are done, you will be able to "undo hijacked" that file if no significant change was introduced.

Not a solution, but here´s what I´d do: First ask yourself why importing the project would want to modify the .project file. Maybe it's a project from an older eclipse version? Try importing the project and check "copy projects into workspace". After that, check the differences between the original .project and the one in your workspace.


Permanently fix the Eclipse error "project description file (.project) is missing"

Every time I boot Eclipse I get the error "The project description file (.project) for my project is missing".
As other StackOverflow answers have show, this is easy enough to fix: delete package from Eclipse and import it again. However, if I close and reopen Eclipse the error will be back. I have not found a permanent solution yet.
I have my workspace in my Dropbox, but at some point I decided it was time to start using Git. I don't really get Git but they say you have to put the .project file in your .gitignore because it is computer specific.
This I feel is the origin of the problem, but if I don't do any git related activities (push, commit, etc.) I still get this error.
How do I fix this once and for all?
A .project is a Eclipse-specific file that tells Eclipse about how the project's struture is placed in the project's hierarchy.
It's normal for this file (and other Eclipse specific files) to not be committed because other people participating on the same project may use other IDEs of their choices (intellij, and so on), so the content committed in your VCS is 'neutral' for IDEs.
When you create a project from inside Eclipse, the .project file shall be created along. But when you import into Eclipse an existing project, there are ways to generate locally the .project , .classpath and other Eclipse-required files. Maven, Gradle and Ant are some examples of tools that do this.
Finally, I recommend to keep these files in .gitignore so the project's contents in VCS will remain neutral to IDEs. So you will not bother other people using other IDEs.
So, the steps are:
Check out the project
Generate the eclipse files using maven, ant or gradle. If your project already uses a tool such as these, thats nice
Check if the project is OK inside eclipse (compiling, no errors)
Add the newly generated eclipse files to .gitignore
commit and push the .gitignore.
.project is not machine-specific as long as everyone on your team has the plug-ins installed for that kind of project. .classpath might be if you don't do things right. This is your project, though, so commit your .project.
Keeping .classpath clean largely revolves around keeping machine-specific paths and references out of it:
Set the project's JRE using an Execution Environment. It is an indirect way of saying what version you need, then the IDE figures it out for that machine. The stored value defaults to using the name of your default Installed JRE in the preferences, which is very machine-specific.
Put the jar files you need into the project, or into another project that this one can refer to. They go into source control as well for the sake of repeatability, unless you're using a tool like Maven, in which case be specific about the version you require where ever you state that dependency and make sure the relevant M2E plug-ins are installed.

How to clear the eclipse .project files from maven project

After I import my maven project to eclipse, it created eclipse project files in my maven project. How do I clear them out?
After your comment "if I dont clean the project files, how to I hand it over to someone else? If they dont use eclipse would they be appreciate all those extra files unrelated to the project?" I have understood your need.
The best way to achieve it is to use a version control system (VCS) like git, svn etc. and add inside your project tree a special file call .[VCSofYourChoice]ignore. For example for git this file would be .gitignore for svn it would be .svnignore.
Once you created this file you add rules to exclude files or directories you don't want to share on your version control system of your choice. To find the syntax to use google it with keywords ".[VCSofYourChoice]ignore syntax".
Eclipse and eventually every IDE create specific files, in order to save project structure and other internals. Some of them prompt you to select in which folder you want to save these files, for example IntelliJ, but I am sure eclipse as well. So you every time you use and IDE and you import a project, some files are going to be generated. The cleanest way is to 1) select to save them in a folder not related with the actual project, and as it already suggested do not commit them and add them in an ignore list, on your VCS of choice (e.g git)

Sharing eclipse project over SVN

We want to share an eclipse Qt project via an SVN repository.
Of course we need to share the .pro file of Qt to be able to build the project.
The problem is, that without the project files you can not handle the project in eclipse but we cannot use the same as they contain local references.
Also it would be nice to use the Eclipse SVN plugin to manage this.
I already tried to check out the project and create a Qt project on Checkout but this overwrites the checked-out project file.
Any suggestion would be appreciated.
These are some lines from the .cproject file that are autogenerated, so I can not change the absolute paths:
<storageModule moduleId="org.eclipse.cdt.core.pathentry">
<pathentry base-path="/usr/include/qt4" include="" kind="inc" path="" system="true"/>
<pathentry base-path="/usr/include/qt4" include="QtWebKit" kind="inc" path="" system="true"/>
There are 2 rules for Subversion (independent of Eclipse, should be the same all the time):
If the tool will regenerate a file, and you don't have to change it:
==> don't check it in your version management (may it Subversion, Git, CVS, ...).
If the file contains parts that are manually changed by a user
==> it should be checked into version management.
If you have the second case (not clear from your question), you should try to change the paths to be relative, so that others could use your project at the same location.
If you cannot change that, stick to the location in the file system. Every developer has to use an identical setup.
If you have to support different operating systems, and the files generated by the tooling are not compliant (shame on the tool makers), you should hold templates for all operating systems in your version management, and should initially (manually) make a copy, depending on the operating system you are working in.
If you have to change that file for some purpose, you have to change the templates as well and should remember that all developers have to make a new copy after that.
Sorry, I don't know Qt and have never developed in a C-environment on different platforms, so my tips are pretty vague.
Finally I found following solution:
No .cproject .project file in SVN!
Import the code files from SVN (also the .pro file for Qt)
Eclipse will ask you to create a project, so create a Qt Project with the same name (or some else, but you will then have to delete the files)
When the project was created, revert it (right MB on the Project in Project Explorer -> Team -> Revert) to the state of the repo checkout
Done, now you can work with the project

How do you make eclipse use an existing svn working copy?

I've got a working copy checked out with svn; furthermore, I've created a new project in Eclipse that has the root of the working copy as the project's location. I want to be able to do stuff like compare versions from Eclipse. I have Subclipse 1.4.8, but that doesn't seem to give me what I want. Am I doing something wrong?
i have an svn working copy that also is a project in eclipse. after installing the subclipse plugin i had the same problem, the working copy was not recognized as such.
i just managed by chance to get it recognized as an svn working copy by renaming the project in question and then renaming it back to its old name. not very nice, but it did the trick :-)
There is an option when creating a new project, to use an existing source directory:
New project/ new Java Project / Create project from existing source.
Use that, tell it where your source lives, and it should automatically detect if it's a SVN working copy.
I guess this is not possible with Subclipse as it's given in its documentation that, you can only import an existing svn-managed folder under one condition, according to the doc:
"The only requirement is that your
working copy has to also be a valid
Eclipse project."
So, if you have a working copy that is not a complete eclipse project, Subclipse will not connect it to SVN.
You can right click on the root node of your project and select: Team / Share project
Then you choose SVN, let the default settings and it should work fine!
I am answering this after a long time of the question being asked. I ended up here because I was facing the same problem.
My solution was to create an empty .svn folder at the root folder of the project (in the latest version of svn client tortoise all meta-data is at the root folder). Then did an eclipse refresh and voila it did the trick. I am running subclipse core - 1.8.4.
One step that seemed to work for me, that no one has explicitly mentioned yet: I closed and then re-opened the project. I tried the "rename" trick, above, and that didn't work, but perhaps the poster of that answer also closed the project - they didn't detail exactly what steps they went thru to rename it. (I found you don't have to close the project to rename it, but perhaps they did.)
< /rob>
In my case, I couldn't use an existing copy because I checked out the code using a newer version of Subversion on the command-line and Subclipse 1.4 couldn't recognize it. Upgrading and going through the improved "Share Project" menu resolved the problem.
I got this tip from the forums here:
I had the same issue and here are the details of the fix.
My Eclipse is "Helios Service Release 1".
I had an SVN checkout on my filesystem, I went to New Java Project, unchecked Use default location, chose the location, went to next step, chose the source folder and said Finish.
The project came up with no disk icon on it. As per few forum posts, right-clicked on the project, went to Team > Share Project, chose SVN, clicked Next, and the option was only to share the files to the SVN Repository for the first time.
I said Cancel, and the option is to make changes to the SVN plug-in settings. Went to Window menu, chose Preferences, browsed Team> SVN. Chose the SVN Connector tab, changed the SVNKit 1.2.3 to SVNKit 1.3.5 and said OK.
Then, right clicked on the project, said Team> SVN, on the next screen, chose the option Use Project Settings and clicked Finish. The disk button came to the project and the SVN URL got displayed on it.
Add the repository to your list of repositories in subclipse by choosing Window->Show View->Other... and choose SVN->SVN Repositories. Put in all the necessary info to connect to the repository.
Next, right click the repository and choose "checkout". If the project doesn't already have an eclipse .project file, you can create a new project from the source. If it already has a .project file, it will import that .project and use that as your eclipse project locally.
It will definitively not work if you use a different version of svn to checkout, that the one that is supported by Eclipse. I had this problem as I used svn 1.6 to checkout but I had an older eclipse version that had only 1.5. Subclipse has its own build-in svn client (Actually, in two flavors if I am not mistaken).
Check that the subclipse version matches the svn client that you used to checkout. You can check the plugin version number for subclipse (Help -> About -> Click on subversion logo) and match it against svn --version
This worked for me:
1) Go to the 'SVN Repository Exploring' perspective and add a folder somewhere above your working copy
2) Close and open the Eclipse projects.
This should then be enough to get them recognized by Subclipse.
I have encountered a similar situation were existing projects would not get associated with the Subversive plugin. Unfortunately, none of the previous suggestions helped (renaming projects etc.). What has helped is removing projects from Eclipse by deleting them -- just the projects from Package Explorer and not the actual directories and files on disc (the deletion prompt has a special checkbox for that, which is unchecked by default) -- and reimporting the deleted projects as existing projects back.
Of course, as mentioned in some of the answers here, the relevant SVN repositories need to be registered with Eclipse before reimporting the projects. Otherwise, there would no repositories to re-associate the projects with.
When you open a versioned project (i.e., a project in SVN working copy) in Eclipse, that was never previously used with Subclipse, you need to perform these steps:
Right-click the project in Project Explorer.
Select Team | Share Project.
At this point Subclipse will tell you that "The project is already configured with SVN repository information". Click Next.
Subclipse automatically recognizes this project as versioned and all the features of the SVN plug-in should become available.

In Eclipse, how can I move all my source files to a different folder without screwing up the project?

I have created my ActionScript source files in a folder on a Mac (I normally use Windows), and somehow managed to make an Eclipse/FDT project that can see them.
I now need to move them into a svn checkout of an existing project to get them under source control.
I just can't work out how you do this without losing all references in the project.
I'm new to Eclipse and don't really understand any of the terminology (e.g. workspace). Does Eclipse have project files or are they all hidden? Can the project file be moved?
Help me stackoverflow, you're my only hope.
From the FDT Flash Explorer window I can only seem to be able to move files/folders within projects that exist. Should I create a new project in the place I want first?
Should I move them from within Eclipse or from the file system? Do I need to setup a new workspace afterwards?
The project folder has 2 hidden files: .project and .classpath that have all the info of the project. You just need to copy those files along with your project files.
For instance, you have a project folder in workspace/myproject/, and you want to add it to a checkout svn folder, you just need to copy the complete folder content to the checkout and then add all the files to the svn (including the project hidden ones) and finally commit.
From now on, when you checkout from that svn, you will have the eclipse project files, so all you need to do is create new project, and select the option that says that you already have a project folder with the source files (I'm not near an eclipse IDE to tell exactly the steps, but it's something like this). Eclipse will then import the project with all the settings you had previously defined.
I hope that this answers your question.
Try refactoring your project. Rightclick on the folder to move and then choose Refactor->Move. Don't know if this will solve your problem but it will try to change the references in all projects according to the move.