filemaker :: script doesn't find absolute pathed file - import

I try to import data from files inside a folder. herefor I mad ea script thats first imports all files from the folder and reads their paths. then I try to import these files and its data one after another.
my problem now is that FM tells me that it could not find the specified file at the place the path is leading to, but the file is there and the path is correct!

found out that you need to write "filemac:/" instead "file://"...


How to get the path of a file in comparison to another file (VSCode)?

I am in file A and need to import file B. There is a complex file structure. I don't want to use the absolute path. How can I copy the path to file B from file A?
There is no native way to do it in VS Code but this extension does it very well:

MatLab - accessing subfolders of folders saved as variables

I have the following code which can create a directory within a selected folder:
photos_dir = 'C:\Users\Bob\Photos';
mkdir(photos_dir,'Christmas 2015')
I'd like to then be able to save an image to this folder, I think using something like:
imwrite(img,Christmas 2015,'jpg')
However, this does not select the "Christmas 2015" folder which is in the "\Photos" directory. How can I make the image be written to this location?
First of all, you're going to have a syntax error since Christmas 2015 should at least be a string. But other than that, if you want to save a file in a particular location (other than the current working directory), you need to provide the full path to the file location.
To do this, you need to use fullfile to combine all of your directory and file names together into a full file path.
image_name = fullfile(photos_dir, 'Christmas 2015', 'yourphoto.jpg');
imwrite(img, image_name, 'jpg')

How to import .txt file in Scala

Hi im new to programming, how do i import a .txt file? My code cant find the file, is there any specific directory it has to be put into?
My code:
object Zettel01 extends App {
object Suchtest {
val gesch = Source.fromFile("DieUnendlicheGeschichte.txt").getLines()
for (w <- gesch) println(w)
I have tried different code but the problem is always the same, i cant find the .txt file...
Thanks in advance for any help
Every Scala program that you run on your computer is ultimately a java process. This process will have a "working directory", just as every process on your computer does. By default, the working directory is the working directory of the process that started it, that is, the current directory of the shell or command-line interpreter at the time when you started your program.
Now, that means it is important to know how exactly you start your program. If you are using a command line and start your program in the fashion of java MyCoolProgram, then the current directory of the shell will become the working directory of the program. If you use an IDE like Eclipse or IntelliJ IDEA, those typically use the project folder of your IDE project as the working directory of the process that they start.
There is a simple way to find it out quickly: You can always print out the result of new".").getAbsolutePath(). This will print the full path to the working directory. For example, you can write a little Scala program like this:
object PrintWorkingDirectory extends App {
and start it. On the console, you should find the full path of the program's working directory. If you put a file named "DieUnendlicheGeschichte.txt" in this directory, your program will find that file under exactly that file name.
Of course, you don't have to dump all your files into that one directory. You can make subdirectories in order to organize your files better. For example, you might put your file in a path like "resources/text/DieUnendlicheGeschichte.txt".
Finally, I would like to point out that there is also a different way to associate resource files with your program, and to load them. The idea is that you put the code (class files) as well as resources like texts, images, CSV files, XML files and the like into one big file. This would be a JAR file. You can then use ClassLoader to access resources inside the JAR file by a URL.
Explaining that process in detail is out of scope for this question; this is just dropping a couple of buzzwords that you (or other readers) can search for in case they want to look up a more elaborated process.
System.getProperty("user.dir") also tells you the working directory.

How to write relative path in MATLAB?

I need to read a group of dat files so when I do this it is working all right.
list_of_files=dir(fullfile('/home/username/Desktop/Old/MTP/Generate/schemes/o33smnpimp/data/', '*.dat'));
The thing is I want to do this for number of schemes (like o33smnpimp) where every scheme folder has a data folder so I tried something like this but it's not working. What could be the problem?
list_of_files=dir(fullfile('../data/', '*.dat'));
My matlab file lies in o33smnpimp folder.
.. indicates the parent directory, . the current directory. your code looks in /home/username/Desktop/Old/MTP/Generate/schemes/ for the sub directory data, assuming your working directory is /home/username/Desktop/Old/MTP/Generate/schemes/o33smnpimp.
list_of_files=dir(fullfile('./data/', '*.dat'));
list_of_files=dir(fullfile('data', '*.dat'));

excel write to the same folder as m file

I have an m file which creates an excel file using xlswrite. If I do not specify the the folder for the xls to be output to, the default is the users folder. I would prefer that it goes to the same folder as the m file. Is there a way to generalize this without explicitly entering the m file location? I plan on distributing this m file and not everyone will keep their m files in the same folder.
To get the path where running m-file is stored, check out:
help mfilename
help fileparts
You could simply use the current working folder as the save location. This is whatever the "current directory" is in the matlab window.
You can access it using the command pwd. This returns a string that is the path to the directory.
Then append \filename.ext to it and you'll be good to go!