With Facebook API, can I see my answers to the questions? - facebook

I would like to see how I was answering questions, asked in some Facebook group I am a member of. Is there a way to do it with the API?

Follow the steps:
your application need permission to user_questions and user_groups
you can use a multi-query to get all yours questions, answer and voters with basic information.
Use https://developers.facebook.com/tools/explorer to check the data
And the end, use this query:
"questions":"select id,question from question where owner= me()",
"options":"select id, question_id, name,votes from question_option WHERE question_id in (select id from #questions)",
"option_votes":"select voter_id, option_id from question_option_votes where option_id IN (select id from #options) order by voter_id desc",
"users":"select uid, name, first_name, middle_name, last_name, sex, locale, pic_small_with_logo, pic_big_with_logo, pic_square_with_logo, pic_with_logo, username from user where uid IN (select voter_id from #option_votes)"
Note: the fields "uid, name, first_name, middle_name, last_name, sex, locale, pic_small_with_logo, pic_big_with_logo, pic_square_with_logo, pic_with_logo, username" is public access and don't need a token

You can query the question_option_votes fql table.
However you need to have the appropriate permissions to do so:
To read options from the question_option table you need the following permissions:
user_questions for questions posed by the current user.
friends_questions for questions posed by friends of the current user.
I doubt that, unless your an admin of that group, you would not be able to get that data.


Get events created by friends (but returning their names too)

I can get events created by my friends:
SELECT eid, name, start_time, pic_cover.source, location, venue FROM event
WHERE creator IN (SELECT uid2 FROM friend WHERE uid1=me())
But I want to get my friends names asociated to that events. How can I think of that?
As FQL doesn't support joins between tables, the only solution I can think of is that you match the names of your friends and the events they created in your application.
Therefore, you'd need to issue two separate statements:
SELECT uid, first_name, last_name FROM user WHERE uid IN (SELECT uid2 FROM friend WHERE uid1=me())
SELECT eid, creator, name, start_time, pic_cover.source, location, venue FROM event WHERE creator IN (SELECT uid2 FROM friend WHERE uid1=me())
and then match them via uid (from the first query) and creator (from the second query).

Get list of people who liked a status through FQL

I can get the number of likes on a status through this FQL query -
SELECT like_info,
FROM status
WHERE uid = me()
I'd like to get the separate user ID's of the likes (if not possible for friends of the authenticated user, just the user himself/herself). It's possible through the Graph API through a command like this -
Is the same thing possible through FQL?
You can select IDs from status table for user and then use them to select data from like table
SELECT user_id,
FROM like
WHERE object_id IN(
SELECT status_id
FROM status
WHERE uid = me() )
You may group result by object_id on your side.

fql OR and order by desc with offset

I have some issue with a Facebook's fql request :).
When I request like this
SELECT uid, profile_url
FROM user where contains('potatoe') OR uid in(select id from profile where contains ('potatoe'))
ORDER BY mutual_friend_count desc LIMIT 0,2
I have always the same results, even if I change the offset...
If I change DESC to ASC the "offset" works...
If I change OR to AND
and let the order by desc => the "offset" works too!
Something is wrong with my OR/desc/offset combo?
Or I just have misunderstood something with "or" operators? :/
Thanks a lot.
You should write your FQL query like that:
SELECT uid, profile_url
FROM user
uid in(select uid from user where contains ('potatoe') )
OR uid in(
select id from profile where contains ('potatoe')
ORDER BY mutual_friend_count desc
FQL couldn't interpret in boolean expression the result of "contains", so your OR operator failed here...
I think the problem is your query is asking the same question two different ways:
Show me all my friends user profiles that contain 'potatoe' OR
Show me all profiles that belong to users who are my friends that contain 'potatoe'.
Simplify your query to this and see if it works as expected.
SELECT uid, profile_url FROM user WHERE contains('potatoe')
ORDER BY mutual_friend_count DESC LIMIT 0,2

Facebook FQL Location_Post show the author's name

I use this query:
SELECT id, author_uid, message, latitude, longitude, timestamp FROM location_post
WHERE author_uid IN
(SELECT uid2 FROM friend WHERE uid1=me()) ORDER BY timestamp DESC";
My question is how can I show the name from the poster because there is no SELECT name FROM location_post. I hope somebody can help me.
Fetch the author_id and make new FQL or graph api request
lets say author_id is 123.
SELECT name FROM user WHERE uid = 123
Graph API
You need to do this as a multiquery:
{"locations":"SELECT id, author_uid, message, latitude,...",
"authors":"SELECT name, id FROM profile WHERE id IN
(SELECT author_uid FROM #locations")}

Query first_name, last_name, pic, from user and join with comment

I would like to query user information like (first_name, last_name, pic, uid) then join with comments data such as text, time.
first this is my query for comment
SELECT text, time, username, fromid FROM comment WHERE post_id ='123456'
then i need to join this query with user
SELECT first_name, last_name FROM user WHERE **uid='fromid'**
uid from user table can join with fromid from comment table.
how can i do it?
FQL doesn't support joins:
Unlike SQL, the FQL FROM clause can contain only a single table. You can use the IN keyword in SELECT or WHERE clauses to do subqueries, but the subqueries cannot reference variables in the outer query's scope.
Your best bet would be probably to get all user ids from comment results, compile them into a list and run
SELECT first_name, last_name FROM user WHERE uid in (1,2,3,4,5)
And then manually join users with comments.
If you don't want to compile list of userids manually you can run a slightly more heavy query to get all users from comments:
SELECT first_name, last_name FROM user WHERE uid in (SELECT fromid FROM comment WHERE post_id ='123456')
but you still would need to join users and comments manually.