I cannot run my app on my old iPhone 2G - iphone

I have:
iPhone 2G with iOS 3.1.3 on it,
XCode 4.2 running on it.
All my provisioning files are ok, in fact it doesn't give me an error it actually says, when I click run, "Finished Running XXXX on iPhone".
On my -info.plist file:
Required device capabilities Array (1 item)
Item 0 String arm6
On Build Settings:
Architectures => arm6
Base SDK => Latest iOS (iOS 5.0)
Valid Architectures => arm6
iOS Deployment Target => iOS 3.1
Now what I am seeing is that on the Organizer>iPhone>Console I have these weird
messages that are being generated on a continuous basis (at least while I keep
he app "running" ):
Fri Jan 27 12:52:03 unknown com.ikey.bbot[3685] <Notice>: No matching processes
were found
Fri Jan 27 12:52:03 unknown com.ikey.bbot[3685] <Notice>: cp:
Fri Jan 27 12:52:03 unknown com.ikey.bbot[3685] <Notice>: cannot stat
Fri Jan 27 12:52:03 unknown com.ikey.bbot[3685] <Notice>: : No such file or directory
Fri Jan 27 12:52:04 unknown ReportCrash[3693] <Notice>: Formulating crash report for
process poc-bbot[3685]
Fri Jan 27 12:52:04 unknown com.apple.launchd[1] <Warning>: (com.ikey.bbot) Job
appears to have crashed: Bus error
Fri Jan 27 12:52:04 unknown ReportCrash[3693] <Error>: Saved crashreport to
/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/poc-bbot_2012-01-27-125203_iPhone.plist using uid: 0
gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 0 egid: 0
But nothing happens on the iPhone.

Is this your only iPhone or are you just trying to support iOS3? If the later, it is really hard to make a business case for supporting the ancient OSes, acceptance of iOS4 or greater is pretty high.


App crashing after returning from background on iOS6

I have an app that has been running fine on iOS 5, but after some testing on iOS 6, it runs fine except for when returning to the app after it has been running. Once it returns from the background it is unresponsive and then crashes about 10 seconds later.
WillEnterForeground() is executed fine and there is only some simple code in there.
Checking the console on the phone, I see the following:
Sep 20 16:41:07 Seans-iPhone-4 kernel[0] <Debug>: launchd[985] Builtin profile: container (sandbox)
Sep 20 16:41:07 Seans-iPhone-4 kernel[0] <Debug>: launchd[985] Container: /private/var/mobile/Applications/F73BBA70-90D1-4CB6-B7F3-FF10289396A9 (sandbox)
Sep 20 16:41:29 Seans-iPhone-4 backboardd[52] <Warning>: TrekkTrakker failed to resume in time
Sep 20 16:41:29 Seans-iPhone-4 backboardd[52] <Warning>: Forcing crash report of TrekTrakkerSimp[985]...
Sep 20 16:41:30 Seans-iPhone-4 backboardd[52] <Warning>: Finished crash reporting.
Sep 20 16:41:30 Seans-iPhone-4 com.apple.launchd[1] (UIKitApplication:TrekkTrakker[0x28c2][985]) <Notice>: (UIKitApplication:TrekkTrakker[0x28c2]) Exited: Killed: 9
Sep 20 16:41:30 Seans-iPhone-4 backboardd[52] <Warning>: Application 'UIKitApplication:TrekkTrakker[0x28c2]' exited abnormally with signal 9: Killed: 9
Sep 20 16:41:30 Seans-iPhone-4 ReportCrash[987] <Error>: libMobileGestalt copySystemVersionDictionaryValue: Could not lookup ReleaseType from system version dictionary
Sep 20 16:41:31 Seans-iPhone-4 ReportCrash[987] <Notice>: Saved crashreport to /var/mobile/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/TrekTrakkerSimple_2012-09-20-164129_Seans-iPhone-4.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 501 egid: 0
Anyone experiencing similar issues, or have any idea what might be happening?
If your not using ARC it is in all likelihood an issue with something being released that your sending a message to. Just about every version of iOS that has come out has exposed some bug that was always there but which for whatever reason was not surfaced until the new Version.
Run in the debugger and look at all the code in the levels near where it crashed for something stupid like an object that is not retained or which you though was but isn't.
Your app is crashing or rather being forced to exit by WatchDog because the app is not responsive in the 10 second window. This means that your app is taking too long to launch, this could be due to a call that is getting stuck on iOS 6 or more likely the iOS 6 device is running slightly slower for one reason or another. Use the Time Profiler instrument to look at where your startup time is going and ensure that applicationDidFinishLaunching: is returning as quickly as possible, most cases of WatchDog crashes are due to hangups in that method.

App Release Version crashes Debug Version works, no idea why

So I have this app I'm working on and after building running the App from XCode on the device everything works fine. However after installing the same App from the App Store (no changes only the provisioning profile is different) the App crashes shortly before it starts.
Console errors:
Fri Sep 30 12:48:42 unknown locationd[540] <Notice>: MS:Notice: Installing: (null) [locationd] (550.32)
Fri Sep 30 12:49:47 itess Ola Portugal[556] <Notice>: MS:Notice: Installing: com.mindovertech.olaportugal [Ola Portugal] (550.32)
Fri Sep 30 12:49:47 itess kernel[0] <Debug>: launchd[556] Builtin profile: container (sandbox)
Fri Sep 30 12:49:47 itess kernel[0] <Debug>: launchd[556] Container: /private/var/mobile/Applications/13E9B45C-84ED-4FD3-BDAA-8527BA34CB3F [69] (sandbox)
Fri Sep 30 12:49:47 itess Ola Portugal[556] <Notice>: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/Activator.dylib
Fri Sep 30 12:49:47 itess Ola Portugal[556] <Notice>: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/PDFPatch_CVE-2010-1797.dylib
Fri Sep 30 12:49:49 itess locationd[557] <Notice>: MS:Notice: Installing: (null) [locationd] (550.32)
Fri Sep 30 12:49:51 itess Ola Portugal[556] <Warning>: Warning: Libinfo call to mDNSResponder on main thread
Fri Sep 30 12:49:56 itess ReportCrash[559] <Notice>: Formulating crash report for process Ola Portugal[556]
Fri Sep 30 12:49:57 itess com.apple.launchd[1] (UIKitApplication:com.mindovertech.olaportugal[0xeace][556]) <Warning>: (UIKitApplication:com.mindovertech.olaportugal[0xeace]) Job appears to have crashed: Bus error
Fri Sep 30 12:49:57 itess SpringBoard[28] <Warning>: Application 'Olá Portugal' exited abnormally with signal 10: Bus error
Fri Sep 30 12:49:57 itess ReportCrash[559] <Error>: Saved crashreport to /var/mobile/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/Ola Portugal_2011-09-30-124953_itess.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 501 egid: 0
Device log:
Incident Identifier: B2ABCA98-7942-4FF2-968A-F5FE4AFDDE4D
CrashReporter Key: fd9745556d91de13e834ad1bbd0bee6c29b17976
Hardware Model: iPod2,1
Process: Ola Portugal [556]
Path: /var/mobile/Applications/13E9B45C-84ED-4FD3-BDAA-8527BA34CB3F/Ola Portugal.app/Ola Portugal
Identifier: Ola Portugal
Version: ??? (???)
Code Type: ARM (Native)
Parent Process: launchd [1]
Date/Time: 2011-09-30 12:49:53.028 +0100
OS Version: iPhone OS 4.0 (8A293)
Report Version: 104
Exception Codes: KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE at 0x00816a00
Crashed Thread: 0
Thread 0 Crashed:
0 ??? 0x00816a00 0 + 8481280
(Didn t copy the other threads because they seems to be fine)
Here's one more detail, the device where it crashes is an iPod touch running 4.0
The same App (from the App Store) works perfectly on an iPhone4/iPad2 running 4.3.3
I'm not sure if the problem is with the device or with the OS and what I can do to fix it.
Like I said before If I run the debug version on the device from XCode it works fine.
Any ideas?
Generally this kind of error occurs when we are updating new version on store because of coredata.
If you have changed any thing related to coredata then you need to delete old .Sqlite file at first launch of new version. remember not every time to delete .squlite but only once the application starts and old file exist.
I forgot about this thread. I eventually found out it had to do with iAD, I was using an instruction available on 4.1 but not 4.0

Xcode 4 - My App Is Installed But Never Run On Device

My app builds perfectly, and gets installed onto my iPod Touch 1G (iOS 3.1.3), but when Xcode 4 says it is running it on my device, it never gets started. If I check in the Console for my device in the Organizer, I get the following:
Fri Jul 8 19:23:37 unknown mobile_installationd[4204] <Error>: 0080ba00 install_embedded_profile: Skipping the installation of the embedded profile
Fri Jul 8 19:23:47 unknown SpringBoard[25] <Warning>: Reloading and rendering all application icons.
Fri Jul 8 19:23:56 unknown lockdownd[16] <Error>: (0x837000) spawn_service_agent: Could not look up service in the map
Fri Jul 8 19:23:56 unknown lockdownd[16] <Error>: (0x837000) handle_start_service: Could not spawn the com.apple.debugserver service agent: 515048
Fri Jul 8 19:23:56 unknown lockdownd[16] <Error>: (0x837000) set_response_error: handle_start_service InvalidService
Fri Jul 8 19:24:06 unknown lockdownd[16] <Error>: (0x837000) spawn_service_agent: Could not look up service in the map
Fri Jul 8 19:24:06 unknown lockdownd[16] <Error>: (0x837000) handle_start_service: Could not spawn the com.apple.debugserver.applist service agent: 515048
Fri Jul 8 19:24:06 unknown lockdownd[16] <Error>: (0x837000) set_response_error: handle_start_service InvalidService
Is there anything I can do to fix this, as I cannot debug it on my device at the moment?
EDIT: Never mind. I forgot to try simply rebooting my iPod - I had restarted Xcode, and then my Mac, but did not think to reboot my iPod!
Never mind. I forgot to try simply rebooting my iPod - I had restarted Xcode, and then my Mac, but did not think to reboot my iPod!

Renaming project gives med code signing error

I just renamed my project and also in the project.pbxproj renamed my product to the new name.
Now I am getting codesigning error when trying to debug on the phone. How come and how do I fix this? I have defined the profile to the same as on my phone for "debug"-ing.
It works well on the simulator. It didn't work before changing the product name either. I have also cleared the file history.
Inlcuding the log here:
Fri Jul 30 12:51:36 unknown SpringBoard[28] <Warning>: Killing <SBApplication:0x6343510> com.iAndApp.BlockPop activate: deactivate: for app installation
Fri Jul 30 12:51:37 unknown SpringBoard[28] <Warning>: Reloading and rendering all application icons.
Fri Jul 30 12:51:42 unknown com.apple.debugserver-48[2630] <Warning>: debugserver-48 for armv6 Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Apple, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Fri Jul 30 12:51:42 unknown com.apple.debugserver-48[2630] <Warning>: Connecting to com.apple.debugserver service...
Fri Jul 30 12:51:42 unknown kernel[0] <Debug>: lockbot[2617] Builtin profile: debugserver (sandbox)
Fri Jul 30 12:51:44 unknown SpringBoard[28] <Notice>: MultitouchHID(20af30) uilock state: 1 -> 0
Fri Jul 30 12:51:44 unknown SpringBoard[28] <Notice>: MultitouchHID(2277a0) device bootloaded
Fri Jul 30 12:51:45 unknown com.apple.launchd[1] <Warning>: (UIKitApplication:com.iAndApp.BlockPop[0x5ab4]) Spawned and waiting for the debugger to attach before continuing...
Fri Jul 30 12:51:45 unknown com.apple.launchd[1] <Error>: (UIKitApplication:com.iAndApp.BlockPop[0x5ab4]) posix_spawn("/var/mobile/Applications/CB93DCE9-6063-4486-9E48-E502D748CC3A/BlockPop.app/BlockPopLite", ...): Permission denied
Fri Jul 30 12:51:45 unknown SpringBoard[28] <Warning>: Unable to obtain a task name port right for pid 2631: (os/kern) failure
Fri Jul 30 12:51:45 unknown com.apple.launchd[1] <Warning>: (UIKitApplication:com.iAndApp.BlockPop[0x5ab4]) Exited with exit code: 1
Fri Jul 30 12:51:45 unknown com.apple.launchd[1] <Warning>: (UIKitApplication:com.iAndApp.BlockPop[0x5ab4]) Throttling respawn: Will start in 2147483647 seconds
Fri Jul 30 12:51:45 unknown SpringBoard[28] <Warning>: Application 'BlockPopLite' exited abnormally with exit status 1
Fri Jul 30 12:52:15 unknown com.apple.debugserver-48[2630] <Error>: error: failed to lookup the process ID for CFBundleIdentifier com.iAndApp.BlockPop.
Fri Jul 30 12:52:15 unknown com.apple.debugserver-48[2630] <Warning>: error: failed to launch process (null): unknown error.
Fri Jul 30 12:52:15 unknown com.apple.debugserver-48[2630] <Warning>: 1 [0a46/1403]: error: ::read ( 6, 0x3809f4, 1024 ) => -1 err = Bad file descriptor (0x00000009)
Fri Jul 30 12:52:45 unknown SpringBoard[28] <Notice>: MultitouchHID(20af30) uilock state: 0 -> 1
Thanks in advance!
Well, I did as many other did, I recreated the project and moved the content to the new project. Some lessons learned that may be valuable for others:
First, I tried to create an empty project and then copied all content by just dragging the files (classes, sound files, xib files, etc.). That didn't work, complaints about that it couldn't load the files. May also have to do with that I changed name of the project earlier, that's actually when all problems started.
I created a new project that's window-based. Could be my incompetence, but I didn't manage to get the first view loaded properly and, hence, ended up with a grey first view. I created all files and xibs and copied the code from to the newly created class files. I copied/pasted all graphical objects in my xib and configured everything as they're supposed to be (class associations, actions, outlets, etc).
I created a new view-based application with exactly the name I was going to use for my app. By doing this I get the delegate AND controller file for free, and I was hoping that some of the assocations I failed to do was going to come for free now. Differently from 2 above, I now added my files by rigth-clicking on Classes/Other Resources/etc.->Add->Existing Files. The only thing I dragged from my old project was png-files. I cannot really explain why, but I guess that some associations happens behind the scenes when xCode creates the delegate and controller files which I couldn't controll when creating a windows based project, due to my incompetence or how xCode works.
I had a similar problem. The Console log showed:
Mon Dec 6 10:43:46 (deviceName) com.apple.launchd[1] (UIKitApplication:(appId)[0x7f1b][2763]) : ((appId)[0x7f1b]) posix_spawn("/var/mobile/Applications/427DC185-7DD3-4286-B73E-9B650798A37D/(appName).app/CO", ...): Permission denied
This only occurred when running/debugging with XCode debugger. The app would not crash when launching from the launcher.
I tried reinstalling certificates with no success.
It appeared to me that the problem was with the debugger connecting.
I deleted the application, and on the next run/debug with XCode the problem had gone away!
I am using this script to rename my iOS project. https://github.com/ytbryan/rename
Remember to update your Xcode scheme too.

iPhone universal app. MoviePlayer.framwork problem

I have application based on 3.0 iPhone OS SDK
One of tasks is playing video (I use MPMoviePlayerController for this task)
Now I try to make universal app working on both 3.0 and 3.2 OS
I did all steps described in apple documentation: Upgrade Current Target for iPad; make run-time checking for symbols using
[[UIDevice currentDevice] respondsToSelector:#selector(userInterfaceIdiom)]
function. But when I start my application on device - iPhone with OS 3.1.3 my apllication is crashes with next log:
Tue May 25 18:00:28 unknown SpringBoard[24] <Notice>: MultitouchHID(208b30) uilock state: 1 -> 0
Tue May 25 18:00:29 unknown SpringBoard[24] <Notice>: MultitouchHID(292580) device bootloaded
Tue May 25 18:00:34 unknown UIKitApplication:...[0xaa0f][1517] <Notice>: dyld: Symbol not found: _MPMoviePlayerWillEnterFullscreenNotification
Tue May 25 18:00:34 unknown UIKitApplication:...[0xaa0f][1517] <Notice>: Referenced from: /var/mobile/Applications/876EA35E-5756-436B-A9E2-5481D4D62050/....app/...
Tue May 25 18:00:34 unknown UIKitApplication:...[0xaa0f][1517] <Notice>: Expected in: /System/Library/Frameworks/MediaPlayer.framework/MediaPlayer
Tue May 25 18:00:35 unknown kernel[0] <Debug>: launchd[1517] Builtin profile: container (seatbelt)
Tue May 25 18:00:35 unknown kernel[0] <Debug>: launchd[1517] Container: /private/var/mobile/Applications/876EA35E-5756-436B-A9E2-5481D4D62050 (seatbelt)
Tue May 25 18:00:35 unknown ReportCrash[1518] <Notice>: Formulating crash report for process cnetmobile[1517]
Tue May 25 18:00:36 unknown com.apple.launchd[1] <Warning>: (UIKitApplication:...[0xaa0f]) Job appears to have crashed: Trace/BPT trap
Tue May 25 18:00:36 unknown com.apple.launchd[1] <Warning>: (UIKitApplication:...[0xaa0f]) Throttling respawn: Will start in 2147483646 seconds
Tue May 25 18:00:36 unknown SpringBoard[24] <Warning>: Application '...' exited abnormally with signal 5: Trace/BPT trap
Tue May 25 18:00:36 unknown ReportCrash[1518] <Error>: Saved crashreport to /var/mobile/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/..._2010-05-25-180034_...-iPhone.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 501 egid: 0
Tue May 25 18:01:36 unknown SpringBoard[24] <Notice>: MultitouchHID(208b30) uilock state: 0 -> 1
As you can see the error is "Symbol not found: _MPMoviePlayerWillEnterFullscreenNotification". This symbol is notification available in MediaPlayer.framework starting from iPhone OS 3.2
So, what am I doing wrong? What I should do to have universal application working correct on OS 3.2 (with new available functionality) and older OSes (with their functionality)?
The content of that constant is the string #"MPMoviePlayerWillEnterFullscreenNotification", so you can use this string in place of the constant.
Alternatively, you could
use functions like dlsym to get the symbol at runtime; or
make that symbol weakly linked (= doing step 1 automatically)
It's MediaPlay.framework not added.