How to add MAF process to windows firewall exception rules - plugins

I using Microsoft Managed AddIn Framework, to run my addin as a separate process.
It creates a process called "AddInProcess32.exe" from my plugin dll.
The plugin should able to open a port, so i should able to add it to fire wall exception application. But i can not do this.
How can i add my MAF process to fire wall exception in windows 7?

First of all, .NET Framework version is important. AddInProcess32.exe is located under;
For .NET FW 3.5
For .NET FW 4.0
Rest of the work is the same as adding any application to windows firewall. Something like below should work.
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name=AddInProcess32 dir=in action=allow program="C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5\AddInProcess32.exe" enable=yes profile=any
For outgoing rules, you can also use the line below;
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name=AddInProcess32 dir=out action=allow program="C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5\AddInProcess32.exe" enable=yes profile=any
Warning: Since AddInProcess32.exe can be used by different applications, it may not be safe to add it to Windows Firewall. Just a warning. At least you may try to limit its permissions.


How to get non-default Windows Firewall rules in PowerShell?

I've tried using Get-NetFirewallRule | fl * to see if I can tell the difference between Windows Firewall rules that were created by 3rd party programs vs rules that are native and present by default in Windows Firewall, but I couldn't.
Is there any command, script or .NET method that can do that? want to list all non-native ones.
The only difference I can see between Windows built-in Firewall rules and Firewall rules created by 3rd party programs is that Windows built-in rules always have Group names and are placed in groups, but 3rd party Firewall rules don't have groups, of course they can have groups too but so far, at least on my computer, they don't. looking for a more concrete identifier though.
Update: another Identifier I can see is that in the "Program" section of all Windows built-in Firewall things like this exist:
Although I haven't figured out how I can use that. I'm not sure if 3rd party Firewall rules can use system or SYSTEM too or what program system even is exactly.

How to create a Windows 10 Defender firewall rule with install4j?

My Java app needs to communicate through a specific TCP port. I would like the installer to add a Windows Defender Firewall rule to allow intranet communication through that port. How can I do this with install4j?

windows server advanced firewall not immediately apply changes to rule scope updated from powershell

I have a scheduled task which extract ip address from the list of failed login attempt on a sql machine, and update a firewall rule with something like this:
netsh advfirewall firewall set rule name="BlockIpFromSQLFailedLogin" new remoteip=",," action="block"
But it does not immediately have effect. After a while the firewall seems to reload it's configuration and finally starts blocking access for the new added ip addresses.
How can I force the firewall to immediately refresh and start blocking them?
I can see a similar behavior from the UI of windows advanced firewall, because after running the script if I open the rule and open the scope I can see the old list of ip address. If I click "refresh" the list is updated and the ip are blocked.
I can't seem to find how to force the firewall to refresh from a powershell script.
Anyone knows how to do it?

Why does the Windows command shell tell me to use a different command and then say that command does not exist?

In connection with my handheld > server app using Web API RESTful methods problem discussed here (Does an ASP.NET Web API app need to be installed into the "real" IIS before a handheld device can access its RESTful methods?), I tried to verify I wasn't having a firewall problem by using the shell command delineated here:, explicitly:
netsh firewall add portopening TCP 80 IISExpressWeb enable ALL
I also did it using port 777, as that is the one I've got set up in applicationhost.config:
<binding protocol="http" bindingInformation="*:28642:localhost" />
<binding protocol="http" bindingInformation="*:777:" />
<binding protocol="https" bindingInformation="*:44300:localhost" />
Doing so, I got this fingerwag from the command shell:
IMPORTANT: Command executed successfully. However, "netsh firewall" is deprecated; use "netsh advfirewall firewall" instead.
So, I then entered the following (the traditional/default port 80, as shown in Hanselmann's post, and then the one I added to when the trad was failing (777)), one after the other:
netsh advfirewall firewall add portopening TCP 80 IISExpressWeb enable ALL
netsh advfirewall firewall add portopening TCP 777 IISExpressWeb enable ALL
However, after entering the command shell's command (or suggestion), I then got the following feedback from the cmd shell (both times):
The following command was not found: advfirewall firewall add portopening TCP 80 IISExpressWeb enable ALL.
So it tells me to use the newfangled command, then says there's no such thing! What is the story on this? Is there a way to actually use the new command? Is my syntax wrong with it, or...???
Typing netsh /? at a command prompt explains the options available, and that to view information on the option you want to type netsh <option> /?. Doing so with
I:\>netsh advfirewall /?
The following commands are available:
Commands in this context:
? - Displays a list of commands.
consec - Changes to the `netsh advfirewall consec' context.
dump - Displays a configuration script.
export - Exports the current policy to a file.
firewall - Changes to the `netsh advfirewall firewall' context.
help - Displays a list of commands.
import - Imports a policy file into the current policy store.
mainmode - Changes to the `netsh advfirewall mainmode' context.
monitor - Changes to the `netsh advfirewall monitor' context.
reset - Resets the policy to the default out-of-box policy.
set - Sets the per-profile or global settings.
show - Displays profile or global properties.
The following sub-contexts are available:
consec firewall mainmode monitor
To view help for a command, type the command, followed by a space, and then
type ?.
You can apply <command> /? deeper, such as netsh advfirewall firewall /?, which leads to 'netsh advfirewall firewall add /?`, which leads to
I:\>netsh advfirewall firewall add rule /?
Usage: add rule name=<string>
[program=<program path>]
[service=<service short name>|any]
[enable=yes|no (default=yes)]
[localip=any|<IPv4 address>|<IPv6 address>|<subnet>|<range>|<list>]
<IPv4 address>|<IPv6 address>|<subnet>|<range>|<list>]
[localport=0-65535|<port range>[,...]|RPC|RPC-EPMap|IPHTTPS|any (default=a
[remoteport=0-65535|<port range>[,...]|any (default=any)]
tcp|udp|any (default=any)]
[rmtcomputergrp=<SDDL string>]
[rmtusrgrp=<SDDL string>]
[edge=yes|deferapp|deferuser|no (default=no)]
- Add a new inbound or outbound rule to the firewall policy.
- Rule name should be unique and cannot be "all".
- If a remote computer or user group is specified, security must be
authenticate, authenc, authdynenc, or authnoencap.
- Setting security to authdynenc allows systems to dynamically
negotiate the use of encryption for traffic that matches
a given Windows Firewall rule. Encryption is negotiated based on
existing connection security rule properties. This option
enables the ability of a machine to accept the first TCP
or UDP packet of an inbound IPsec connection as long as
it is secured, but not encrypted, using IPsec.
Once the first packet is processed, the server will
re-negotiate the connection and upgrade it so that
all subsequent communications are fully encrypted.
- If action=bypass, the remote computer group must be specified when dir=i
- If service=any, the rule applies only to services.
- ICMP type or code can be "any".
- Edge can only be specified for inbound rules.
- AuthEnc and authnoencap cannot be used together.
- Authdynenc is valid only when dir=in.
- When authnoencap is set, the security=authenticate option becomes an
optional parameter.
Add an inbound rule with no encapsulation security for messenger.exe:
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="allow messenger"
dir=in program="c:\programfiles\messenger\msmsgs.exe"
security=authnoencap action=allow
Add an outbound rule for port 80:
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="allow80"
protocol=TCP dir=out localport=80 action=block
Add an inbound rule requiring security and encryption
for TCP port 80 traffic:
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule
name="Require Encryption for Inbound TCP/80"
protocol=TCP dir=in localport=80 security=authdynenc
Add an inbound rule for messenger.exe and require security
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="allow messenger"
dir=in program="c:\program files\messenger\msmsgs.exe"
security=authenticate action=allow
Add an authenticated firewall bypass rule for group
acmedomain\scanners identified by a SDDL string:
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="allow scanners"
dir=in rmtcomputergrp=<SDDL string> action=bypass
Add an outbound allow rule for local ports 5000-5010 for udp-
Add rule name="Allow port range" dir=out protocol=udp localport=5000-5010
I'm just adding this for future "generations" - I wish I could divide the answer check with Ken White and admdrew; the first did so much work, I think I will give it to him, although both answers were good. I actually found what I needed though in a comment appended to Hanselmann's post referenced at the top of my question (by Blake, etwa 60% of the way down the page).
I had to enter "cmd" in the Start > Run box, mash Ctrl+Shift+Enter to run the shell as administrator, and then enter these commands:
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="IISExpressWeb" dir=in protocol=tcp localport=80 profile=private remoteip=localsubnet action=allow
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="IISExpressWeb" dir=in protocol=tcp localport=777 profile=private remoteip=localsubnet action=allow
They ran with no squawking from the Microsoft elves that live inside the console (they meekly echoed back a simple, "Ok." after I pasted them and ran them).
Looks like it's just a syntax thing; portopening isn't a valid option for advfirewall. Check out:
Running netsh advfirewall firewall add rule /? from the command line will also give you a bunch of syntax information.

Specify port when calling WMI in powershell?

WMI queries run off port 135 (from what google tells me). Can you specify a different port when trying to do a WMI query?
Alternatively, can you use the system.managment.managementScope object and specify a port when connecting? Perhaps like this:
If the answer to both of these is "no," then can you connect a different way and once connected, run a wmi query?
Reason for this question:
I have a mixed environment, and I need to query some servers behind a firewall. I cannot specify a timeout value for WMI queries, so I need a way to connect to these boxes without a new firewall rule.
WMI uses port 135 to negotiate, then the DCOM selects a random port between 1024 and 65535. Making it hard to for a fixed port. Not very friendly for firewalls...
As a comment from Jeff, said above you have to tell the machine you are connecting to, to limit the port it uses.
In windows server 2003 you could not limit the port which was chosen, so for those I run my script on that server and then push the results back on known port. My script uses the standard SQL port as all information is stored on the database.
For windows server 2008 R2 you can limit the port it uses, this can be done by running the following on each server;
At the command prompt, type winmgmt -standalonehost
Stop the WMI service by typing the command net stop "Windows Management Instrumentation"
Restart the WMI service again in a new service host
by typing net start "Windows Management Instrumentation"
Establish a new port number for the WMI service by typing netsh firewall add
portopening TCP 24158 WMIFixedPort
Steps and more information can be found here (as Jeff gave):
Setting Up a Fixed Port for WMI
Its not the best solution but the only one I know of, I have been building scripts for a large server environment for a long time now. The way I have always handled it is to have a script in each location (DMZ etc) and then push the data back on a known port.
I hope you find this useful.